July 2020


Jun. 11th, 2020



[No Subject]


So, this is Dennis Creevey, all grown up!

Your character might remember Dennis as the super excited brother of the equally super excited Colin Creevey. You might remember him as the kid who fell off his boat in the first year and made friends with the Giant Squid. Or maybe the youngest member of the original DA.

Dennis was all of those things, but he no longer defines himself by these things (well, except the brother one). After Dennis and Colin were on the run from the Wizarding Government when he was 14, and the loss of his brother at the final battle, Dennis grew a lot colder. He finished Hogwarts out of obligation (there was too big of a gap in his knowledge to go back to muggle school). He hated it, he was depressed, he acted out and barely graduated.

Still, he passed his exams.

He moved immediately back to the muggle world, cutting almost all ties with the wizarding world. He started doing odd jobs, mostly in construction and doc work, when he ran into his Best Friend Natalie from Hogwarts. They caught up, and through her, he learned about the fact that she was in contact with the NSPS and got in touch with them too.

See, even though Dennis is all angry at the world, he still has the same key flaw that he’s always had. He just sort of trusts peoples words. And he honestly believes that the NSPS is just trying to seek out those wizards intent to harm the muggle world. He believes that anyone who cooperates with them will be spared.

So, Dennis Creevey is an active Agent for the NSPS, and also a hitwizard in Training, and a Bartender at the Leaky for the time being.

Apr. 27th, 2020



[No Subject]

Hey guys!

This is Angelina Johnson, proud gryffindor and former quidditch player. She’s got a bit of an attitude sometimes, but she has nothing but love for (most) people.

Angelina used to play for Pride of Portree, but after the final battle and losing Fred (they were engaged), she fell into a pretty big depression, got traded off to the Cannons and realized that she just wasnt happy with her life. She retired from quidditch 2001 and did a little bit of traveling on her quidditch savings. She settled down for a while, and realized along that time that what she really enjoyed doing was cooking.

She’s back now, and she’s working at A Hole in the Wall pub as a bartender while putting herself through whatever the magical equivalent to culinary school is. She’s happy to be home and with her friends, even though the war is making her more and more anxious about what they’ve already been through.

She would love your plots.

Apr. 24th, 2020



[No Subject]

Hi Everyone,

With what I swear is my last character for the moment, I'm bringing Astoria Greengrass to the game.

Astoria is of course Daphne's little sister and was in the same year as Ginny at schoool. Since leaving Hogwarts, Astoria has become less pureblood princess and more hedonistic party girl. Currently living in Diagon Alley, she is currently working as a Teller at the bank and hopes to one day train as a curse breaker.

Ideally, I would really like some of her friends that she parties a lot for, just for shits and giggles. I'd also be open to past, present or future flings (either gender), as well as maybe that good friend to stage the intervention when her party girl ways get too hardcore.

If anyone has anything they'd like to offer me, let me know!

Apr. 18th, 2020



[No Subject]

Hello everyone!

I know most of you, but I don't know everyone, so I'm Jess. I paused playing for a bit because I was in the process of getting a promotion and had to step up a bit more at work. Well, long story short, the promotion KIND OF fell through. I went on vacation right before the state shut down and planned to come back the next week and start in on some promotion work and then we didn't come back and here we are 5 weeks later. So. I'm back happily and with more time on my hands (but at the same time working more than I was working when I was working in person).

And! I'm bringing you Draco Malfoy!

You know who Draco is. You know what Draco did. He did those things, but he's very much a changed man. After the war, Draco and his mother spent several months helping out in the community--they donated a lot of money, volunteered a lot of time, and sold nearly everything in their home (except the dark items that went straight to the Ministry). Draco's father was sentenced to life in Azkaban (because fuck that guy). After they did their civic duty, Draco and Narcissa moved to Paris. Draco got a Mastery in Potions, and became good friends with Susan, Hannah and his best friend Aurelie Dumont (a Beauxbatons student). He's godfather to Aurelie's youngest daughter and right proud of that position. During his time in Paris, Narcissa was killed by Muggles, and it proved to him that he was right to hate Muggles (and he doesn't trust muggleborns who are still connected to their families).

He's JUST moved back to Hogsmeade. He accepted a position for next fall at Hogwarts as the Potions Professor, and he thought he'd get settled into the community before moving into the castle in September. Also, Paris is becoming more dangerous to live in, so he's helping Aurelie find a place for herself and her children (the role's open if anyone wants it).

Anyway, that's the very very short version of everything. For the long version, have a look at his profile.

Send me all the plot!

Apr. 11th, 2020



[No Subject]

Hey guys!

This is Katie Bell-- best known as one of the three best chasers the Gryffindor quidditch team has ever known!

Katie grew up pretty happily middle class, she has three siblings (who I mean, I wouldn’t mind having in game, *nudgenudge*) and she’s cousins with Flynn Walker. She lives in St. Ottery with one of her best friends, Lee Jordan.

After being cursed with the amulet meant for Dumbledore during the war, Katie spent her last year mostly in the hospital. Afterwards, she started Auror Academy to fight against the people who had hurt her, and others like them. She’s been a pretty damn good Auror since then.

She needs all sorts of plots, so please hit me up!

Mar. 26th, 2020



[No Subject]

Okay --- so, I’m back with internet for a while BECAUSE SOME PEOPLE ARE VERY LOVELY.

I just wanted to do a little bit of updating, though the only two of mine that have done anything worth noting is Neville and Mike. You can basically just assume that Adrian and Meaghan are going about their daily lives despite the shake up in Godrics.

Neville got stabbed a couple of times while trying to peacefully deal with the muggles and protect the citizens of Godric’s. He was put in the hospital for a couple of days, probably because one of the stab wounds knicked a pretty important organ and they just wanted to make sure that he was otherwise unaffected by it. He just got home. He’s not particularly happy about it. He probably wrote like Harry, Hermione and Ron just to let them know he was okay, but otherwise didn’t say much about it.

Michael was at Godric’s because he is on call with the Ministry to heal for the DMLE (and those that don’t officially exist through the DMLE). Michael was doing his best to patch everyone up on the scene when a muggle rushed him with a baseball bat and broke his leg. Michael healed it himself on the scene, but obviously didn’t wait and rest properly before trying to go help others. So he has a bit of a limp right now, and his leg bothers him a little bit. He’ll be that way for a while because he’s stubborn, might be a little permanent, but not debilitating or anything. I also think he lost his journal, to excuse his lack of response. He’s been working everyday to help those affected by the attack. Someone should really make this dude sit down and take a break.

If there is anything that happened that Adrian/Meaghan/Michael/Neville need to know, please drop it here!

Thank you so much for your patience, guys.

Mar. 19th, 2020



[No Subject]

Helllllllo all. Finally introing my newest trash gremlin for your enjoyment!

This is Daphne Greengrass. Slytherin from Trio year, fancy pureblood family, etc etc. She's Terence Higgs' cousin, so be nice to him because he's one of the few people she actually kind of likes. Otherwise, she's not....super nice. She won't go out of her way to make you miserable, but generally speaking if it doesn't directly affect her or benefit her in some way then she doesn't think about it? She's very spoiled, very cunning, very direct. Doesn't apologize for being selfish or stuck up, doesn't sugar coat, that sort of thing. Her parents set her up with a proper match (which is definitely open if someone wants me to love them and owe them forever!) but there is definitely no love or monogamy there. She used to write for Witch Weekly, but decided she wanted to be in charge rather than under someone's direction and then just decided to be a socialite and do whatever she wanted in that way.

She needs friends (not that there's likely to be a lot of TRUE friends, but outside of Ernie and Ivy and Ros she's open to some more). Exes. Flings. Whatever! Lay it on me.

Mar. 17th, 2020



[No Subject]

Hi Everyone,

As I aparently have 0% self control, I've decided to bring the adorable Ernie Macmillan to the party! Massively less pompous then he once was at school, Ernie is currently working as a healer at Alley Sanitarium.

If anyone has any offers of friends, enemies, ex-girlfriends etc. then let me know! The boy is a pretty blank slate at the moment for connections!

Mar. 1st, 2020



[No Subject]

Hi Everyone,

This is my second (and last for the moment, I swear!) kid.

Anyway, meet Stephen Cornbrook! Stephen is a former Ravenclaw and current owner of Slugs & Jiggers on Diagon Alley. He is a little awkward ball of energy, but he does really mean well, even if he sometimes says the wrong thing.

Let me know if anyone wants him for anything!