Posts Tagged: 'player:+amy'

Jun. 23rd, 2020



[No Subject]

Now that it's officially warm again, I still say we make the slushies just with more vibrant colors for summer and with flowery names and flavors. What's the summer without some sort of booze slushie to help you stagger home?

On a less enjoyable note, I've been talked into a 'family' dinner. October, mom better have guilted you into being there too. I won't suffer alone.

| Trace |
Feel like cheering me up after work?



[No Subject]

I'm actually a little sad about losing the snow. I was enjoying the winter activities we could do. I suppose summer activities are just as fun.

I will say, I wish I worked in primary care on days like today. It was so beautiful I was tempted to put up a tent and seen people outside. That doesn't work with my line of work, unfortunately, but at least I got to enjoy the outdoors when I walked home.

| Eros |
You might have been right. Giving up was a bad idea.



[No Subject]

While amusing to watch the suffering of oth the snow piling up again, I have to admit I was more than pleased when it began clearing up. By today you'd never realize summer had gone, it was nice. Certainly better for the mental health of the community.

| City Workers |
I believe your lost tools have been abandoned near the edge of town on one of the hiking trails. I saw some oddly placed tools the other day on a walk. Just in case you wanted to retrieve them.

Jun. 20th, 2020



[No Subject]

I did my part. I asked the 9 people I consider friends to be in the wedding. The rest is up to you. I know you won't want to limit who you invite.

[Private Message to: Brendan, Bones, Charlie, Fin, Eros, Rook, Terence & Gabe]
Messaged Individually
Find a suit and a date in the next month or so. I'm getting married and you guys can play attractive groomsmen.

If you're anti-wedding consider that there is booze involved and bridesmaids. Especially if you don't bring a date.

[Private Message to: Trace]
I need a best man. Feel like putting on a suit for a day and being uncomfortably hot in the sun with me?

Jun. 19th, 2020



[No Subject]

[Text 6/19: Dax @ 11:45pm]
Are you up, Dax?

Jun. 18th, 2020



[No Subject]

[Private to: Audrey]
You're good at hedge magic, aren't you? I have a request and I know it's out of left field but I was told someone I was very close with is not long for this world. I need to know if it's true.

His name is Jaime Hernandez.

[ Message to the Mayor's office]
I submitted a request to leave two days ago and haven't heard anything back.
I'm resubmitting my request again today. I am needed on the outside briefly.
I know it comes on the heels of the attack against the suppliers but I'm needed and have to go.

Jun. 16th, 2020



[No Subject]

[Private: Cross Jefferson]
Hi. You don't know me. Probably. I would have texted, but I don't have your number. Jaime Hernandez is really close to becoming a permanent member of the Otherworld. If you know what I mean. It was important I let you know so consider this your official notice.

[Private: Roger Davidson]
Any tips on getting the Caspers the Not So Friendly Ghosts to stop talking to me?

[Private: Jacen Griffiths]
Thanks for the fire. Kept everything nice and toasty. Without, you know, things being actual toast.

Jun. 14th, 2020



[No Subject]

It snows in New York every winter. This is basically like being at home.

On that note, Kyal lets try this again. What time are you leaving the hospital tonight?

| Gabriel |
Our supplies runs have been canceled for a while. You may want to start charging more for things you do have.



[No Subject]

Seeing it snowing makes me incredibly glad I'm on my third cup of coffee. I'll be warm enough to walk home without my coat later due to sheer heart-stopping caffeine overload.

I might be one of the rare ones but I actually don't mind the snow. It makes the town even more serene looking at night. At least when it's a calm night.

[Text: Dax Ulrich]
I'm sorry I haven't said anything before now.
My hours are kind of crazy

I'd like to see you again. If you still want to.



[No Subject]

Thanks again Dax for watching James on Friday. I know I probably killed whatever social life you might have tried to have. I'll make it up to you, I promise.

I'm almost sad that it's so late at night - or well it is for a toddler. James loved the snow this year. I'll have to take him out after work tomorrow if it's still snowing in the morning. Anyone up for a kid-gloves only snow ball fight tomorrow night?

| Rook |
I heard a lot of hatred was going around toward you for trying to sober someone up. Are you all right? I'm sure having people shitting on you for doing the right thing isn't easy.

| Audrey |
I'm sorry about Friday. Maybe we can try this Friday to have that drink, that is if you're willing to cash in that rain check.



[No Subject]

I have to admit, watching it snow from inside the hospital makes it look a lot more beautiful than it probably feels when you're outside in it. Especially since we just left winter behind us. Still, on the bright side, if anyone thought we didn't get enough snow this year, you're getting your wish for more, right?

| Eros |
I need your opinion on something. Can I convince you to come into the hospital for a few hours?

| Terence |
Don't die walking home from work with all those drunks out there probably lighting themselves and everything else on fire, okay? I'd be really sad if you were gone.



[No Subject]

People are acting as if they've never seen snow in their life when we live in the mountains. I'm curious....does amnesia run rampant in this town? Perhaps I should request to do a psychological study on the effects of isolationist living.

| Hector |
Come warm me up properly.



[No Subject]

Guess who accidentally broke their apartment thermostat but didn't care because hey, summer. It won't be that cold. I can just ask for it to be fixed later.

...It's really fucking cold in here now and I don't think I own enough blankets or sweaters.


This place sucks so much right now.

Jun. 11th, 2020



[No Subject]

Tomorrow night is my first night off in ages since we traded off for call last weekend. I have no idea what I'm going to do with myself. Nightlife isn't really something I'm familiar with unless it's at the hospital.

| friends |
He kissed me. Dax kissed me. I flush every time I say
I think I'm in trouble. I can't stop thinking about it or him.

But men are dangerous.

| Kyal |
Do you think....we can talk sometime soon? I need...sort of advice?

Jun. 10th, 2020



[No Subject]

| Rook |

| Alastair & Trace|
(Privated individually)
I may need bailed out or ....possibly an audiance with St. Peter.



[No Subject]

Please keep in mind that excusing behaviors as 'teenage angst' is making yourself part of the problem rather than part of the solution. With finals being this week, parents try talking to your children about fears they may have about grades or graduating for those that are heading for that. Don't ignore signs of obvious or not so obvious distress.

Teachers, I would advise the same. I know it's easy to 'check out' but our youth deserve more than just a brushing glance and 'he's or she's stressed' comment.

| Hector |
Is there something you'd like to tell me?
Perhaps plans you forgot to mention?

| Eros |
I'm already tired of being 'nice'. It's exhausting.

Jun. 9th, 2020



[No Subject]

My pager goes off. It's now after 11pm. I call back, no one answers. I call again and I'm told there is an emergency. I run to the hospital only to discover it was an error and they messaged the wrong pager oh but since I'm here can I just see...

I wasn't sleeping or something. Who sleeps?

I do need coffee though.

Why is breakroom coffee sludge tonight? I hate it.

[Text: Terence Rodriguez]
I'm sorry about Friday.
Remind me not to drink anymore.



[No Subject]

It's Tuesday night. Beng hammered this early on a Tuesday night spells 'dumped' or 'cheated on'. I'm almost curious about which one that is but I really don't think I'm in a place mentally to listen to tears.

Ugh. Bro in the center of the bar needs tissues. I'm taking a break and putting bets down with the serving staff that he cries before his next drink.

Jun. 5th, 2020



[No Subject]

It's all fun and games until you have two lines or a plus sign at 2am. Condom use and birth control prevent unwanted and unplanned life choices.

Use them.

Also, some STI's are literally forever. So consider that when you hear 'but condoms don't feel good'. Herpes outbreaks don't either.

| Terence |
Your quarterly STI screen is due. Your phone should pop up with a notification soon if it hasn't already. You big dumb whor

Jun. 3rd, 2020



[No Subject]

I hate day shift. I'll stick with night shift from now on thank you. Looking forward to sleeping tonight and tomorrow during the day. I need it.

| Dax |
Are you bus Do you think you could talk to me for a little bit?
I lost a patient and I just...

Are you on shift?