Posts Tagged: 'player:+lis'

Jun. 21st, 2020



[No Subject]

WHO: Elsie and Delilah Griffiths
WHAT: Baking lessons
WHEN: Sunday afternoon
WHERE: Elsie's apartment
RATING|STATUS: Low | Incomplete

What's your poison today? )

Jun. 18th, 2020



[No Subject]

WHO: Kyal and Kitty Phillips
WHAT: Sharing news. Asking opinions. Brother and sister catching up.
WHEN: Thursday, June 18th, 11:30
WHERE: Sunfower Deli
RATING|STATUS: Low | Incomplete

For the life of her, she couldn't think of what he had to share. )

Jun. 16th, 2020



[No Subject]

WHO: Teddy Walker & Elsie Griffiths
WHAT: Spellcasting
WHEN: June 15th, around 5PM
WHERE: Community garden
RATING | STATUS: Low | In Progress

it's the thing now )

Jun. 10th, 2020



[No Subject]

WHO: Elsie Griffths and Gabe Ryan
WHAT: Cinderella Elsie is retrieving her boot.
WHEN: Monday afternoon, after 3PM
WHERE: Gabe's Office? Home? IDK, wherever he is
RATING|STATUS: Low/In Progress

She wasn't afraid to work the angles )