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This is a half-hearted attempt to be less anti-social. I am also interested in writing fanfiction. I am 21. For 20 years all I've done is kept breathing and kept silent. I have yet to start living. A change of "lifestyle" is in order, but I am at a loss on how to go about it. My support system is one person, my only friend. I don't think I am interesting enough or knowledgeable enough to make new friends. Not sure if I can trust people anymore. This is really depressing, but dunno how to introduce myself. The name zen is kind of random, but I would really like it if I could find some sort of balance. Call me Lucas.
  • i'm just as anti-social, i try to talk to people but i end up hating people in the end. it happens. i never leave the house either unless it's school, work, or my friend's house. =/

    but most definitely added, add back?
  • welcome to ij!
  • Welcome to IJ, Lucas. ^_^ Care to be friends? I don't get out much, either.
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