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network; scarlet spider (001) [15 Apr 2015|10:14pm]
I killed someone during the time freeze. I had a right to do it (he was trying to kill Jack, and me), and I don't feel guilty for stopping him, but I keep trying to tell the police what I did so I can get this whole this over with and they just think I'm insane.

Literally insane, the last time I called, the cop threatened to try and have me committed again because I'm clearly having a delusional psychotic break from reality.

I'm not. I'm not goddamn crazy. There was a guy there and apparently he was gone by the time anyone got there.

I'm not crazy.

phone call; marvel » vic [15 Apr 2015|10:08pm]
( backdated to monday, april 13th )

INCOMING CALL: Marvel Kaplan

Network Post: Cliff [15 Apr 2015|05:33pm]


texts: kinah → kareem [15 Apr 2015|02:14am]

» As-salamu alaykum from AMERICA!
» Just got into JFK
» And you are ... where?

network post: evangeline frost [14 Apr 2015|12:19pm]

It has come to our attention that there have been several unexplained [...] incidents over the last thirty-six hours, including but not limited to: power loss, power shifts, apparent time travel (and/or "de-aging"), the sudden absorption of knowledge, and an inability to lie.

I am looking into the cause. We should all be looking into the cause. This may be carryover from the incident in October with the Haze, but it seems wildly unlikely.

If anything unusual has happened to you or someone you know in the last thirty-six hours, notify me immediately. We've reason to believe all of these events are connected but that's not guaranteed.

EDITED TO ADD: Dr. Kinah Guthrie-Jalili will be coming in this week, to be employed by the school as a physician. I want anyone affected by this to go to her after her arrival for blood tests and scans.

Astrid's powers are gone. For the first time in months, I can see her eyes.

[13 Apr 2015|10:18pm]

Why is everything just a recycled Simpsons plot? South Park did a whole episode about that 13 years ago and it's still true.

network; alec deeks (001) [13 Apr 2015|07:05pm]

So, are classes officially cancelled? And if they are, what reason can you even put down for that? Act of God? I mean, I probably couldn't put that down. Since it'd be a fucking lie.

I had a liar liar moment an hour ago. The pen is definitely blue.

network; marvel (002) [13 Apr 2015|01:42am]
So, um.

What the hell?

text; annabel » silent knight [12 Apr 2015|04:08pm]
texts to jack murdock:
» So what did she want?

Network Post: Kareem [12 Apr 2015|01:43pm]


Funhouse horror aside, I'm glad you're settling into the Sentries. Nice armor.


So I hear you're not back to the field yet. Did you need any help getting back into fighting shape or are they just keeping you back for other things?

Also there's a place with great halal kebabs if you're up for it.

texts: ash → peggy [11 Apr 2015|11:42pm]

» Does your bologna have a first name?

text; warbird » druid [10 Apr 2015|04:33pm]
texts to vic altman:
» Get your people together
» SHIELD's got something for you

network; annabel (001) [10 Apr 2015|02:04pm]
My mother called.

My son is five months old. I sent her a birth announcement. Now she calls. Doesn't leave a message.

Someone tell me what to do because what I want is to throw my phone against the wall. I miss my dad

texts: vic → cliff [10 Apr 2015|03:42am]

» Hey buddy
» I'm gonna have to stand you up for our plans this weekend, sorry.

network; ellis (001) [10 Apr 2015|01:44am]

Milo will accidentally poison and/or torture that kid, you know that, right?

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