January 31st, 2011

[info]wheelstoroad in [info]new_worlds_sls


Ladies and gentlemen, your attention please. This is Abby, with a message for you about our current plot: The Nexus.

We have reached the midpoint in our Nexus plot, and from here on out, things get a bit... dark. As of today (well yesterday), the Nexus has become corrupted. What were your characters fantasies will now be turned on their heads and their worst fears, nightmares and things they never dared to think would happen - in a bad sense - can and will.

MEANWHILE, IN THE OUTSIDE WORLD: While everyone has been noticing the LARGE number of people who have just gone missing - without even a trace or a sign of a struggle - things now take another turn. Over the next few weeks (This plot will end in three weeks) the temperature will fluxuate, weather will be weird. Deserts will freeze over, and those who are magically sensative will start noticing strange occurances. These are all leading up to our next plot which will be announced shortly :D Just know that it will be a doozy!

We hope you guys are all enjoying it, and will take full advantage of a chance to have your charies confused and/or tortured within their own created world! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask any of us! We mods are here for you all!