June 16th, 2010

[info]shinytomato in [info]new_worlds_sls

Leverage Consulting & Associates

This is just a small crash course for those new to the world of Leverage and Parker.

Parker is coming from the tail end of the second season (but with room if anything about her is revealed during the coming season) and she is part of what is basically a band of modern day Robin Hoods. So the last she knew Nathan had just given himself up and well she has no idea where the rest of the team is, not good for a woman who has not had the best of luck when it comes to family. The team has become her newfound family.

But for the moment Parker is without her team and well she may be one of the best thieves in the world but she's not so great with people. In spite of this one person in this place does get her: Ezio Auditore of the Assassin's Guild (and she is going to freelance for the various good guy teams as a thief for the short term along with her being an Affiliate for Ezio).

Her IC voice mail for work is here: http://shinytomato.insanejournal.com/1023.html

http://leverage-wiki.tnt.tv/ for more on the show.

[info]diamond_heart in [info]new_worlds_sls

The Hellfire Club

The Hellfire Club

The Hellfire Club mentioned in Marvel Comics is in fact based on a real establishment founded in the 18th Century. The Club is infamous across England and Ireland (it's foundation) for it's mark on society as a gentleman's club that promoted such debauchery as prostitution, alcohol abuse, drug use, drug peddling and of course mixed these with a political agenda. It became an elite force in the socio-political world as the members were persons of high class society. Business arrangements circled around the club and eventually it became essential for an entrepreneur to gain access if he sought the most efficient means of networking. Hedonism flourishes on Hellfire ground. Though the higher ranking members such as Sebastian Shaw and Emma Frost have come in conflict with X-Men, the Hellfire itself has no one true enemy. The establishment brings in as much Pros as it does Cons which is why government tends to turn a blind eye. Hellfire is neutral ground.

Sebastian Shaw: The Black King )
Emma Frost: The White Queen )
Nathaniel King: The White King )
Allen Schreiber (Flauros): The Black Knight )