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Jul. 18th, 2011


Who: Synthia and Johann Smidt.
Where: Synthia's home in San Diego.
When: Late night.
What: Catching up, plotting..
Open: No.
Rating: Moderate.
Status: Incomplete.
Read more... )

Jul. 17th, 2011


Who: Aria and Titan.
Where: Her office.
When: Evening.
What: Talking.
Open: Not really.
Status: incomplete.
Rating: low.
Read more... )

Jul. 15th, 2011


Who: Martha Jones, Jack Harkness and INTRODUCING a new character
What: Jack is bored, Martha has had enough of him vandalizing her lab.
When: Backdated to July 9, 2011
Where: The Hub and then a club in Cardiff, you'll see.
Why: Becuase Martha knows Jack needs to get out. Camera Spying can only get you so far
Status: Closed, incomplete

This is the Army, Mr. Jones )


Who: Dinah Lance and/or Diana Price, Barda Free.
What: Ladies night. Superpowered ladies night.
Where: A reputable bar with meta-insurance
When: Friday night
Warnings: tbd

Jul. 14th, 2011


Who: Myra and Open
What: A change of scenery
When: July 14, 2011
where: Gotham City
Why: Myra (and others) are in town for the Gotham International Auto Show! And bad things happen!
Status: Open! Incomplete!

Grease Monkeys with Wrenches Unite! )

Jul. 9th, 2011


The Big Day

Who: Ted Grant & Kara Zor-L, Open to all JLA and JSA members.
What: The white wedding of the century
Where: San Francisco, California on a hill overlooking the bay
Why: They're in love, and are tying the knot
When: July 8th, 2011, 11am
Rating: Should be mild, G at least until the honeymoon
Status: OPEN, Incomplete
Marriage day )

Jul. 8th, 2011


Who: Noble 6, OTA
What: Arrival of a Spartan
When: late afternoon
Where: Reach -> New York
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

Burn on, burn bright )

Jul. 7th, 2011


Who: Tony and Marianne Rodgers
What: An old friend is out of the asylum
Where: Stark tower New york
when 7/7/2011
Rating: R
Status: Incomplete.
Hey )


Who: Juggernaut, OTA
What: Brooding and scheming
Where: Canada near the Weapon X Facility at Alkali Lake
Why: He's still pissed off
When: July 7th, 2011, just before noon
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete, Open

Cain had returned to Canada and made his way to the Alkali Lake Weapon X facility to try and get answers about their pet who had brought him down and escaped with his helmet. If he had to strangle answers out of the entire facility then he would.

The guards outside knew they couldn't keep him out and called for backup as he walked through the yard towards the front door. Umbrella now controlled the program but Juggernaut didn't give two shits who or what tried to keep him out. He was getting in whether they opened the door or he had to open it himself. The Juggernaut still had his skullcap, and he was still very much invulnerable.

Jul. 6th, 2011


Who: Cordelia Chase, and OTA
When: Wednesday evening
Where: Park in downtown L.A.
Rating: PG-13? so far
Status: Incomplete.

Take the leap, what's the worst that could happen. It's only a hell dimension. )

Jul. 5th, 2011


Who: Bart Allen, Cissie King-Jones, Possible appearance by Max Crandall/Max Mercury, the Zen Master of Speed
What: An invitation from a member of Bart's past and present
When: Tuesday, June 21, 2011 - Backdated
Where: Cranston Home, Manchester, Alabama
Why: Cissie has a debt to repay and a friend to see
Status: Incomplete/work in progress

Um... hi. Is Bart home? )

Jul. 4th, 2011


Who: Emma Frost and Ihsan
What: A new vessel
When: Today
Where: The astral plane
Rating: NC-17
Status: Complete

Slowly she lowered herself onto him, her nails digging into his hips... )

Jul. 3rd, 2011


Who: Baron Zemo, Open to Aria and maybe Mac Flannigan or Carlos Ramirez
What: An assassination attempt on the young woman
Where: Los Angeles, California.
Why: Strictly business
When: July 3rd, 1:30 in the morning.
Rating: TBD
Status: OPEN, Incomplete
Strictly business. Nothing personal. )


Who: John Henry Irons, LOCKED to Selina Kyle
What: Checking on her, he wants to make sure she's ok
Where: Las Vegas Nevada
Why: She is a dear friend and he wants to keep her safe
When: June 27th, 2011 about 3pm.
Rating: TBD
Status: Locked, Incomplete
Somethings )

Jul. 1st, 2011


Who: Koriand'r, open to Titans or Leaguers
What: Grabbing a quiet moment at the Tower
Where: Titans tower, San Francisco
when: early morning
Status: Incomplete.


Who: Bobby, open to X-men, others
What: Practicing outside, more to come
Where: Mansion
when Morning
Status: Incomplete.

Jun. 30th, 2011


Who: Surge and Open
Where: Downtown New York
When: Late Wednesday Night
What: On the Hunt
Open: Yes
Status: Incomplete.
Rating: PG-13

Surge wasn't in the mood for being cooped up in the mansion tonight )

Jun. 29th, 2011


Who: Donna Troy and Kyle Rayne.
Where: Her Studio.
When: During the day.
What: Working, Flirting..
Open: Nope!
Status: Incomplete.
Rating: Moderate.
Read more... )

Jun. 28th, 2011


Who: Elena Gilbert; OTA
What: Searching for Stefan
When: Early morning
Where: Mystic Falls
Rating: Pg-13
Status: Incomplete/ Open

Jun. 27th, 2011


Who: Drake and Kimura
What: New partner? tracking x-23?
Where: Sector 3 Washington D.C.
when /27/2011
Rating: R-Violence
Status: Incomplete.
chick is nuts. )

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