June 22nd, 2011

[info]mad_telepath_ in [info]new_worlds

Who: Nathaniel king and Karla Sofen and The tinkerer
What: Every team needs a tech guy
Where: Detroit.
when 6/22/2011
Rating: Pg-13
Status: Incomplete.
more and more )

[info]theblackking in [info]new_worlds

Who: Sebastian Shaw and Baron Zemo and OTA
What: Someone is coming back
Where: Hellfire club in England.
when 6/22/2011
Status: Incomplete.
New player? )

[info]_hawkman_ in [info]new_worlds

Who: Hawkman and Bane and possibly power girl hawkgirl
What: Crackdown
Where: Central city
when 6/22/2010
Rating: R
Status: Incomplete.
it ends tonight )

[info]scruffy_dog in [info]new_worlds

Who: Sirius and OTA to marauders and The Dark lord Especially.
What: Heading for Hogwarts
Where: The school
when 6/22/2011
Rating: R for violence
Status: Incomplete.
Blood hell )

[info]american_just in [info]new_worlds

Who: Steve and Sharon
What: Resurgence in something...terrible.
Where: Mansion then Germany.
when 6/22/2011
Rating: R
Status: Incomplete.
Training clears the head. )

[info]magic_lover in [info]new_worlds

Who: Zatanna and Wonderwoman OTa
What: Some but kicking.
Where: Metro city.
when 6/22/2011
Rating: Pg-13
Status: Incomplete.
Fun )

[info]_aria in [info]new_worlds

Who: Aria, Titan and Black Widow.
When: Night.
Where: Los Angeles, Santa Monica Freeway.
Why: Black Widow is back, and ready for Action.
Open: To whoever Black Widow is working for or their goons; And hell Jumpers from Shield.
Rating: Moderate- Violence, Swearing.
Status: Incomplete.
Read more... )

[info]magic_lover in [info]new_worlds

Who: Locked to Bruce and Zatanna
What: Fathers day.
Where: Wanye Manor
when June 19, 2011 (backdated)
Rating: PG-13
Status: Incomplete.
Happy Fathers Day )

[info]iron_man01 in [info]new_worlds

Who: Locked to Iron Man and Emma
What: Old fames
Where: Stark Tower New york.
when Backdated
Rating: R
Status: complete.
She is REALLY bad )

[info]lonely_girl in [info]new_worlds

Who: Cordelia Chase, and OTA
When: Wednesday evening
Where: Starting at the Hyperion, move to LA Park
Rating: PG-13? so far
Status: Incomplete.

[info]the_witchs_son in [info]new_worlds

Who: Wiccan, Hulkling, Speedy, maybe Scarlet Witch and Wonderman?
What: Caught in the act!
When; Today
Where: Billy's dorm
Rating: PG
Status: Closed / Incomplete

Tommy...oh-boy... )