April 28th, 2010

[info]imnotkatherine in [info]new_worlds


Who: Elena, Damon and Open
What: Elena’s Awakening
Where: Miles Northeast of Atlanta.
When: A few hours before dawn
Rating: TBD
Status: Open (bring along a NPCed friend they may snack on unless you’re evil too)

Elena rubbed her forehead.Not here, not this way, )

“Damon?” Elena spoke softly her voice carefully hiding the realization they might not make it to safety. Elena paused truly thinking about his, no she was the one needing shelter and time wasn't on her side. “I’m not all sparkly like you,” she had to tease him; it was either laugh or cry right? That's how she had to look at it. “I need shelter," she said softly.

Before the realization of their situation hit him, Elena teased him some even more.

"I so should have had blade turn me, then I wouldn’t have worry about being crispy Elena. Not a look I think I can carry off.”

[info]i_am_vengeance in [info]new_worlds

Who: Bruce, Alfred and whomever…
What: Batman returns to Gotham
When: Today
Where: The manor
Rating: PG
Status: Incomplete

This was what made him Batman; the greatest detective of all. )