April 16th, 2010

[info]fairybello in [info]new_worlds

Lost In NYC

Who: Sookie Stackhouse, Jeffery Doyle
What: Restless
Where: Walking the NYC Streets then eating (non-specific so peeps can jump in)
When: Night
Status Incomplete
Rating: TBA

Tinker Bell sprinkle some fairy dust on me. )

[info]designedtokill in [info]new_worlds

Who: Sam winchester&Barbara gordon
What: Another meeting
When: Friday, April 16th.
Where: Gotham Library
Why: Because Sammy wants some information
Status: Open, incomplete
Rating: Pg-13 for the moment.

Also, I can kill you my mind. )

[info]eternalstud in [info]new_worlds

Who: Damon Salvatore&Elena Gilbert
What: Road trip
When: Friday, April 16th.
Where: Highway just outside of hotlanta
Why: Damon doesnt need a reason?
Status: Open, incomplete
Rating: Pg-13 for the moment.lets make that hard R shall we?

You need to leave.Your wound is bleeding, and you -need-to leave )