August 2011

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July 14th, 2011

[info]papabear_ in [info]new_world_occ

Introducing Colonel Robert Hogan!

Hey everyone, Abby here. My apologies for not being around much the last two weeks. Stuff came up and then I had some wonderful people in town for the HP premiere. At any rate, here we are! Let's get things rolling again! (With me at least!!)

I'm writing this to introduce my new character. That's right! Abby has taken a new character for the first time in months *gasps* The world as we know it is now going to come to an end in a pile of firey rubble! See? I'm the cause of the end of the world :D My latest character, my newest since I took Sam Winchester!

Meet Colonel Robert Hogan, yes that Robert Hogan from Hogan's Heroes, the 1960s WWII Comedy set in a German POW Camp. Hogan comes into the game courtesy of the Cardiff Rift. He's been pulled through time from a year after the war where he was finally going home after his full debrief from London took place.

For those of you unfamiliar with the series, Hogan's Heroes is about a group of soldiers stuck in a POW camp - Stalag 13 - during World War Two. The thing about Stalag 13 is that no one ever escapes from the camp... but they do. Hogan and his crew use Stalag 13 as a base, with underground tunnels, to get people out of Germany right under the nose of the camp's Kommandant Colonel Klink. Needless to say that Hogan is crafty, smooth and during the show a 1960s-ish ladies man. He is a heavily decorated officer and his team was the best, and Hogan wasn't beyond making life difficult for Klink; trying to make him think he was really in charge when Hogan was clearly running the camp.

If you haven't seen the series I suggest it. It took fire during its day because it was making fun of the war, and dealt with Nazis but its a really GREAT show. And here's a bit of trivia for you, Robert Clary - who played the Frenchman Corporal Louis LeBeau - was a Holocaust survivor and Werner Klemperer who played the Kommandant, his family fled when the Nazis invaded Austria!

So anyway, Hogan is a cocksure, smooth, ladies man with a SHARP sense of humor who always has his eye on the prize. He is heavily decorated - his list of medals are on his bio - and as of two months ago he's been in Cardiff. He's kept a low profile! And he now owns a club called The Allies Lounge, which is a 1940s themed nightclub, where all the staff is in period clothing and guests are encouraged to be in character too! It's a little bit of home. When he arrived he was on his way to a debriefing with the Department of War.

Anyone who was active during WW2 or wants to have been helped by him and his people, they can recognize him. Jack, Steve... we've already got some plot set up that way. Especially if you were a flier! I highly reccomend the show! It is worth a watch! So if you want to plot, since this is the longest introduction EVER, hit me up!!!