August 2011

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November 10th, 2009

[info]toshirotaicho in [info]new_world_occ

Tama here!

I'm pretty sure I know all of you, but just in case, my AIM is TamaEnsouka as always.

Anyway, I'm bringing in Toshiro Hitsugaya from Bleach here! Who wants to help me introduce a white-haired, pint sized Captain from the Soul Society? I'll be around on AIM for a bit this afternoon!


[info]jimhops in [info]new_world_occ

Hi guys, I suppose this is a semi-hiatus notice. Not because I have anything coming up but because I'm so blah at the moment. I'm having a lot of trouble concentrating on anything at the moment and its seriously impacting on my RPing. I will reply to your posts but it might take awhile (a few days unfortuantely). If more goes by and I still haven't replied feel free to poke me on AIM (I can recieve offline messages/will be invisible) but you can also email me at It probably hasn't helped that the weather has gone from mild winter weather to boiling hot in like two days but hopefully I'll be back to normal soon enough.


[info]number_viii in [info]new_world_occ

HI ^_^ So I suppose most of you know me, it's me Kayla! I finally got around to posting in the OOC. I brought in, of course, Gambit from X-Men, comicverse, and someone you guys have never seen me play, Axel from the video game Kingdom Hearts! He's fiery and arrogant, and did I mention, he has no heart? Anyway, I'm excited about RPing him! I can't wait to plot with either Gambit or Axel, whichever one you wanna tackle IM me on blueyedAquarius9

[info]newworlds_fan in [info]new_world_occ

My fellow mods (and bffs) have already introduced themselves, so I do believe now that I'm back from Nekocon that it is my turn. Most if not all of you know me already. My name is Abby and I am an alcoholic... oh wait... sorry. Wrong speech - that's the one for tomorrow night.

Hi. My name is Abby. And I am your Co and technical mod. If you have a problem that deals with the friend button or the taken list you can come to me. I am currently playing Barbara Gordon - who has just gotten in from Canada and boy are her arms tired... yeah but seriously, she has her memories from the last game so if she says something that seems supernaturalish its because she learned it there. Its true! I'm going to be bringing in the DC Comic's Demon-bonded-to-a-human Jason Blood (Etrigan) if I can find a proper PB who isn't someone I can't stand... need someone who does not smile as much as my others... I'll have to think about it.

At any rate, you all know how to contact me.

NEWS: The friend button has been updated! So if everyone would please make their way to the friends button - located on the entries of the mod journal - and update it, it would very much be appreciated. All 52 characters that are presently in game have been added to it. Thanks much! And I can't wait to talk with all of you.