Monday, February 24th, 2014

Beacon Hills Wolves - Peter, + Allison and Lydia

I have an idea.

What if we start putting together boxes for the new arrivals? Maybe a brief write up of what's going on, how they got here, include some vervain bracelets and tea. That kind of thing.


Any word on Cora?

[Peter Hale]

Because I don't think it's a great idea for any of us to be mind-controlled even if that's what you did to Lydia, you should know there are vampires in this town with the ability to do that. I have no idea where you're staying, but I've been making vervain bracelets. It's the only thing that blocks their mind compulsion apparently. I've got one with your name on it. I'll drop it off at a locker at the Y for you to pick up. I'm assuming you don't really want to be a vampire's bitch.

[Melissa McCall]

I'm so sorry for waking you up so late last night. I know you said it was okay, but I know you work a lot of hours and I should have paid more attention to the time.


So. First day of school. What'd you think? Also, how's it going so far with the Argent's? I realize you've been there like ten minutes but.


How are you doing today?
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Friday, February 21st, 2014

Haven't heard from you in a goes the search for information?

So, we should talk, probably. Like, really talk while Cora's not around.

Still trying to get out or did you decide to settle for a while?

[Delayed; Deaton]
What are you doing with the Nemeton?
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Monday, February 17th, 2014

Well... I can't say I was exactly sure what I was expecting - but I still don't think this was it.
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Saturday, February 15th, 2014


I think we're both adults and can put the past behind up at the moment, don't you agree?

I have a few questions I'm hoping you can answer.
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Wednesday, February 12th, 2014

[Texts to Uncle Peter]

>>Just so you know
>>The Nemeton brought Kate Argent back
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Monday, February 10th, 2014

[Texts to Peter]
» Is this a joke? Are you still around here?
» A guy can't even leave without getting dragged back now? What the hell?

[Texts to Cora]
» Where are you? Are you okay?
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