Saturday, July 12th, 2014


We need to talk.
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Peter Hale

I know you know about Scott.


You okay?
(20 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, July 13th, 2014

Hale Pack

This woman here, is the one you need to stay away from, Erin. Especially tonight.

Her timing could not have been more perfect.
(35 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, July 12th, 2014

I'm still not sorry, but I miss my family.
(44 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, July 10th, 2014


Isaac | Cora | Erin | Peter Peter

Pack Meeting. Would you please all attend so we can go over some things.

7:00. Hale House.
(53 comments | Leave a comment)

Anybody else wanna do a happy dance cause my brother's dead? Cause you don't get it. None of you do. You may have lost friends, maybe even family members, siblings... but none of you understand what it's like to lose a twin.

And honestly? If you come on just to argue or tell me how he deserved it, I'm probably not talking to you. I don't wanna fucking deal with it. We helped you, we were right in the middle of all of it when we could have left. He tried to talk me into leaving and I convinced him to stay instead. I should have listened. He'd still be alive if I listened.
(71 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, July 8th, 2014


You calmer now?


Hey. Thanks for standing up for me again. I'm not used to people doing that for me..


You wanna hang out or something?


Derek said he'll run in the woods with me. I'd rather do that than the cellar.


So I saw the comments. You two together now?
(80 comments | Leave a comment)

Cora | Derek

Cora, I'm sorry. I was angry last night and didn't need the whole town coming down on me and you on top of it. I screwed up, but I was just trying to help.

You don't need to move, stay where you are. It's a good place for you to be. I'll find an apartment.
(6 comments | Leave a comment)

Somebody wanna explain what the hell is going on? Don't get me wrong, I approve of the sudden and inexplicable lack of torture. But this isn't adding up.

What the hell do you think you're doing asking your sister to, essentially, be me? Do you honestly think anyone in your rag-tag pack is going to kill you? Maybe I've set a bad example, in fact, I know I have. But come on, Derek, I know you have some common sense. And doesn't your common sense say "Don't be Uncle Peter"? It should also extend to "Don't ask my siblings to be Uncle Peter". You want to die, boy, you don't ask your sister to do it.
(34 comments | Leave a comment)

Elijah & Derek

Elijah, you stifle me. You don't have to helicopter hover over me, okay? I'm fine. I can handle myself. And I think I feelings for you but I don't really know it's weird and complicated and I just don't know where to go with that.

Derek, you're being a dick right now and it is is seriously awkward that you don't remember being here before because we were dating. Kind of. I don't know, it was weird and undefined and I'm not sure if it was relly dating or not but I liked it.

And that just makes it all 1000% more complicated and weird and stupid, like it wasn't already fucked up enough considering I'm carrying Andrea The Miracle Baby.

OMG I don't know why I needed to tell you guys that but yeah.
(20 comments | Leave a comment)

Monday, July 7th, 2014

Filtered to the people who have already posted because there's a lot we need to hide.

Did anyone hear that?

[OOC: After the truth event started! Lydia is at her house, so feel free not to have heard the explosion and let her think she's crazy since her place is kinda far away. :)]
(288 comments | Leave a comment)

Friday, July 4th, 2014


Hey, I heard you're back... things are pretty nuts around here lately. You okay?

Lydia said you had something for me, something to help me control the wolf?
(19 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, July 3rd, 2014

Oh my God somebody get this kid's foot out of my ribs, for fuck's sake this is terrible.

[Broody Wo Derek]
Hey, you probably won't remember me because why would I be that lucky but I knew other-you I think we were kind of da. I'm Hayley and...I guess I just wanted to say...hey. And welcome back. Wow this isn't awkward at all
(69 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, July 1st, 2014

Derek Hale and Erin Shepard, you have (2) new text messages )
(15 comments | Leave a comment)


Just kinda wanted to see how everyone was doing since that whole crime wave thing blew over.


Do you think you'd wanna grab dinner or someth

Hey. So that whole ritual thing. When are we doing that?

[Isaac and Derek]

Heard you guys were back.
(66 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, May 17th, 2014


Hey. So, you wanted to know when Kim turned back human. It looks like everything is back to normal.
(3 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, May 13th, 2014

So since everyone's been turning into things they're not supposed to be, is it possible that this dog I've been feeding and watching is actually a person?
(9 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, May 11th, 2014

Something is terribly wrong. I need someone to take care of Elizabeth for a while. I think I might be a danger to her. Please, anyone.
(31 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, May 10th, 2014


...something's wrong. Are you home?
(6 comments | Leave a comment)

Peter Hale

Are we still meeting next week like we talked about?
[fail filter is fail! for reasons~ Pretend it was posted this afternoon!]

(ETA around 7pm) [Hales]
I know he's not exactly #1 on your list of favorite people or anything, but have you guys heard from Peter?

[Dr. D]
I think I may need your help with something.

Joey McCoy you have (2) new messages!
Stiles Stilinski you have (3) new messages!
Read more... )
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