Wednesday, May 28th, 2014

Has anyone seen Elena?
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I owe an apology to you, Rebekah. Because now that I think about it...kinda considering trying to find a project car. I need something to do when I can't sleep.
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Saturday, May 24th, 2014

I don't know much about heaven, but I'm pretty sure this isn't it. Because I haven't run across any dancing devils with pitchforks either, I'll assume I dodged Hell too.

So, what the hell is going on here? How am I alive? Why is my fridge fully stocked with beer?
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You know what sucks about this place, besides being in one place for so long, which, seriously, never getting used to that.

My car.

I miss my car.

Sammy, why couldn't you have been with her when you showed up here?
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Monday, May 19th, 2014

So, is there anyone around that can pick a lock? I just locked myself and my daughter out of our apartment. I'd call the landlord, but we don't really have one, do we?
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So can we really not leave this town at all? I'm really not used to being in one place for very long. I might end up stir-crazy, I think. What are we supposed to even do? And please, no suggestions of "get a job". Seriously, I wouldn't cut it at a desk or behind a grill.

You're probably loving this, huh? All stationary, somewhere to plant roots or something. Do the dreams ever stop? Cause

You're really amazing company. In case you weren't aware.
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Friday, May 16th, 2014

I'm me again. Thank god, Things on my list to not do again, that.

So, less than a week in crazy town, how're you settling in now that the initial shock wore off?
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Thursday, May 15th, 2014

I don't believe that I've spoken with many people here just yet yet. And while I'm rather bored I thought perhaps I could remedy that. I'm Rebekah.

What's the best way to cure said boredom? Lets call this a poll, shall we?


I've a question that I didn't think to ask until now.

The people much or little have they found out about us? Elena, Bonnie, and Caroline are we have any sort of confirmation on how much or little people know about us that they may or may not have shared and whether or not they are likely to attempt to rid Beacon Hills of our lovely presence while you and Elijah, at least, aren't particularly indestructible?


So, are you tired of water yet, brother dear?

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Wednesday, May 14th, 2014

[around 2am]

So sleep is just as elusive here as it ever was back home. Good to know some things never change.

Sam Winchester you have (4) new messages!Read more... )
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Monday, May 12th, 2014

I just had, quite possibly, some of the best apple pie on the planet. Thank you, Elena. That diner you told me about is officially my favorite place in town.
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Friday, May 9th, 2014

Filtered from Mikaelsons + Hayley

Where exactly is a girl supposed to get a bloody drink here? Or at least a distraction?

[Hayleys friend Alex]

Have you done anything further for the baby shower, recently? What might I do to assist you, I have a feeling I could be quite productive very quickly at the moment.


I apologize for the familial spat that you became such a part of.

[Added: Hayley's Friends sans Alex]

All right, Alex and I are slowly but surely working on putting together a baby shower for Hayley and Andrea. So, anybody who would like an invitation should respond to this so that I can add you to the list.
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I'm not supposed to be here
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I have the strongest urge to get blackout drunk.

[filtered away from family and Hayley]

I'm so tired of family drama. It's exhausting.
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Thursday, May 8th, 2014

I didn't imagine my ideal morning waking up to a tree stump. But it makes me wonder why I did.
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Friday, May 9th, 2014

Sammy? What's going on? What did you do?
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