Thursday, July 10th, 2014

Cora Hale you have (3) new messages!Read more... )
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Wednesday, July 9th, 2014

Friends Filter

 photo unnamed_zps0f3a86a2.jpg

That's all.
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Tuesday, July 8th, 2014


You calmer now?


Hey. Thanks for standing up for me again. I'm not used to people doing that for me..


You wanna hang out or something?


Derek said he'll run in the woods with me. I'd rather do that than the cellar.


So I saw the comments. You two together now?
(80 comments | Leave a comment)

Cora | Derek

Cora, I'm sorry. I was angry last night and didn't need the whole town coming down on me and you on top of it. I screwed up, but I was just trying to help.

You don't need to move, stay where you are. It's a good place for you to be. I'll find an apartment.
(6 comments | Leave a comment)

Stilinski House

If we could just go a couple of weeks without weird, that would be fantastic. Anyway, just checking in.
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Somebody wanna explain what the hell is going on? Don't get me wrong, I approve of the sudden and inexplicable lack of torture. But this isn't adding up.

What the hell do you think you're doing asking your sister to, essentially, be me? Do you honestly think anyone in your rag-tag pack is going to kill you? Maybe I've set a bad example, in fact, I know I have. But come on, Derek, I know you have some common sense. And doesn't your common sense say "Don't be Uncle Peter"? It should also extend to "Don't ask my siblings to be Uncle Peter". You want to die, boy, you don't ask your sister to do it.
(34 comments | Leave a comment)

Monday, July 7th, 2014

I hate this. No one likes me, and I don't fit anywhere.
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FIlters - Both Packs Only

To both Packs

Time to make a choice. Me or Scott.

Cora and Isaac, make a choice. Live with me or stay where you are and be Omega's or with Scott.

No more of this sunshiney work together bullshit. All of you, make a choice. I'm done with all the back and forth in my pack.

(54 comments | Leave a comment)

Filtered to the people who have already posted because there's a lot we need to hide.

Did anyone hear that?

[OOC: After the truth event started! Lydia is at her house, so feel free not to have heard the explosion and let her think she's crazy since her place is kinda far away. :)]
(288 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, July 5th, 2014

Things have been quiet for some time now. I'm not complaining. Just the opposite, actually.

Last night was great.
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So what's the tree going to throw at us next? Flying monkeys?

What? I saw the Wizard of Oz was on cable, okay? That was one of my favorite movies as a kid.
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[Scott and Derek's People]

So I figured now that I've gotten settled in, I should introduce myself to all of you. The name's Erin and I howl at the moon every month.
(62 comments | Leave a comment)

Friday, July 4th, 2014

[Pack + Friends of the Pack]
If any of you don't have plans today, you're welcome to come over to my house.

I have a barbecue pit, a pool and a perfect view of the fireworks later this evening to offer. :)

Basically BYOB, and anything you might want to grill! I'll provide a few things, but if you want hotdogs, you'll have to bring them.

[OOC: Pretend this was posted earlier, please!
Anyone who is friends with someone from the pack who'd be invited by them can see the filter.
And if anyone wants to thread anything at the party, go for it!]
(37 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, July 1st, 2014

Derek Hale and Erin Shepard, you have (2) new text messages )
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Just kinda wanted to see how everyone was doing since that whole crime wave thing blew over.


Do you think you'd wanna grab dinner or someth

Hey. So that whole ritual thing. When are we doing that?

[Isaac and Derek]

Heard you guys were back.
(66 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, June 29th, 2014


Heads up, Derek's back. And he doesn't remember anything because he's from before the Nemeton went crazy.
(8 comments | Leave a comment)

Wednesday, June 25th, 2014

My car is back! Did everyone else get back what they had stolen?

Do you have some time? I have a few things I'd like to ask you.

Is it normal for a bunch of people to vanish like this? At the same time?
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Stiles Stilinski you have (3) new text messages )
(9 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, June 19th, 2014

[ooc: during this.]

Stiles Stilinski, you have (3) new messages. )

Sheriff Stilinski you have (1) new message. )

Has anyone seen Stiles?
Scott, please tell me you
(27 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, June 17th, 2014

Filtered to the Stilinski Household. )

Melissa McCall, you have (2) new messages. )
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