The Nemeton -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

a Teen-Wolf based multi-fandom game
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[19 Aug 2014|12:32am]
I think I'm lost. Where am I?

[19 Aug 2014|01:45am]
Where the hell are you?
You said 7 and
Are you seriously not
You better not be in troub

[Stiles & Scott]
I'm heading to Allison's, there's something happening.
Stiles, don't even bother

Filtered to Werewolves Only [19 Aug 2014|08:02am]
If you've lost your memory, please raise your hand so I can come get you. I'll explain everything, and there are certain things you all need to know for your safety and others.

Filtered [19 Aug 2014|02:01pm]
Chris Argent

Do you know who you are?


Do you still have your memories?

Hayley and Malia [19 Aug 2014|02:04pm]
Are you alright? Are the girls?

Are you okay?

Allison...sorry I don't know your last name. [19 Aug 2014|04:06pm]
Hi, I'm Isaac. I don't remember you, but Derek says we're dating and there's pictures on my phone. Do you remember me?

Note Left on The Argents' Fridge [19 Aug 2014|07:21pm]
Isaac and I are going to the woods. Bringing my cell phone in case we get lost. Don't worry.

[ viewing | August 19th, 2014 ]
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