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Rosewood Filter [09 Jul 2014|12:18am]
How's everyone holding out? I just told a Starbucks barista that her haircut was ugly. There's no way I'm drinking this coffee now.

Friends [09 Jul 2014|12:52am]
The insomnia you hear so much about from me all the time isn't as random as you'd think. Being exhausted and awake is better than being asleep and remembering Hell. I don't really know why I think you need to know that, honestly, I've been trying to hide it from most of you.

Especially you, because your mom's not here and I've always kinda thought maybe she lied to me about me not being your dad and I kind of feel like I have to look out for you.

[If you're not sure if your pup counts, just ask!]

[09 Jul 2014|01:04am]
I'm actually really happy here. I have Elizabeth and people I care about. Sometimes I miss my cousins and Peter, but if I was back home I would be dead and not have the happiness I have in Beacon Hills. I feel kind of guilty for being happy when so many of you are suffering.

[09 Jul 2014|03:33am]
I used to be a problem with the law when I was a kid. Vandalism, spraying on property walls, allegedly hacking ATMs. But I totally did it, not just alleged. I bet I can hack classified sections of agency websites too. Maybe. But worst thing I ever did was kill a man. That still haunts me. I've always valued human life. Always. But when that man was trying to kill my mother.. I lost it. Something happened inside me. I hate what he was doing, and hate that it made me do it. I know that if I didn't, both me and Mom would be gone. But I don't like it.

Father's Day sucked because I remember not growing up without my father. I know he helped my mom, just wish he had been able to stay around. I also have trouble sleeping a lot. Dreams. Nightmares. More like, memories of where I'm from. Umm, when I'm from. It's not pretty, trust me. So being stuck in a town even with as crazy as this gets, is a LOT better than where I came from. But hey, lacrosse, video games, and TV is plenty good for distractions.

Deaton [09 Jul 2014|03:44am]
I think you and I need to have a chat, old friend.

Delayed = Friends and people who have already responded! [09 Jul 2014|12:21pm]
I figured out how to use foxfire and managed to make the shards of the katana form back into an actual blade. This is awesome!

Friends [09 Jul 2014|12:42pm]
Bonnie got sent back and now I'm worried the spell she did to keep Kol from being able to hurt me will stop working.

[09 Jul 2014|06:30pm]
I miss being a dog, being a dog is better. It was a lot easier when all I had to worry about was playing fetch with Dani. ....omg Speaking of which, the only two people I've really made friends with here are a couple of teenagers and I'm pretty sure that makes me creepy. But not as creepy as the fact that I was sneaking around collecting some mountain ash shit for Peter, who quit texting me as soon as the job was done, and I'm a lot more disappointed about that than I should be. Shut up Kimmy, shut up, shut up ...and I'm not anywhere near as sorry as I should be that people are being sent away when other people here want them around, because I'm too busy being jealous of them for going back where they came from no no no no; especially Aiden. OMG WHY

That came out sounding way worse than it actually is, please help me :( I'm not glad Aiden's dead, that's not what that was at all. He'll listen to you.

[09 Jul 2014|07:01pm]
So Emily is gone too. My offer still stands. I'll show you my cupcakes if someone gets me some pills or alcohol.

Text to Hanna [09 Jul 2014|08:55pm]
>>Spencer got some pills or some liquor, not sure which.
>>But she's still saying she wants to die.
>>She told me she's at home but I can't get her to tell me what she took or how much.
>>I'm going over there now.
>>Come when you can, bring Caleb. We might need him to break down the door or something.
>>I have no clue what to do here.

[09 Jul 2014|09:09pm]
Everyone hates my family. It doesn't matter where we go, what time period it is...we're hated.

I don't even want to be a vampire. All I want is to be normal, to be human. But I can't because I'm a Mikaelson and I never get what I really want. Instead I have to make due with all I have, my family. Because heavens forbid I find a friend. My luck...fate, whatever it is it should be called, always finds a way to ruin friendships.

Maybe it's my true nature, I'm caught in the twisted cycle that is being a member of my family. I'm going to live forever with none but my brothers. And we aren't exactly a functional family.

[09 Jul 2014|09:25pm]
Everything is AWESOME!

[09 Jul 2014|10:10pm]
Lydia Martin was my best friend but I've been avoiding telling her that because I'm afraid the one that was here before only liked me because of who my dad is and I didn't think I could take the rejection if this one accidentally confirmed that. And I'm scared that if it doesn't work out the way it did before, my boyfriend won't like won't l will dump me.


Friends Filter [09 Jul 2014|10:29pm]
 photo unnamed_zps0f3a86a2.jpg

That's all.

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