Sunday, July 13th, 2014

Who: Stiles Stilinski and Sheriff Stilinski
What: Talking -- truth telling.
Where: The Stilinski house.
When: Laaaate Saturday night/early Sunday morning?
Rating: Low.
Status: Complete.

By the cracks of the skin I climbed to the top/I climbed the tree to see the world/When the gusts came around to blow me down/Held on as tightly as you held onto me/Held on as tightly as you held onto me. )
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Sunday, April 20th, 2014

WHO: Ariel & Sheriff Stilinski
WHAT: Finding her Easter gift from the Nemeton (aka: oh hey, look, time to accept she's actually the Little Mermaid, there, Sheriff.)
WHEN: Sunday morning, about half an hour before this
WARNINGS: I don't know about Sheriff, but she's a Disney princess, so...none?
STATUS: Closed, Incomplete

Placeholder )
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Wednesday, March 12th, 2014

Who: Stiles and Sheriff Stilinski
What: Having a serious discussion about sleep-related issues.
Where: The kitchen.
When: Tuesday night, after dinner. (Backdated)
Rating: Low.
Status: Complete!

But still there is so much left unanswered/For so many innocent lives/They close the doors and are letting nobody in/And only the strong will survive. )
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Saturday, February 22nd, 2014

Who: Stiles Stilinski and Sheriff Stilinski (borrowed briefly w/permission!)
What: Really terrible dreams.
Where: His bedroom.
When: Friday night.
Status: Complete.
Rating: High for violent, disturbing and upsetting imagery.

The unknown distance to the gray beyond/Stares back at my grieving frame/To cast my shadow by the holy sun/My spirit moans with a sacred pain. )
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Wednesday, February 12th, 2014

Who: Stiles and Sheriff Stilinski
What: Late night conversations.
Where: The kitchen.
When: Late Tuesday night/early Wednesday morning.
Rating: Low.
Status: Complete!.

We got no troubles. Life is the bubbles. Under the sea. )
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