New Dublin Weekly Recap
Recap Journal for New Dublin RP.
New Dublin is a futuristic gang war sandbox RP set in 2074.
[info]newdublinrp | [info]newdublinnet | [info]ndweekly | [info]newdublinooc


Layout By

Aug. 31st, 2017



Week Two - Twitch

Sunday - Gaming most the day - C:AT (Combat Arena Tactics)

Monday - Open

Tuesday - Open

Wednesday - Open

Thursday - Open

Friday - Open

Saturday - Open



Week Two - Lefty

Sunday - Bar & Open

Monday - Open

Tuesday - Open

Wednesday - Bar & Open

Thursday - Bar & Open

Friday - Bar & Open

Saturday - Bar & Open



Week 2 - Jimmy Wise

Sunday - Driving clients & OPEN

Monday - Driving Clients & Open

Tuesday - Open

Wednesday - Open

Thursday - Open

Friday - Driving Clients & Open

Saturday - Driving Clients & Open

Aug. 28th, 2017



wk2 - Nina Hall

Sunday -
Monday -
Tuesday -
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Friday -
Saturday -


Aug. 27th, 2017



Week 2 - Aurora

-Clinic- Emergencies Only
-Personal- Morning services with family. Rest open.

-Clinic - Open
-Personal - Meeting with Arthur and Knights

-Clinic - Open
-Personal - Helping gang with Aftermath (Avoiding parents)

-Clinic- Open
-Personal - Morning training class/ Helping with Aftermath

-Clinic- Open
-Personal- Helping with Aftermath

-Clinic- Open
-Personal- Morning Training sessions -Night at Parents

-Clinic - Open by appointment
-Personal - Day-open Night-Date



Week 2 - Avery

Sunday - Open

Monday - Clients

Tuesday - Open during day
- VIP evening

Wednesday - Sleeps in
- Open afternoon and evening

Thursday - Entertains Clients

Friday - Entertains clients

Saturday - Entertains clients

[Anyone can be a client (men or women) When not with clients he can pick up shifts at the club or run errands for Father. Open between clients for chatting.]

Aug. 23rd, 2017



Week 2

Sunday - Early w/ Digger @ crime scene. Dealing with aftermath after that (open)

Monday - Still dealing with aftermath. Calls for an all hands meeting for all Camelot Knights. Free after that.

Tuesday - Aftermath won't be finished until the killer is found. Teaches defense in the afternoon - open

Wednesday - Same as Tuesday

Thursday - Same as Wednesday (Maybe meeting with Doc about sleep aids?)

Friday - Probably going somewhere for a late night hookup (very stressed). Open

Sat - Probably hung over from previous day. Open

*Note* Every morning Jason goes for a run. This week his insomnia is going to be hitting hard with all the stress.



Week 2

Sunday - Eaaaarly morning scene from Sat with Digger. Otherwise open

Monday - Open

Tuesday - Evening w/Izzy otherwise open

Wednesday - Open

Thursday - Open

Friday - Open. Also finishes up new book and sends it to publisher for editing, starts to think about ideas for new book

Saturday - Open

*Note* Throughout the week she starts to send risque pics to a certain someone- because torture can be fun. Also tries to stifle rumors about the killing in the White Zone around the club and Father has security do the same.



wk 2 Rigs

Sunday: open

Monday: open

Tuesday: open

Wednesday: open

Thursday: open

Friday: open

Saturday: open



wk 2 Bryan

Sunday: open

Monday: open

Tuesday: open

Wednesday: open

Thursday: open

Friday: open

Saturday: open



wk 2 Digger

Sunday: Sunday - Early morning scene from Sat with Digger. Than onto Police Investigation (Jason thread)

Monday: Police Investigation

Tuesday: Police Investigation

Wednesday: asleep during the day, working at PD second shift, with Izzy that night

Thursday: asleep during the day, working at PD second shift, working 'other' gig overnight* (*currently open during this time)

Friday: asleep during the day, working at PD second shift, working 'other' gig overnight* (*currently open during this time)

Saturday: asleep during the day, currently open after that

*open for threading during second or third shift (police matters during second shift, gang matters during overnight shifts)

Aug. 22nd, 2017


wk2 - Millie

Sunday - OPEN
Monday - OPEN
Tuesday - OPEN
Wednesday - Meets with Aurora
Thursday - OPEN
Friday - Meets with Digger & Izzy
Saturday - OPEN

wk2 - Sofia

It's safe to assume her Monday-Friday she'll be at Netprentice from 9a-6p, with that time split between the corporation and the gang, and that her evenings and Saturday are generally devoted to Wire business. There will, more than likely, be gaming for a little while before she crashes for the night, as well, just not much for this week.

During all of these times, she's open for doing a scene.

Sunday - OPEN -
Monday - OPEN -
Tuesday - OPEN - Spending time with Bryan IRL (sushi!)
Wednesday - OPEN -
Thursday - OPEN -
Friday - OPEN - lunch with Aerik and then again later that evening, possibly for dinner and an overnight
Saturday - OPEN - morning still with Aerik

wk2 - Izzy

Sunday - OPEN
Monday - OPEN during the day until around 5:00, then a quick visit with Digger, and working at the warehouse in the evening/night (OPEN)
Tuesday - OPEN - evening with Nori
Wednesday - working at the warehouse during the day (OPEN)*, Digger's place in the evening/night
Thursday - OPEN*
Friday - * - selling in the afternoon (Aerik) - Spending time with Digger in the late afternoon/evening
Saturday - OPEN*

*rehearsal in the morning, still open for an interruption :)



Week 2 - Aerik

Monday: Open

Tuesday: Open

Wednesday: Open

Thursday: Morning with Izzy.

Friday: Lunch with Sofia Friday afternoon. After lunch with Izzy, then night with Sofia. Morning Open.

Saturday: Open

Sunday: Open

The only thing I can say for this coming week is that Aerik will keep his ears to the ground on the rumors and information circling around. Anything else is up for debate.

Aug. 20th, 2017



Week 1 (finally doing this... whoops)

Monday: New years at Lefty's

Tuesday: Open

Wednesday: Open

Thursday: Open

Friday: Bar with Sofia

Saturday: Wake up with Sofia, stay there most of the day. Night open.

Sunday: Open

( Also, sorry I'm late with this. )

Aug. 2nd, 2017



wk 1

Monday: New Years Eve party (CoD Event)

Tuesday: asleep during the day, working at PD second shift, working 'other' gig overnight* (*currently open during this time)

Wednesday: asleep during the day, working at PD second shift, working 'other' gig overnight* (*currently open during this time)

Thursday: asleep during the day, working at PD second shift, working 'other' gig overnight* (*currently open during this time)

Friday: asleep during the day, working at PD second shift, working 'other' gig overnight* (*currently open during this time)

Saturday: asleep during the day, currently open after that

Sunday: asleep during the day, currently open after that

*open for threading during second or third shift (police matters during second shift, gang matters during overnight shifts)



wk 1

Monday: New Years Eve party (SSR Event)

Tuesday: currently open in the afternoon/evening, working at the garage during the day

Wednesday: physical rehab at the hospital

Thursday: currently open in the afternoon/evening, working at the garage during the day

Friday: open during the day, racing at night

Saturday: boosting cars

Sunday: currently open



wk 1

Monday: New Years Eve party (Wire Event)

Tuesday: Hung out with grandma, worked, MMO fun with Sofia

Wednesday: currently open

Thursday: Shopping and lunch with grandma

Friday: currently open during the day, MMO raid even in the evening

Saturday: Wire hack run

Sunday: currently open


Monday - New Year's Party at Lefty's

Tuesday - currently open

Wednesday - early dinner out, calls for a cleanup at night (Dig)

Thursday - currently open

Friday - currently open

Saturday - currently open