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Posts Tagged: 'community:+throwback'

Jul. 13th, 2017



sarah connor kin

Today I bring you one of MW's most memorable. A hall of famer. An absolute travesty that weirdly inspired me to read Homestuck, lmfao, so all my time screaming troll voices into a microphone was basically kickstarted from the shitposts you'll find here.

You will also learn why Starprincess801 was blacklisted, if you weren't already aware. This entire thread happened while I had no internet access. The whole forum kinda blew up when I wasn't around during that time and it's almost 100% Star's fault.

Do you want the full context? ...I've looked for years and years and can't find the original quote that set this thread off

From what I can gather, WishingNUB must have made a snarky comment about a fictional character Star is "bonded" to [more on that in a sec, for now, you will appreciate your last moments of ignorance] which set her off into making this additional thread to answer some question or something. Because Star doesn't know how to communicate with people I guess, and doesn't know when someone's treating her like the amusement attraction she presented herself to be. And as far as I'm aware she's still exactly the same way after all these years.

So down the rabbit hole we go. Long post, image-heavy. )

Jul. 6th, 2017




This isn't about Vsauce's video Why Do We Feel Nostalgia? but I thought I'd link it for its relevance here, IS THAT OKAY, JEEZ

And the easiest way to make any previous member of MW nostalgic is

POST MORE VALANT! Here's a bunch of Valant-related crap from the MW Photobucket [I had an account just for uploading MW site content, because Photobucket used to allow that kinda thing] that I recently redownloaded. Their new home is a sub-album of my Postimage account


More under here )

Jul. 2nd, 2017




So when I first started posting graphics and artwork on the internet, I was pointed to Photobucket.com for image hosting. This was probably in 2005, back when I really wanted to show the world my amazing graphic design skills. Sure, I only had MS Paint, but I knew how to use Google for my backgrounds, get transparent renders, and use cooltext.com so I didn't have to use the MS Paint text tool. I was REALLY GOOD, you guys. I was too good to jpg my shit, saving it all as bmp.

...Anyway, that was me 12 years ago now, but the point is that I used that site for ALL of that stuff. I could organise into albums and sub albums and sub-sub albums... so I uploaded everything I ever posted, including image rehosting for single forum posts, because replying on someone else meant my post could one day be unreadable due to someone that wasn't me deleting the image I embedded. I never deleted anything from those accounts. Here's an example of some of my SUPER GOOD teenage graphic design, by the way:

ap44 dueldude pants wave dcsiggy dotd
I thought these were amazing, with only MS Paint. Even Kotetsu may not have known me long enough to remember this.

I didn't use Photobucket forever, eventually trying out imageshack because photobucket images were blocked on my school's filter, then tinypic, which I used until I learned they cycle out images without telling you which leads to old forum posts with irrelevant images on them, then I found my image host soulmate, majhost, which I used loyally until the service suddenly stopped working a couple years ago and all my backups were lost. That got me pretty fucking salty.

I even went on their still-up sister host, brickshelf, logged into my account [majhost shared accounts with brickshelf] and uploaded an image where I was screaming for them to put majhost back up. Since it wasn't a lego picture it was removed, which means they saw it, so I reuploaded it. Last time I looked at it, it was still up, but majhost never came back.

Eventually I found imgur and postimage.org [which is now postimage.io, but I use the url old.postimg.org which works just like a simpler [a good thing] Photobucket. I don't use it as much as imgur only because it's a good place to put throwaway images, but if I want to store it for the long term, I prefer postimage. I've moved away from imgur so much because they started to get angry about people using it for websites/blogs/forums, or anything that isn't Reddit, basically. Imgur itself is trying to become some weird social media thing, which would be fine if they let people use the damn site how they please.

I mention Imgur's attitude because it's going to become relevant in .2 seconds.

In case you weren't aware, Photobucket rolled out a new TOS lately. And it's not cute at all. For anyone like me that's used the site in the past, it's a nightmare that can only lead in either a massive rollback or the complete death of the site [I've seen these places rise and fall, I know how it goes by now]:

Photobucket now forbids "third-party hosting" of its images under all account types except the most expensive paid option.

Yes, this was a long introduction before I cut the post off, but it only gets longer from here my friends. There's more old graphics and artwork under the cut, though, so feel free to look through to see the rest )

Jun. 29th, 2017



small pile of gold

Here, have a collection of MW shit from unique posters. None of them are NSFW but a couple of them came from that section, so if you didn't have access to it, you never got to see it. Maybe I'll get some of these people invited here eventually since I still have contact with a lot of them.

the day dustin decided to become a baron

More under the cut! )