
My Journals

A bunch of bullshit here
And stuff
Or something

Layout By

April 2nd, 2018



nsfw image host

Hey so this is a relevant time to post this

If you need a place to post & link to your nsfw imagery feel free to use pixxxels, it works just like postimage.

Now why do I say this is relevant? Because I plan on posting the archive of Mystic Wish's "Godot's Coffee House" -- a section for NSFW discussions. These are from around 2009 to 2011 at the latest, maybe? So many of these posts are several years old, many of us were fairly different back then. A lot of roleplay and shitposting. I'll be uploading screencaps from the forum, but for the most part the focus will be on reuploading the text. [I've occasionally edited out an odd typo or misgendering, as well as a handful of posts with weirdly personal info.]

With that I'll be making a super minor change to how I want adult content handled here, so please look here and re-familiarise yourself with the rules if you want to post adult content yourself [hi newcomers from the forum c: feel free to post an intro entry or anything you want].