Tuesday, August 18th, 2009

Calling All Hunters

Who: Gideon and OPEN
All Hunters and those who hear through the supernatural grapevine are welcome!
When: Late Afternoon
Where: The Last Round
What: Gideon rallies the troops.

Gideon had lost track of how long it had been since he had last slept. He'd doze off only to startle himself awake. It was the only way to keep everyone safe. Well, safer than they were now. If he fell asleep and had his greatest nightmare, they were all doomed. Still, a lack of sleep was better than what was going on in the hospital. People were dying after going to sleep and never waking up. It was almost as if something was feeding off of their dreams. Then there was the dreams that were coming to life, the reason that Gideon was not sleeping. Now there was a surplus of hell hounds roaming around and he had to wonder if someone had dreamed them up.

It had gone on long enough. It was getting worse, not better. So Gideon had picked up the phone and started the supernatural phone tree. He contact the hunters and those that could be of help and those people contacted others. Now Gideon was watching for folks to show up while he continued to put a dent in the town's coffee supply.

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Wednesday, May 27th, 2009

The Demon Problem

Who: Gideon, Casey, Aiden, Justin, Sophia, Melanie
When: 6pm.
Where: The Last Round.
What: Gideon discusses Audrey's demon problem.

With it being a Monday, Gideon hadn't been able to call everyone together until evening since Aiden had work. Not that Gideon minded. It meant he got to sleep in. The bar was open so he had told everyone to meet him in the private party room. Aiden was already there, sitting at the largest of the tables with a beer in his hand.
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Wednesday, May 13th, 2009

If You Invite a Wolf to Dinner

Who: Jeremy, Harper, Brian, Isabel, Connor, Max, Casey, Sophia, Brooke, and Anna.
When: 6pm.
Where: Jeremy's Cabin.
What: Harper fixes Sunday dinner.

Harper had been on a cooking rampage lately and had decided to bring the Alphas and Betas and their mates together for dinner. Jeremy had the biggest cabin so she had taken over his kitchen to cook with everyone gathering later to eat. Everyone was starting to roll in as Harper was chasing her brother out of the kitchen...again.

"Jeremy Caine I swear if you don't get out of this kitchen and leave the food alone that I'm going to whack you with a frying pan," Harper threatened as she smacked Jeremy's hands out of a bowl.

"Aww, come on Harp. Just a little nibble."

"No! Now go do something constructive like set the table."
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Monday, March 16th, 2009

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Wednesday, March 11th, 2009

Who: Gideon, Casey, & Justin
When: 10am
Where: The Last Round
What: So two hunters and an angel walk into a bar to solve a problem...

I could stand to hear a little more. )
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Tuesday, December 9th, 2008

Favours and advice

Who: Taini and Casey
When: Late evening
Where: Casey’s place
What: Taini has a list and wants to talk to Casey about ‘teen’ stuff

Taini hummed to herself slightly as she tidied up the apartment for Casey’s arrival back. When she had found out he was sick she had been really worried about him. She had been selfish and worried for herself too. That was why she needed the things on her list! But she needed to ask if he would wish for the things so she could go to school and start forming relationships before she was freed.

But there was something else too. Something strange was happening to her. She was starting to notice she was feeling odd things. Rather silly behaviours and emotions were popping in to her mind. She was nervous around a young boy she liked. That never happened. Hell this was the woman who had slept with Casey his first night being her Master. She didn’t do nervous.

She was also obsessed with keeping up with the fashion and wanting everything else people her age had. Like a cell phone. She wasn’t too sure what you did with most of the things on the phone. But she knew she wanted one.

Was she turning in to a teenager?

Teenagers just didn’t exist in the right sort of sense when she was young. You were a child and then an adult. You married young, you worked hard as soon as you could stand and you never got the chance to worry about what your hormones were telling you.
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Monday, November 3rd, 2008

I'll attack

Who: Casey, Sophia, (Pack members willing to get close enough)
Where: The cabin Sophia has been secluded to
When: Morning
What: Sophia turns and goes looking for the nearest blood she can get...

Read more... )
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Tuesday, September 30th, 2008

Who: Sophia & Casey
When: Morning
Where: Wolf pack territory
What: Sophia's ill after trying to save the dead wolf as Casey tries to help...

Read more... )
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Friday, August 22nd, 2008

'Twas in the moon of wintertime when all the birds had fled

Who: Casey, Taini, Sophia and Seth (if they want to come)and OPen (to any bummy friends of Casey)
When: dinner time
Where: Casey’s place
What: Taini tries her hand at her first Christmas meal prepared all by herself.

“Get out of the kitchen now!” Taini snapped at Casey who was picking at food and basically just getting in her way. Of course he wasn’t and had tried to help, but Taini had gone more psycho than usual. Though she was calming now everything was being plated up.

“So that’s the carrots and…peas and…right okay.” She said speaking to herself and nodded her head. She had come back with a clump of hair grasped in her hands from the shops, a trophy she claimed from some crazy lady who tried to shove her in to a freezer. Well, Taini had got the turkey so you know who had won.

It was a quite impressive meal she had managed to scrape together though. But from Christmas eve to this moment she had been preparing it, so hadn’t been the best company. Though Casey hadn’t been around for all of it. Which was wise. But now she had everything in serving dishes and put back in to a warm over and a smile on her face. She was human again. Well, genie. “Okay, you’re not going to get anything thrown at you now.” She smiled and came out of the kitchen. “Merry Christmas, I’m sane now.”
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Wednesday, August 6th, 2008

slash happy, not the watersports kind, or the gay boy sort

Who: Taini (Possibly Casey) and Open
When: Afternoon
Where: The steps of Casey’s building
What: Contemplations

The old pocket watch was being twirled in Taini’s hands. She didn’t usually like to touch it, but it was the one thing that was tangible to her. She sat back. Guess who was out again? Who wasn’t around to take notice. Who was living his own life. She gave a hollow single laugh. It was laugh or cry.

She looked out across the street. He hadn’t even noticed his credit cards had been maxed out yet!

She should do something else to show him she was still around. Slash all of his clothes perhaps? Go find his little lady and wreck that? Or explain to her what she was and what he wasn’t doing. Though slashing all of his clothes seemed a good idea. She chuckled as she looked to the watch.

Her face fell again. Counting down. Five hours, thirty-nine minutes and fifteen seconds to go before she went back in to her vessel. Then she’d see, when she was released, if Casey had had enough of her.

She wouldn’t admit it. But she was scared he was going to throw the watch in to a drawer and get on with his life once she disappeared in to it.
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Tuesday, August 5th, 2008

Once upon a time.......

Who: Micah / Irene / The Valiant Heroes.
When: 4:30pm.
Where: Micah's Basement following The kidnap.
What: Exit stage right; The heroes rescue the beautiful heroine vanquishing the monster.
Posting Order: Irene, Micah, Gideon, Hope (?)

I tried to kill the pain, but only brought more )
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The Hunt Begins

Who: Gideon, Jeremy, Casey, Hope
When: Sometime after 3
Where: Phone
What: Gideon sends out the search party.

I heard it through the grape vine )
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Sunday, July 6th, 2008

Insert punch line here please

Who: Seth, Casey, Elena, anyone else who may happen upon them at the Last Round?
When: Lateish?
Where: The Last Round
What: Seth goes looking for answers yet again Casey, just to, ya know, talk. Right.
Warning: Language, probably Seth getting punched. That happens a lot.

A guy a hunter and werewolf enter a bar... )
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Wednesday, June 11th, 2008

She's mine and I still want her

Who: Seth, Casey & Sophia
When: Later Morning
Where: Sophia's Apartment
What: Casey comes to talk to Sophia and runs into her brother. Not that Seth lets Casey in on that detail.

If you put your hands up on her? You're a goner )
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Mad Genies are Scary Genies

Who: Casey and Taini
When: Early Morning
Where: Casey's Apartment
What: Casey wakes up to deal with a mad Taini

Casey had came home last night and had passed out in bed this morning. He had woken up this morning and immedentity wanted to hide. Taini was gonna want answers. He didn't know why he had told her anything sooner. It wasn't like they were an item. Just roomies, master and genie, who had had sex a few times before he meet Sophia. And each time he knew she was using that sex to try and get something out of him. He was going to free her. It was just that there wasn't a whole lot of freeing genies out there. It seemed whenever someone did, they got tricked into being one. Casey might like Taini but he didn't like her that well.

Dreading his fate, Casey rolled out of bed and headed for the shower.
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Tuesday, June 10th, 2008

The Plan in Action

Who: Gideon and Everyone from the bar scene and teen scene, plus a few others. Just look at the tags will ya!
When: Still during the eclipse
Where: The Last Round
What: Gideon returns to The Last Round with the teens and the plan is set into motion.

Getting back to the bar had to have been the most nerve racking few minutes of Gideon's whole life. He had flown over head of the cars, chasing back any shades that might try and get near them. The whole time he was afraid that the car Bridgette was in was going to crash. It was probably a fear without reason but he couldn't help it anyway. As soon as they reached The Last Round, Gideon yelled for the door to be opened while gesturing for the kids to run.

Soon the bar as a full as it would have been during opening hours. As soon as the door closed behind them, Gideon let his wings disappear back into his back while he looked around the room. No one had gotten ate it seemed. Not only that but it looked like they had been busy why he was gonna. He could see Casey and Sophia filling up...were those squirt guns? Yeah, they were squirt guns. As soon as they filled one, Ash would bless it.

In another section of the bar he noticed a few people taking out blacklights and replacing them with a white one. Gideon could only assume they were uv ones. Both were good ideas and from the activity in the room it appeared that it hadn't been all Casey getting things ready. "So are we having a white t-shirt contest or planning to kick some ass?" Gideon's arm went around Bridgette's shoulders and he pulled her against his side. It wasn't over yet and he didn't want to let her go until it was.
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Friday, June 6th, 2008

The Start of a Plan!

Who: Casey and Sophia
When: During the eclipse
Where: The Last Round
What: Casey takes his hunter in training aside and sits down to come up with a plan.

Things were getting stressful in The Last Round. Everyone locked in together, must people not even knowing each other, and one pain in the ass, tempers were on edge. Gideon had put Casey in charge until he got back and Casey planned on doing something. This was what he was good at, hunting things that went bump in the night, and he wasn't going to sit on his hands while he waited for Gideon to get back. Those things outside had to be dealt with before someone tried killing someone else and got teleported out of the bar by the wards Gideon had installed on the place.

Hooking an arm around Sophia's waist again, he lead her to a corner of the bar away from the others and sat down at the table there. "We got to do something. It's time to kill these little fuckers."
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Monday, May 26th, 2008

Ground Zero

Who: Gideon and Open to All
When: 12:10pm
Where: The Last Round
What: The employees of The Last Round are doing inventory when the eclipse hits. Gideon opens the door to The Last Round to any who wish to hide inside.

For it being just a little after noon on a week day, The Last Round was hopping. Okay, not really hopping but there was more people in it than usual. More people and more booze. Both were due to the fact that inventory was having to be done for the books. While The Last Round was there for a reason, it was still a bar and still a business. That meant it had to be kept up like one. So Gideon had hauled his employees in to help. After all, he wasn't going to do it all himself.

He was just coming out of the back room with another case when he notice it was starting to get dark outside the window. Setting the box down, Gideon went over to check it out. Who had ordered a solar eclipse? He didn't recall hearing about one. That alone told this was not going to be a good day. As long as people stayed inside they'd be safe. Bridgette was at school. So was Irene. That meant that neither one of them had a reason to go outside.

"You guys stay inside," he told the room, before going over and opening the door, looking for anyone who might be out on the streets.
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Saturday, May 3rd, 2008

Lessons on Demon Killing

Who: Casey and Sophia
When: Around 5pm
Where: The Last Round
What: Sophia finds Casey at the bar and gets lessons on how to kill a demon.

Casey was sitting at the bar, drink in hand. He didn't like the things that were going on in Mysteria any more than Gideon, who he had just got down listening to, did. Evil was out there in the night. First the murders and now these 'missing' people. Missing people his ass. He had seen the photos that Gideon had gotten his hands on. People sucked dry until they were little more than a piece of paper. Casey took another swallow of his drink. It was no longer safe for people to be out after dark. He sure as hell hoped something tried to eat him on the way home. He'd show it a thing of too. Lost in his thoughts he didn't hear the person coming up behind him.
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Sunday, March 9th, 2008

Who: Tegan and Casey
When: Well into the night
Where: The Last Round
What: Tegan catching up with her favorite slayer
Status: Incomplete

The Christmas decorations had been a sudden addition, and Tegan wasn't sure if she loved them or hated them just yet so she left it up to apathy right now. Catching herself humming a Christmas carol from time to time, she quickly cut it out when she got close to someone who may hear her. Spending some time with a particular group who couldn't seem to decide on if they wanted a double order of onion rings or an onion blossom, Tegan let her attention wander a bit until they finally gave her an answer. Scribbling it down, she headed over to the kitchen to give them the order.

On her way, she could have sworn she could smell the only slayer she didn't immediately flinch when she saw. Unsure if it was wishful thinking, the vampire just went on serving other patrons of the establishment that were in her section until she knew for sure that Casey had come to visit The Last Round.
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