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February 2019



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Feb. 20th, 2019



the list of what's happened so far )

Jan. 25th, 2019



Hi guys! I know some of you, but for those I don't, I'm Liz! I currently have 3 on hold, and thought I might post here to get some connections going while I work on their histories.

This girl here is Isla Sloane, dancer, vamp mum, Scottish AF. She likes her whisky (don't spell it with the 'e', that's incorrect XD) and chatting with just about anyone. My plan will probably be for her to own a dance studio, unless someone already has that? (ETA: It's called What's The Pointe, because Shadey suggested hitting up Pinterest when I mentioned dance puns. XD) Also, she tends to adopt people, so if that happens to your kid, expect mothering. And a fierce protector in your corner. (No one ever expects the tiny lady to be able to knock the huge guy on his ass. Which is something she loves doing.)

Over at [info]anawillcutyou is Ana Sofia Morales, jaguar shifter, snark queen, and cook extraordinaire. She hails from Argentina, and if anyone wants to pick up one of her brothers (both younger, they're the last living three out of five kids), I will love you forever. She comes across as prickly and sometimes standoffish, but there's passion just under the surface, and once you're her friend, that's it. Of course, that trust can be just as easily broken, and as someone who lost most of her family by the time she was 20, she's got some abandonment issues to work through. It's a process.

Finally, at [info]rulerofthewater is Zhiqiang Wang, a water dragon, hoarder of jade and fancy watches, he of the resting bitch face. He's...eh. Well. He's Zhi. He's like that saying 'still waters run deep'-everything seems fine on the surface, then the riptide grabs you and you're upside down before you know it. There's a reason the motto of Hogwarts is 'never tickle sleeping dragons'.

I'm over on Discord at lovedthestarstoofondly #7009, or you can hit up any of the contact posts on the journals. Looking forward to playing with all of you!

Jan. 17th, 2019



modly post #001

click to know what's happening in the game )