mutant haven. - December 21st, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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December 21st, 2008

in the news. [Dec. 21st, 2008|09:00 am]
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[ Santa Monica Daily Press, weekend edition ]

There were scenes of chaos at Santa Monica high today when an argument between two students morphed into something else entirely. Witnesses report seeing windows shattered and lockers being ripped away from the walls by some sort of invisible source, with some witnesses claiming that one of the boys involved in the disturbance was invincible. The school was unable to release the names of the students involved, but there is already talk that they are amongst those Dr Nathaniel Essex claimed to possess a gene to give them superpowers. [...]
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just make sure you don't tell on me. [Dec. 21st, 2008|01:05 pm]

Lorna Dane wasn't used to being in trouble. Which was understandable, considering that she had much more experience getting other people in trouble. Up until this point her record was stellar, there wasn't so much as a detention marring its straight-A perfection. Lorna had worked hard to keep it that way, a little too hard according to her therapist, and she wasn't about to let anyone ruin it for her.

A suspension, even if it was only for three days, would go on her permanent record. )
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Please be nice on this feast of lights. [Dec. 21st, 2008|05:02 pm]



Hanukkah started tonight. Mostly everyone here seemed to celebrate Christmas, but Walter decided to deliver his gifts now. He really appreciated the kind treatment he'd recieved since he showed up at the hotel. (With the exception of Jared, of course). Everyone who'd given him their shoe size (and a few others that hadn't-- with the exception of Jared, of course) recieved a gift from Walter.
Certainly not the greatest thing they'll ever get, but it's something everyone needs! )
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