Feb. 19th, 2012


[OC] Elisa Carbelle

Name: Elisa Carbelle
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 120lbs

History )

Abilities and Notes )

Feb. 14th, 2012


[Marina] Valentine's Mistletoe-bot Links!

I'm keeping up with all of the links for my own records, but also, should the main mingle post reach 5,000 comments again, this will be the continuation post for any threads that are occurring over there. The code at the bottom is complete should anyone want to use it.

Links Table Below )

Nov. 18th, 2011



The Absolute Power Meme )

Note: This meme may have triggery content in it, due to subject matter! Please put any necessary additional warnings in your thread headers! Meme taken from memebells.

Nov. 3rd, 2011


[Loveless] Brush the strokes gently

[Soubi makes sure all the needed supplies are there, two empty canvas ready for the lesson. The paints are laid out carefully, organized by color and shade, the brushes dry and faithfully cleaned. He wants everything to be perfect.

Now all he needs is for Ritsuka to arrive.]

{OOC: Warning for Sexual Content.}

Sep. 25th, 2011


[Marina Asylum] Prom Threads Part Deux!

This is a continuation post for all of the prom threads my characters are currently in! I will be making separate threads for each character and then responding with headers for each thread they are currently in.

I believe currently the the point in time that this post is made, most threads are on MY turn.

Aug. 20th, 2011


[OOC] Full Muse List

I finally decided to make a list of all of the muses I have for RP. It's starting to get long...

Beneath Here Insanity Lies )

I'm insane. I know this.
Tags: ,

Jan. 3rd, 2011


[001] Sing a song of sixpence

Characters: Alma Karma and Castiel
Preset CR: Marina Asylum
Set Up: Castiel finds a very different Alma sleeping in his bed than he remembers from the night before.

[There's a body that's too big to be a child beneath the blankets. A sleepy moan that doesn't sound like a child's voice.

Alma doesn't care. All he wants to do is dream.]

Aug. 3rd, 2010


[OOC] Contact | Come Play With Me~

Hi there! This is the musebox for S.P.Kathrine and all her muses...of which there are a lot.

I made this on a whim because I enjoy playing outside events every now and then, but not always in the settings dressing rooms provide. So with my own musebox I can make the setting anything I want and even play out scenes from the RP I am in without any problems.

If you would like to join me here and play with one of my characters, feel free! That's what this post here is for. All you have to do is comment to let me know who you are, which character(s) you want to play something out with and maybe what ideas you have for how the thread could start out.

This is a MUSEBOX, so anything goes. Sex. Crack. Drama. If I like it, I'll do it. All comments made here are SCREENED, with anonymous allowed, just in case someone doesn't want someone else seeing it.

To see what muses I already have journals for on IJ and muses that do not have journals, just check out the full list on my LJ.

To make requesting easier you could also just fill out this:

I know this seems very official, but I like organization. This is also the place where you can contact me about anything regarding this musebox, or if you want to join. I honestly don't mind if people decide they want to use this as their own musebox just because I don't know how much use I'll get out of it. But if that's something you have in mind, please let me know ahead of time.