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Sep. 5th, 2014


Your Muse: Laurel Lance
Fandom(s): Arrow
Muse wanted: Captain Quentin Lance, Sara Lance, Felicity Smoak, Malcolm Merlyn, everyone.

Also Laurel doesn't have many canon friends, only Jo who no one plays!

I’m looking for an OC - you can name her, tweak her background, only two things I ask, they met in law school and she only knows about Oliver by name from Laurel and the papers.

Using Leighton isn’t a must, but would be awesome.

I have some awesome lines were Laurel could use her in a few psl.
Canon/AU/Crossover/OC: Canon.
Description of what you are looking for: For all of them in play.
Location of where said muse will be played: [info]arrowmods
Contact info: here.

Aug. 29th, 2014


Your Muse: Dr. Gregory House
Fandom(s): House MD
Muse wanted: Dr. James Wilson; Thirteen; Allison Cameron
Canon/AU/Crossover/OC: Panfandom game
Description of what you are looking for: Any canonmates would be great, but honestly Wilson is the one I want the most! He needs his best friend, yo!
Location of where said muse will be played: [info]wariscomingmod
Contact info: Comment here or
Anything else: N/a

Aug. 10th, 2014


Your Muse: Albus Potter
Fandom(s): Harry Potter
Muse wanted: Any of the other HP characters, but especially Lily Luna, James Potter, Lily Potter, the Weasleys (including cousins), Hermione Granger, and Narcissa Malfoy.
Canon/AU/Crossover/OC: Slightly skewed canon up until the epilogue, then AU from there.
Description of what you are looking for: Family!
Location of where said muse will be played: [info]hemlockmod
Contact info: Comment here or PM the journal.
Anything else: Nope.

Aug. 6th, 2014


Your Muse: Braeden
Fandom(s): Teen Wolf
Muse wanted: Derek Hale
Canon/AU/Crossover/OC: Canon
Description of what you are looking for: I'm looking for a ship, but it's okay for it not to happen since they have a friendship kinda forming. Braeden had her life threatened and hand force to join Deucalion's new pack, she's now a wolf. I'd like Derek to come in a stir the pot a little. Peter, Malia,(Unaware she's a Hale and would love some Derek training as well), and Stiles are in the game.
Location of where said muse will be played: [info]welcometohaven
Contact info: Here or in journal.

Jul. 29th, 2014


Your Muse: Chuck Bartowski
Fandom(s): Chuck
Muse wanted: Basically the whole fandom. Sarah Walker-Bartowski, Ellie and Devon Woodcombe, John Casey, Morgan Grimes, Jeffster. Bryce back from the dead!
Canon/AU/Crossover/OC: Canon or AU, doesn't matter! Would love to AU that series ending.
Description of what you are looking for: Just someome that he knows that he can hang around with, he's all by his lonesome.
Location of where said muse will be played: [info]fiveohmod, of which I am a mod as well.
Contact info:, on the contact post in Chuck's journal, or via PM.
Anything else: That's about it!

Jul. 26th, 2014


Your Muse: Rose Tyler
Fandom(s): Doctor Who
Muse wanted: The 10th Doctor
Canon/AU/Crossover/OC: Canon (in a Panfandom RPG)
Description of what you are looking for: Rose would really like her Doctor around to help her make sense of everything!
Location of where said muse will be played: [info]galaxymods (panfan set in the Star Wars universe! So far, this is a great game and no knowledge of SW is needed)
Contact info: Here or her journal
Anything else: While I love them as a ship, I'm not looking for snugglefests and romantic declarations all the time (though occasional fluff can be fun). I would really just love something that would mimic their dynamic from the show because, as 10 put it: "does it need saying?"


Your Muse: Peter Rumancek
Fandom(s): Hemlock Grove
Muse wanted: Lynda Rumancek, Norman Godfrey, Destiny Rumancek, Johann Pryce...Just about anyone that's not already dead or about to die in the premise (Letha Godfrey and Olivia Godfrey)
Canon/AU/Crossover/OC: Canon post-s1/pre-s2 but with a panfandom twist.
Description of what you are looking for: Peter would especially love to have his mom and cousin around.
Location of where said muse will be played: [info]hemlockmod (game opens July 29)
Contact info: Comment here or email makemyheartsteel [@] gmail [.] com
Anything else: You need not have prior knowledge of the show in order to play in the game.

Jul. 25th, 2014


Your Muse: Kate Fuller
Fandom(s): From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series
Muse wanted: Seth Gecko
Canon/AU/Crossover/OC: Canon
Description of what you are looking for: At the end of the series Kate and Seth were traveling together. I would like to keep that in Haven, they won't be able to travel, but sticking together since Richie Gecko and Santánico Pandemonium are both in play.
Location of where said muse will be played: [info]welcometohaven
Contact info: Here

Jul. 24th, 2014


Your Muse: The 10th Doctor
Fandom(s): Doctor Who
Muse wanted: Rose Tyler, other Doctors (including the War Doctor!), Donna Noble, Clara Oswald, Martha Jones, Jack Harkness, etc
Canon/AU/Crossover/OC: Pan-fandom
Description of what you are looking for: The Doctor needs his Rose! And, really, I'll take anyone from Doctor Who. From Classic or New Who, I'm not picky!
Location of where said muse will be played: [info]maroonermods (game opens August 1)
Contact info: This post or his journal
Anything else: I would really, really, really love a Rose. :/


Your Muse: Clarke Griffin
Fandom(s): Bellamy, Wells, Raven, Monty, Jasper, Lincoln, Octavia, Finn, etc
Canon/AU/Crossover/OC: Pan-fandom
Description of what you are looking for: I would just love any and all 100 muses. I ship Bellarke, so I would loooooove to see him around, but I'd be down with just about anyone from the show.
Location of where said muse will be played: [info]maroonermods. It doesn't open til August 1st.
Contact info: Just comment here or on her journal.
Anything else: --


Your Muse: Oliver Queen
Fandom(s): Arrow
Muse wanted: Felicity Smoak, John Diggle, Thea Queen, Roy Harper, the Lance sisters, ETC
Canon/AU/Crossover/OC: Pan-fandom game
Description of what you are looking for: I would love any and all of these characters so that Ollie has someone from his own world to talk with. I would like Felicity to ship with him, but I don't need a ship to be happy!
Location of where said muse will be played: [info]maroonermods (opens on August 1st, so tons of characters are still open)
Contact info: Here is fine
Anything else: I'd also be open to any other "Arrow" characters, as well as characters from the DC 'verse at large.

Jul. 22nd, 2014


Your Muse: Helena Wayne †The Huntress†
Fandom(s): DCU
Muse wanted: The whole Batclan esp, Dick Grayson and also Powergirl
Canon/AU/Crossover/OC: Canon
Description of what you are looking for: Just want them in play in the game.
Location of where said muse will be played: [info]welccometohaven
Contact info: Here


Your Muse: Elle Bishop
Fandom(s): Heroes
Muse wanted: Gabriel "Sylar" Gray
Canon/AU/Crossover/OC: Canon

Description of what you are looking for: I would love for him to come at the end of the series. I pulled Elle from the middle of her death, which left her with surges that are growing stronger. I need him to work his mojo on her once again, talk about him killing her, and fix her. They will not be shipped, but honestly their lives should intertwine together, wouldn't mind some stalking on his part, cause Sylar is a creeper and she's alive in Haven.

Location of where said muse will be played: [info]welcometohaven
Contact info: Here

Jul. 3rd, 2014


Your Muse: Jane Foster
Fandom(s): Marvel Cinematic Universe
Muse wanted: Thor Odinson
Canon/AU/Crossover/OC: Canon post-Thor 2: The Dark World
Description of what you are looking for: I'd like them to pick up from where they were post Thor 2, expanding their romance slowly as well as participating in the gpsl with lots of plot and action. Must be able to be active and low-drama. (If you are absolutely just wanting a PSL, I'm open to that as well.
Location of where said muse will be played: [info]marveland
Contact info: Contact Post
Anything else: Our links: taken list, dropbox, and our teeny, tiny application

Jun. 18th, 2014


Your Muse: Cassie Blake
Fandom(s):  Secret Circle, Supernatural, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Muse wanted: Anyone within those fandoms would be amazing!
Canon/AU/Crossover/OC: Canon or AU, whatever works
Description of what you are looking for:  I'm looking for some good, constant writing partners. It would be lovely to have some great storylines going on. Anything action packed, end of the world, or zombie related. I dig it. If you don't know this character, that is completely fine.
Location of where said muse will be played: Entirely up to you. I'll try games, museboxes, sixwordstories, memes, just whatever flows.
Contact info: pm or comment here
Anything else: UGH! Can someone please direct me to an amazing Willow from btvs! xD Thanks!

Jun. 5th, 2014


Your Muse: Liv Parker
Fandom(s): TVD
Muse wanted: Tyler Lockwood
Canon/AU/Crossover/OC: Canon
Description of what you are looking for: Liv and Tyler having a little bad romance. He needs a rebound, she need someone to play with.
Location of where said muse will be played: [info]batonrougela
Contact info: here

May. 30th, 2014


Your Muse: Laurel Lance
Fandom(s): Arrow
Muse wanted: Anyone who wants to scene with her.
Canon/AU/Crossover/OC: All the above.
Description of what you are looking for: I would like a psl just to play her in.
Location of where said muse will be played: Make a community for them.
Contact info: here.


Your Muse: Mae Koskinen
Fandom(s): Age of X
Muse wanted: Justin Drew and Teresa Cruz, even settle for some Prartorians OCs or Canon.
Canon/AU/Crossover/OC: Canon
Description of what you are looking for: Her canon mates.
Location of where said muse will be played: Not too sure.
Contact info: Here
Anything else: Nope

May. 24th, 2014


Your Muse: Charles Xavier
Fandom(s): X-men (movie verse)
Muse wanted: Erik Lehnsherr
Canon/AU/Crossover/OC: Canon
Description of what you are looking for: We have a Raven and a Hank from X-men First Class as well as a Logan and Kitty from the comic verse. It would be nice to have an Erik again no matter what point you're bringing him from. Charles is right from the beginning of First Class but is woefully aware of what will happen to him.
Location of where said muse will be played: [info]theriverman
Contact info: Here or at the dropbox in my journal
Anything else: I can work with them whether you ship them or not

May. 9th, 2014


Your Muse: Rogue (Marie D'Ancanto)
Fandom(s): Marvel (movieverse)
Muse wanted: John Allerdyce and/or Logan
Canon/AU/Crossover/OC: Canon
Description of what you are looking for: I'm an unashamed Ryro shipper and would love for someone to pick up Pyro. I'd also love a Wolverine because their relationship in the movies is also good RP plot fodder.
Location of where said muse will be played: [info]horrorathon
Contact info: contact post
Anything else: A Gambit, Bobby, Kitty, Piotr, etc. would also be loved.

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