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February 5th, 2013

[info]the_sourwolf in [info]muses_wanted

Your Muse: Derek Hale
Fandom(s): Teen Wolf
Muse wanted: LAURA HALE
Canon/AU/Crossover/OC: Canon...ish.
Description of what you are looking for: Laura Hale for play at [info]projectchaos. You can play her post death, pre death, I don't care. Either way, it'll shake up Derek and give him a little bit of confidence and (gasp) happiness.
Location of where said muse will be played: [info]projectchaos
Contact info: Here is good. Or via PM.
Anything else: We only see Laura in flashbacks so the PB is flexible but...I just have to say how wonderfully Meghan Ory fits to be Derek's sister.

[info]alegacy in [info]muses_wanted

Your Muse: John Winchester
Fandom(s): Supernatural (willing to do crossovers)
Muse wanted: Bill Harvelle, Bobby Singer, Mary Campbell, open to oc's and others
Canon/AU/Crossover/OC: AU, possible crossovers
Description of what you are looking for: John is from an au where Henry actually went back to the past. He arrived an hour early in order to warn the others. While they were prepared for Abaddon they couldn't kill the demon. Henry left town with both the key and his family. The Winchesters temporarily changed their name and went underground, living a normal life. Unfortunately, a few years later, John's mother was killed by a demon forcing Henry to explain what was really out there. John followed in his father's teachings and, eventually, became a memeber of the Men of Letters. He provides information to the hunters the society deems worthy. I'm looking for hunters, other members of the Men of Letters, and various supernatural beings

Location of where said muse will be played: 6ws, probably project chaos
Contact info: bloodiedbloom or here
Anything else: Nothing except the fact that John and Mary don't necessarily have to get together in this verse.