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May 31st, 2012

[info]prefersdemons in [info]muses_wanted

Your Muse: Adam Milligan
Fandom(s): Supernatural
Muse wanted: Sam Winchester
Canon/AU/Crossover/OC: AU
Description of what you are looking for:

I'm in a panfandom community where it has been stated that the original timeline goes on without whoever was pulled from it. With that in mind I started to think about the spn-verse and how the world would still be in danger without Sam or Dean. In the game, Dean was taken just after Sam and Adam fell into the pit he didn't stick around long enough to know that Sam was pulled out. Castiel, realizing that Sam was a little off returned to Hell where he managed to pull Adam from the cage (Michael was a little nicer about releasing the human) and took him to Sam where they were made to work together.

The line can pick up after Sam gets his soul back (or before if robosam is your thing) and will deal with the two of them getting along in a world without Dean. While Sam's not become familiar to Adam, Adam's still something of a stranger who won't exactly fill his older brother in on how they got out of the cage or where Adam learned how to hunt. The line can be slash or gen (I don't really mind) and we can discuss their relationship while Sam was soulless. I'm open to just about anything.

Location of where said muse will be played: 6ws, possibly smutty, through journals, I don't have an actual community to take them to be if there's greater interest we can make a gpsl.

Contact info: Here or hit me up through the journal. I'll be working all weekend so aim is a no-go.
Anything else: