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May 22nd, 2012

[info]likesrenegade in [info]muses_wanted

Your Muse: Dean Winchester aka Renegade
Fandom(s): Supernatural with an Avengers fusion
Muse wanted: Jo Harvelle, Castiel Novak aka Captain America, Sam Winchester/Hulk, Michael, Ruby Jones aka Black Widow, Tyson Brady aka Hawkeye, Lucifer
Canon/AU/Crossover/OC: AU fusion.
Description of what you are looking for: AU awesomeness. We could go from anywhere on the timeline for plot and I'm down for shipping anything. I just really like this idea and would trade my left arm for it, mkay~
Location of where said muse will be played: SWS, SSWS, Meme places. I'd even make a community for this.
Contact info: Here is good. Or PM. Aim/Email upon request.
Anything else: I did an extensive finger breaking history for Dean here for a better idea of things. Beware spoilers.

[info]psychic_shawn in [info]muses_wanted

Your Muse: Shawn Spencer
Fandom(s): Psych
Muse wanted: Burton "Gus" Guster
Canon/AU/Crossover/OC: Crossover, characters are canon (it doesn't matter to me what canon they are from though, so it's totally up to you. The crossover aspect doesn't really require Psych's canon anyway.)
Description of what you are looking for: GUS. A Gus to my Shawn. If you've seen the show, you'll know that they are like Sherlock and Watson, Sam and Dean, Bonnie and Clyde, Starsky and Hutch, even Rose and Jack if Shawn decides to make that movie reference. I have never had a Gus and Shawn has been begging me for one for a while. <3
Location of where said muse will be played: [Bad username: riftcity_mods.insanejournal.com/profile] It's a Torchwood-centric game based in Cardiff, Whales.
Contact info: trickster8888@gmail.com is the most reliable form of contact with me, although I have an AIM - trickster8899, or just comment on this post. (:
Anything else: I've been playing Shawn for a while, so here are some examples of him...
Shawn and Owen Harper
Shawn and Peter Vincent
Shawn, Owen Harper, and Captain Jack Harkness (this is how he came to Rift City)
More of Shawn bugging Owen
Shawn and John Watson