July 2nd, 2007

[info]jlsigman in [info]multiplicity

Hi there

For a long time, it was just me and the chaos in my head. Brought on by sexual abuse, mental abuse, and a deep sense that other people would never understand.

A few years ago one of the voices finally got a face and a name. That is Someone to the rest of the world. He is my rage, my pain, my courage to say no.

Very recently, another voice identified themselves, and that is Someone Else. He is sexual, passionate, and outgoing.

I am diagnosed Manic/Depressive, unmedicated by choice.

So... Hi! It's good to know I'm not alone. I may lurk more than post, until Someone grabs the keyboard from me.

[info]shadowsouls in [info]multiplicity


We're wary of these types of places because of certain people we've had run ins with in the past and because of other factors. A certain portion of us are rather wary of people in general. Our group is non-trauma based though we do have some theories on our existence either being a natural extension of the "original" or that we are active merely because of the body's social isolation via the body having Asperger's syndrome. Because it is far easier to communicate with people in your mind that you don't have to deal with the boundaries of body language and can direct communicate mind to mind instead of having to deal with voice inflections one cannot figure out or reading confusing body language.

I'm Tom and I take care most of the group business while Holly, the "original", takes care of day-to-day stuff that involves presenting as a single person. We have mostly fictional based people, but we're all alternate universe in some way and some as they say it "haven't had their canon written yet". Our structure is usually we have me and Holly running things with a third person usually hanging about to handle stuff when me or Holly are overwhelmed with others dropping in every so often. The third person often changes and who it is depends on what's going on in the front at the time. Right now, for some reason the third person is 'Crow who is actually the alternate personality of someone else in our system, so we see both of them.

Our journal is friendslocked for safety reasons. And that's who we are.

August 2008

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