December 18th, 2008

[info]buyo105 in [info]multi_ficathon

week - #9 + a question

Time for our next challenge!

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Back to basics this week. Rules are here should you need them.

I'm wondering if anyone would like to take over prompting? Or at least do one prompt week a month. The prompts are always the same as the comm on LJ, but I usually forget about coming over here because I don't spend that much time on IJ and that's not really fair to you guys. You can of course, make up whatever prompt you like if you don't want to use the ones that I come up with. It's pretty simple; 25 prompts (and a bonus if you like) which can be anything, quotes or pics or one words, or a mix - posted every other Thursday with a reminder on Saturday. Well you know how it works by now. If you're interested feel free to leave a comment.

I'll be back Saturday with a reminder :)