Tuesday, September 7th, 2010

some friends are silver, the others gold, and some have magical mind powers

Who: Elissa
When: After sunset
Where: The Folly square
Open To: Dean and SUUKEEH the Sookster Sook Sookie
Threading: Single, doesn't swing

"So who is this friend?"

She was genuinely curious. Elissa followed Dean back through the door where they had exited the inn and then out the front doors of the inn itself. Outside it was bright and cheery, lifting her spirits somewhat despite the worry in the back of her mind. But there were other things to be concerned about, and right now she was just a little excited about meeting a new face. She held no illusions (or at least tried to, but it was difficult to quell the butterflies in her stomach) that this person would know anything about getting back home; instead, she simply tried to think of it as finding a new member of the party, back when she and Alistair had tried to find others to help them in their long fight against Loghain. Man or woman, what skills they would possess, how would they fit into the party and work with others... It was a familiar thing and that comforted her in the midst of all of this strangeness.

Of course, getting to continue to spend time with Dean was also a plus, but she tried not to let that go to the forefront of her mind. So instead she just followed, wondering where they were going and unconsciously touching her sword hilt every now and again (once she'd realized they were leaving the inn, she made a special trip back to her room to retrieve the blade, needing the security it offered). The handling wasn't terribly noticeable, but it was there and she gave no thought to it other than that she was glad she had it. Otherwise her hands were at her side, or tucked behind her back - not necessarily movement out of anxiety, but more excitement, and it was all graceful movement.

She noted that they were moving through a neighborhood of houses now, each with its own peculiar quirks, but most of the same basic structure. They were familiar and yet not, somewhat similar to houses in villages she'd visited, but for the most part she couldn't name the builders nor the type of construction if she tried.

"How far are we going?"
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Monday, August 16th, 2010

Meeting the Metallicar

Who: Vala
When: A couple days after the Fountain Incident
Where: The stable
Open to: Dean

It was mid-afternoon as Vala hiked her way up the hill just past the Wolfe's Head Tavern. In her explorations, she had always gone west of the tavern or north to explore the castle, she had yet to actually go east. Up ahead of her was a large stone stable, all of its doors wide open. There was one stall though, near the back that was open and had the front end of a car sticking out with a pair of legs underneath.

Cocking her head to the side, Vala headed towards the man. She placed a hand on the hood of the car and bent down, able to see the rest of the man under the car; it was Dean. "Hello," Vala said, giving him a wide smile.
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Thursday, August 5th, 2010

it's not a matter of luck/it's just a matter of time

Who: Elissa
When: Afternoon, day after "I'm just a stranger in a strange land"
Where: The inn
Thread: Single

Elissa was starving. She'd been a little leery of going back into the kitchen - she'd had no problems with it the first night she was here, when she'd gone back with Bastian, but she'd thought it was a dream. Now she knew it was reality, and the fact that those doors had brought her here made her heart beat with the idea that maybe, just maybe, if she stepped through them, she'd go back home.

But no. She'd walked through them, taking a quick step because she was holding her breath, and nothing had happened. She'd simply walked back into the strange kitchen, with it's 'fridge' and 'stove' and other weird things.

She was starving. Exercise always made her hungry, and so she started rooting around, looking for something that wasn't wrapped in the strange material that broke whenever she pulled too hard (how were you supposed to open it, anyway? There weren't any holes!) or in a box made of another strange material. Just something that was normal and something she was used to. A vegetable, or a chicken leg or...just something.
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Friday, July 23rd, 2010

it's gotta be five o'clock somewhere

Who: Elissa
When: Early morning hours
Where: The Inn's bar
Open To: Dean
Thread: Single

I'm stuck here. She listened to the sentence in her mind, and again she couldn't believe it. Refused to believe it. She tried it again, outloud.

"I'm stuck here." Andraste's Fire, this is insane. I can't be stuck here. She'd never met a challenge where there was no answer. When she was trapped in the Fade by the Sloth Demon, she killed it and released herself. When she had been imprisoned in Fort Drakon, she had done whatever it took to get out and finish her duties - and she didn't care to remember what she had had to do. So many things done, and all of them had choices and decisions to be made.

Never once had she been confronted with a problem that couldn't be solved.

And she refused to believe that this place couldn't be solved. Not when she'd worked so hard so that she could be released from her Grey Warden duties, in order to live a semi-normal life, for the few years she had left. If there was one thing to be said about Elissa Cousland, it was that she had determination.

But right now, the one thing she was determined to do was to get good and drunk. Where was Oghren when you needed him? If the dwarf was good for anything, it was liquor.

She took a seat at the bar, still dressed only in her nightgown. She'd need to find better clothes. The knife lay on the counter top to her right. Though Bastian had proved trustworthy, she was still uncertain about the rest of this place. In the back of her mind, she still believed she was in the Fade.

Leaning forward, she looked around for a barkeep.

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recover (sookie and dean; narrative/one-shot)

Sookie woke up slowly, eyes fuzzy, vision a little off, and managed to focus on the figure sitting at the foot of her bed.

It was Dean, and he was very concerned.

She could kind of gather from what he was thinking that she'd fainted in a big lump, and that Terry... whose name was not Terry, but 'Az,' should've been able to heal her by touching her but could not. That worried both of them. Horribly.

"I'm alright," Sookie said, noticing that there was a can of soda on the bedside table. She smiled. He'd worried about her blood sugar. "Your friend--"

"He's not my friend."

"Alright. Terry made my head hurt."

Dean nodded. "Terry makes my head hurt, too."

Sookie shook her head, tabbing open the soda. "No. Like... head in a vice hurt. Like pressure." She paused. "Because he's an angel."

Dean turned to face her more. "You see that, in my head?"

A nod.

"How does that work?"

"I just hear things. That people think. Like they're sayin' 'em. I saw all about Castiel. I could hear Terry, too."

Whoa. "You could hear his thoughts?"

Sookie took a drink of the soda. "Yeah, but... that's why my head hurt. I could hear them but they were all garbled. Some language I don't know. I couldn't even get the gist of what he said."

Dean snorted. "He thinks in Enochian. Bastard."


"Enochian. It's kind of like angel language." So you can hear everything I think? All of it? No matter what I do?

She nodded.

There's no way to keep you out?

"There is, but it's a lot of concentration. Or you have to be not human. I can't hear most vampires."

You know there are vampires?

Another nod. "And werewolves. And probably everything else." She got herself out from under the covers, smiling slightly that Dean tucked her in.

Are you human?

"Far as I know."

Dean cleared his throat. "Sookie... are you 26?"

Another nod. Legs unstretched toward Dean and he thought about touching them. Sookie smacked his hand lightly.

"My brother... he had all sorts of stuff happen when he turned 26, because something happened to him when he was a baby. A demon. A demon gave him blood, and he... got some abilities because of it."

Sookie shook her head. "It's not new. And there wasn't any demon. I've been like this since I was little. My parents and my teachers were all worried. I don't know why I'm like this." She smiled at him, slightly. Dean smiled back. "Just am."

"You need anything?"

"No. But thank you for takin' care of me. It was really nice of you. Even if you were thinkin' about my butt a lot in the library."

Dean grinned. "It's a nice butt."

He got up, thinking about kissing the top of her head but unsure if it'd cross a line. Sookie smiled. "You don't have to. I'm okay."

"And I'm..."

"Right down the hall. I know."

Sookie got up, without trouble, head feeling great now that Azrael was gone, knowing for sure now that that was his name. She wanted to research him, too. There was so much she didn't know. She stopped at the door, near Dean, and looked at him, carefully.

"Is he trying to hurt you?"

Dean sighed, looking back at her with a very perplexed expression. "I don't know."

Sookie searched his eyes and saw a lot of pain. And when she followed the pain, she saw an overwhelming amount of things inside Dean's head. Sam. Lucifer. LUCIFER?! An archangel who wanted Dean. Demons. Hell. Heaven.

"Holy Shit!" she said, with feeling.
"Yeah," Dean said. "I know."
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Wednesday, July 21st, 2010

Vala pulled her hair back into her usual pigtailed braids as she stepped into the fountain. The weather had been growing steadily hotter, disproving her theory that their rock wasn't actually going anywhere, and she needed something to break the heat.

After her impromptu water battle with Cam the other day, Vala had been dying to find some sort of pool or something to cool off with. But other than the river that she found whose water dumped somewhere she wasn't willing to find out about just yet, she had struck out.

So armed in her new bikini, Vala jumped into the fountain and let the water splash down on her, finally cooling her off.

[open to any and all and lets go single thread and make it an epic pool/fountain party. Everyone bring your trunks!]
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Eric had made an effort to get to know all of the townspeople. Some he knew better than others, it was true, but he'd at least met all of them. Except for one, that is. He'd heard mention of another man in town, but Eric had yet to cross paths with him.

So after dark, Eric made his way down to the inn, hoping to finally meet the elusive Dean.

[single thread post for Dean, please :)]
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Monday, July 19th, 2010

information (for azrael and sookie)

... but why ask for directions when this place had signs up all over? The Inn had a big sign that said Wolf's Head Inn. All the streets were marked. The grocery store had a big sign that said GROCERIES. Dean just didn't see the point.

Despite walking around with an angel he didn't know following him, Dean was feeling a little better about the situation, just then. This was not yet different from any other job he'd worked on... except that he was alone.

And Dean really did not like being alone.

He stopped outside of the library, hoping it was open and he wasn't going to have to break in. It looked empty, but open.

"This," he said somewhat condescendingly, "is where they keep the computers." A pause. "I hope."

He looked over his shoulder at Azrael to be sure he was still there. And he was, creepy as ever.

"I seriously hope I don't have to explain the internet," he said, holding the glass door open.
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Friday, July 9th, 2010

i see the angels/i'll lead them to your door (for dean)

Azrael headed for the inn, not sure what he was searching for at this point. Advice given to him by Carr to search the castle for answers nagged at the back of his mind, but a more pressing concern was finding the Winchester man. His original idea had been to manipulate the portals and pull him into this world, where he'd be able to take all the answers he wanted without worry of time or place. But now, with more and more people showing up, things might become more complicated.

Stepping inside, he took a moment to enjoy the artful carvings and master craftsmanship of the furniture. Whoever had designed this town had done so with delicate care and passion - again, more emphasis on the material than on those who might live here. For Azrael, he could see why others wouldn't want to stay here (and had obviously chosen not to), but the angel didn't dwell on those thoughts for long, though it was an effort to turn away from them.

The cigarette in his mouth gave off a tendril of smoke that curled past his face to the ceiling; he removed it and took a second glance to see who was present inside of the tavern.
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Wednesday, July 7th, 2010

For Dean

Carr stood behind the bar, polishing glasses. More for something to do, if he was being honest, than anything else. There'd been so many new people come through, he wasn't quite sure what was going on. Things were certainly getting interesting around here. Placing the last of the clean glasses on a shelf, he turned his attention to fixing himself some lunch - nothing fancy, but there was plenty of food in the kitchen at the inn.
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Tuesday, July 6th, 2010

arrival (for Azrael)

The smiling face on the tv was haunting Dean, even in his restless sleep.

Without me, you got zero shot at killing Lucifer. Sorry. Fucking Gabriel. Loki. Trickster. Whatever. Witness protection Dean's ass. This guy was so much trouble, SO much trouble, he half didn't blame Lucifer for ganking him. But he had a point, and Dean'd known it the first time he heard those recorded words, standing there with Sam. That's why it was repeating in his mind. The cage you sprung Lucifer from, it's still down there, and maybe, just maybe, you can shove his ass back in. Not that it'll be easy. You got to get the cage open, trick my bro back into it, and oh yeah, avoid Michael and the God Squad. But hey - details, right? And here's the big secret, Lucifer himself doesn't even know. But the key to the cage, it's out there. Actually it's keys, plural, four keys. Well, four rings... from the Horsemen. You get 'em all, you got the cage.

He tossed in the motel bed and woke up with a start. Things were a little blurry, but when they focused, Dean was smart enough to realize that for the umpteenth time, he was not in Kansas anymore.

His eyebrows furrowed as he sat up and looked around the room. Dean did not know where he was--and really, that did tend to happen to him kind of a lot, lately. But the last thing he remembered was watching Gabriel's tape with Sam.

Sam. "SAM?!"

Dean was out of the bed and moving like a bullet out of a gun. He opened the door to the bathroom and stupidly called out his brother's name a second time, as if someone Sam's size could really be hiding in there behind the door.

"Son of a bitch."

His hand felt in his pocket for his cell phone, and when Dean turned it on, there were no bars. No signal. How was that possible? Last time that had happened, he'd been in...

"1973," he said aloud. "Really, again? You guys trying this AGAIN?!"

The phone went back into his pocket with a rough shove, and Dean started hoping for Cas to show up and zap him out of here.

Sure enough, the tv popped on, the static happened, and he could make out the rough outline of his friend's face. It was blurry, and strained, and Dean remembered that this had been the case in Heaven.

"Cas, am I dead? Did I die?"
"No. At least, I don't think so."
"Where am I?"
"I don't know. And before you ask, I cannot get you out of there. My best guess is another dimension."
"You're shitting me."
"I don't understand the expression. I'm not 'shitting anything.'"

The connection was breaking, the image on the screen vanishing almost completely. But Castiel did have a parting shot.

"Find the Wolf's Head Inn, and Cardoc Wallace. He can help you. That's all the information I have right now."

Dean took the order for what it was--an order designed to help him. He didn't know where he was, but how many inns could there be?

He half-bounded down the hall and out the door, not seeing the Impala but sure, somehow, she was there somewhere. Dean checked his pockets: he did have a gun, and a silver knife. He did have salt, and holy water. He had his protection against possession and against angelic pests. But really, he was more worried about being separated from Sam, and that Cas could not reach him and grab him out of here. Cas had grabbed him out of Hell.

Where the fuck was he?

Outside the motel, which turned out to be a replica of the Elysian Fields, at least in layout, Dean saw a sign pointing to the center of town and the Wolf's Head Inn, an arrow. Other arrows ran off in different directions. One said 'Centre of the Universe.' It pointed the other way.

"That's convenient," Dean said. He strode in the direction of the Inn, hoping it wasn't far, that Sam was safe, and that the Impala would show up damn quick.
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