Wednesday, August 4th, 2010

I'm just a stranger in a strange land

Who: Elissa
When: Midmorning, a few days after "It's gotta be five o'clock somewhere"
Where: Out by the fountain, in front of the inn
Open To: Cam
Thread: Single

Elissa found herself practicing with the sword Dean had given to her out on the cobblestones in front of the inn. She had risen at dawn - she had always had - dressed herself and gone out to practice. She practiced every morning, even when she and Nathaniel had made a home and removed themselves from the Wardens.

Practicing with her blades always grounded her. Feeling the hilt in her right hand, she took up a position, letting herself settle into it for a moment. Then she stepped forward, bringing her arm around, slashing at the air in quick, precise movements. Each was measured, careful, and lightning fast; years of practice, of battle and death had honed her skills to an artform. Of course, Lucios, the man who had trained her on her father's stead, would have called her a novice at best; she would laugh to remember how he had berated her skills, all in a teasing manner.

Now those thoughts were gone from her, for the time being, as she practiced to make sure she was still up to tack. She was so into her drills that she wasn't aware of anyone around her.
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come out, come out, where-ever you are

Who: Azrael
When: Midday, close to evening?
Where: Out of doors, wandering about
Open To: Anyone, especially people he hasn't met yet (especially looking for Lucifer, just 'cause)
Thread: Let's try this multi-thread thing, Azzie's still got people to meet

He was taking some time to himself, wandering the town. No one yet had much information on the portals - but that was beside the point. If anything, he'd only want the information at this point in order to prevent Dean from leaving.

All these others? There had been few that he had liked, and less with any savory qualities; not that he was one to judge. They were quite a mixed bag, and a few could certainly cause problems for him. But he didn't even know what he was going to do, yet.

So he lit a cigarette and wandered through the streets, not looking for anyone in particular. Just an attempt to clear his mind. The smoke left a trail, evaporating with each step.
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Tuesday, July 27th, 2010

At the Inn

Who: Cam
When: late evening
Where: the inn
Open To: Vala
Thread: Single

Cam and Vala sat at a table at the Inn, half-finished drinks beside them and a shared plate of sausages on the table. Cam had to admit, he was enjoying the homecooked meals that appeared out of nowhere every night. They'd become his reason for venturing out once in a while. That, and Vala's constant pestering of him to.

"No, you're doing it wrong." Cam said, reaching over and snagging the square of paper from Vala's hands, afraid that she was going to wear it out with her constantly folding and unfolding. "Watch me."

He took it and began to fold, clever movements with his fingers until there was a perfect triangle, thick with the layers of paper. He held it steady with an index finger and then flicked it at her.
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Sunday, July 25th, 2010

Who: Bastian
When: sunset moving into evening (feel free to catch him just at sunset or after it gets dark)
Where: near the edge of the mountain
Open To: anyone, but especially people he's yet to meet
Thread: Multiple, but threadhopping's cool with me

Even as a vampire, with his enhanced night vision (the light during the day was often painful and overwhelming to him), there were somethings Bastian just needed sunlight for. Sketching just wasn't the same under artificial light.

So just as the sun started to go down, when it became more bearable for him to be outside, Bastian packed up a sketchbook he'd found in the bookstore he was exploring and a few pencils and heading for the edge of the mountain. There wasn't much to see below, but capturing the village against the open sky seemed like a worthy enough task, so he found a place where he could be mostly in the shadow but still get the benefit of the light on his subject, and settled in to draw.
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Thursday, July 22nd, 2010

He’d only been stepping through the gateway, only checking on his new creation. (People and...other things had been coming through for weeks now. His new cosmos populated with those discontent with their own.) He should have found himself in a vast and open space, floating above one of his worlds. Instead he was here. (And the most troubling thing was that he wasn’t immediately certain where ‘here’ was. Not his creation, not the Earth he knew, not hell or heaven or the Silver City or Faerie or the Dreaming or any other realm he was familiar with.)

There would be time later to discern a way to get out, back to his world, new or old. For now he needed information. In knowledge there was power. One thing he and the Old Man agreed on at least.

Traditionally the inn was the place to go when you needed to know what was going on in the wide world. He headed there now.

[Multiple thread, OTA]
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Wednesday, July 21st, 2010

Vala pulled her hair back into her usual pigtailed braids as she stepped into the fountain. The weather had been growing steadily hotter, disproving her theory that their rock wasn't actually going anywhere, and she needed something to break the heat.

After her impromptu water battle with Cam the other day, Vala had been dying to find some sort of pool or something to cool off with. But other than the river that she found whose water dumped somewhere she wasn't willing to find out about just yet, she had struck out.

So armed in her new bikini, Vala jumped into the fountain and let the water splash down on her, finally cooling her off.

[open to any and all and lets go single thread and make it an epic pool/fountain party. Everyone bring your trunks!]
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Monday, July 19th, 2010

There were a lot of things Cam missed about Colorado Springs, and the gym was definitely one of them. He felt itchy without being able to work out with his equipment, without being able to spar with Teal'c or hit the basketball court, even the shooting range... he wasn't sure if it was his brain playing tricks on him or not but he felt like he was getting rusty, and it bugged him.

He did what he could, though, and running was one of those things. The weather was always perfect, conditions always ideal, and he pushed himself harder because of it. He wanted some discomfort, some pain, found himself wishing he'd step out one day to a thunderstorm or stifling heat or something besides the cloying perfection that was this place.

(For Vala)
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Tuesday, July 13th, 2010

After a few days in her leathers, Vala had finally broke down and found a shop in town that had other clothes. There was only so many days one could wear black leather before it needed to be cleaned.

Brushing her pants off, Vala stepped out of the shop feeling rather good and carrying quite a few bags. With her new house, she had quite a few new closets in need of filling.

((Cam-- tag you're it! And to anyone that feels the need to change clothes ha!))
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Arrival post - open to anyone

It had been a very long time since Bastian had found himself lost. Even in the dead of night, even in a strange town, he could always find his way, by scent if nothing else, back to where he started. This place, was new to Bastian in a way that nothing had been in longer than he could remember. The smell here was different, the only thing recognizable the scent of his own clothing and the telltale human odor that told him the town was inhabited. The worst of it was, he didn’t remember coming here. He was only walking home, back to his newly rented flat after a night of work. And the sun had been coming up, hadn’t it?

He would turn to see if he could find his way back, but he knew without looking that he would find nothing familiar that way either. The scent of the small town he’d been living in for the past month was gone completely. All that was left was this strange, new place.

So he started walking. A building ahead, some sort of inn it seemed, was lit, and Bastian made his way toward it.
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Monday, July 12th, 2010

This cannot be happening.

Cam really wanted to pride himself on being able to handle some pretty whacked out situations, but this one was definitely taking the cake - the cake and whole damn bakery, actually. He was happy to have Vala here, but Vala wasn't exactly a calming presence at the best of times. She was... well, she herself was a very unpredictable situation, just being around her made him slightly more cautious. Vala was made for trouble, and it seemed like her pretty well, too.

As for the rest of the people here... he couldn't decide if he'd landed in the weirdest alternate universe ever, or everyone else was just hopped up on some really nice drugs. And since he couldn't come to a conclusion, he did the next best thing - helped himself to a few beers and tried to chemically induce a little bit of distraction.

(Open to anyone, but especially Dean - Cam needs to bond with a fellow human.)
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Sunday, July 11th, 2010

Cam didn't exactly get a restful night of sleep, between the pain in his leg and the thoughts in his mind. By daybreak he was up, and shortly after knocking on Vala's door.

[Oh, Valaaaaa.]
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Thursday, July 8th, 2010

It was after dark, and Eric Northman was house hunting. He knew exactly what he wanted: a large house with a nice, big basement that had no windows and no exterior door. A basement that he could sleep in during the day, that was light-tight. He strolled through the village at a casual pace, judging each house that he passed based on its exterior and deciding that many of them were too small for his tastes.

He was also hoping to meet some of the other occupants of this strange little town as he wandered. A willing blood donor would be nice, but more than that, Eric was a social creature by nature. He missed the active night life of Fangtasia, his bar back home.

[Open to anyone who'd like to chat with a vampire. :D]
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Making the best of the tavern...

Vala stood in the tavern, a pint at her elbow and the window looking out onto the town in front of her. It reminded her a lot of the Ori village that she had sort of been a part of at one time. The difference was, this place seemed friendly. Carr was at least.

It was only the second day in the village but Vala was bored. Something needed to happen and happen soon or she was going to have to find her own fun and it was never good when she did that.

Looking back out the window, Vala moved to look around the bar, hoping to find something interesting.

((Open to anyone and everyone-- especially Cam!))
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Sunday, July 4th, 2010

Bartender, Won't You Be A Little More Tender?

Carr had awoken earlier than normal, strangely restless. Well, not so strangely. He'd had nights like that before, and inevitably the next day, a portal opened and someone came through. Since he'd been awake, it hadn't seemed worth lazing about all morning. He'd opened up the inn early, making sure he had a note of which rooms were in use, opening up a couple more in the inn, just in case whoever came through wanted to stay there until they got themselves settled.

That done, he settled at one of the tables outside the door, enjoying the morning sunshine and reading a book someone had left on the bench.

[ooc: aaaaaand we're open!]
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