Montgolfier's Folly's Journal
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Below are 20 journal entries, after skipping by the 40 most recent ones recorded in Montgolfier's Folly's InsaneJournal:

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    Thursday, August 12th, 2010
    12:39 am
    Who: Eric
    When: after dark
    Where: the pub
    Open To: Elissa, because Eric wants to meet her.
    Thread: Single

    Eric had heard rumors that there were some new arrivals at the Folly, but so far he'd not had the opportunity to meet any of them yet. He decided that it was time to do something about that. After dark, Eric walked up the street to the pub, which seemed to be where the new people tended to hang out. He was hoping to run into someone new.

    He wasn't disappointed. Looking around, he spied a brunette woman near the bar that he'd never seen before and made his way over to her. "I don't believe I've had the pleasure of making your acquaintance. I'm Eric Northman," he said by way of introduction. He gave her a polite nod but did not offer her his hand.
    Tuesday, August 10th, 2010
    8:39 pm
    Who: Eric
    When: after dark
    Where: the pub and Eric's house
    Open To: Bastian and Vala :D
    Thread: Single
    [NSFW. You've been warned. Or enticed, as the case may be. ;)]

    After the sun had set and full dark had fallen, Eric headed down to the inn, hoping that Bastian would be there. He spied the younger vampire at a table by himself, a glass of whiskey in front of him. Smiling to himself, Eric made his way over to the brunette and took the seat across from him. "Good evening, Bastian. I was hoping that I might find you here."
    Sunday, August 8th, 2010
    12:23 pm
    Who: Vala
    When: Night, couple days after Eric & Vala's log
    Where: The inn
    Open To: Eric, mooahaha

    Vala made her way into the tavern, the bar at the end in her sights. She had been having a craving for Carr's special blend he had on tap and couldn't wait any longer. "Carr, a pint of your best!" She called to him as she settled in, leaning against the bar.

    Taking her drink from the bartender, she slowly sipped at the beverage, letting the alcohol work at relaxing her body. The band had just begun to play and the tavern was beginning to fill up with familiar faces. Vala turned to watch as a couple, who were already far into their cups, stumble closer towards the band and begin to fumble their way towards dancing. She relaxed back, laughing, planning for an easy night.
    Thursday, August 5th, 2010
    2:40 pm
    it's not a matter of luck/it's just a matter of time
    Who: Elissa
    When: Afternoon, day after "I'm just a stranger in a strange land"
    Where: The inn
    Thread: Single

    Elissa was starving. She'd been a little leery of going back into the kitchen - she'd had no problems with it the first night she was here, when she'd gone back with Bastian, but she'd thought it was a dream. Now she knew it was reality, and the fact that those doors had brought her here made her heart beat with the idea that maybe, just maybe, if she stepped through them, she'd go back home.

    But no. She'd walked through them, taking a quick step because she was holding her breath, and nothing had happened. She'd simply walked back into the strange kitchen, with it's 'fridge' and 'stove' and other weird things.

    She was starving. Exercise always made her hungry, and so she started rooting around, looking for something that wasn't wrapped in the strange material that broke whenever she pulled too hard (how were you supposed to open it, anyway? There weren't any holes!) or in a box made of another strange material. Just something that was normal and something she was used to. A vegetable, or a chicken leg or...just something.
    Wednesday, August 4th, 2010
    9:45 pm
    Who: Vala
    When: Late morning
    Where: Just outside the tavern
    Open To: Sookie

    Vala relaxed just outside the tavern, taking in the morning sun. She'd had a late night the night before and was letting herself take it easy. Kicking off her shoes, Vala dug her toes in the dirt and leaned back against the tavern, closed her eyes and let the sun hit and warm her skin. She tilted her head back, stretching out the sore muscles as she reached up and ran her fingers over the two pinpricks at the base of her neck that were the cause of the aches. She rubbed gently, it was definitely worth it.

    Picking up the plate she stole from the tavern, Vala brushed herself off and began to head inside to return it to Carr. The day was nice and pleasant, the perfect kind for exploring the castle. She grabbed the door handle to the tavern and jerked it open, heading inside when she ran into someone.
    1:29 pm
    I'm just a stranger in a strange land
    Who: Elissa
    When: Midmorning, a few days after "It's gotta be five o'clock somewhere"
    Where: Out by the fountain, in front of the inn
    Open To: Cam
    Thread: Single

    Elissa found herself practicing with the sword Dean had given to her out on the cobblestones in front of the inn. She had risen at dawn - she had always had - dressed herself and gone out to practice. She practiced every morning, even when she and Nathaniel had made a home and removed themselves from the Wardens.

    Practicing with her blades always grounded her. Feeling the hilt in her right hand, she took up a position, letting herself settle into it for a moment. Then she stepped forward, bringing her arm around, slashing at the air in quick, precise movements. Each was measured, careful, and lightning fast; years of practice, of battle and death had honed her skills to an artform. Of course, Lucios, the man who had trained her on her father's stead, would have called her a novice at best; she would laugh to remember how he had berated her skills, all in a teasing manner.

    Now those thoughts were gone from her, for the time being, as she practiced to make sure she was still up to tack. She was so into her drills that she wasn't aware of anyone around her.
    9:19 am
    come out, come out, where-ever you are
    Who: Azrael
    When: Midday, close to evening?
    Where: Out of doors, wandering about
    Open To: Anyone, especially people he hasn't met yet (especially looking for Lucifer, just 'cause)
    Thread: Let's try this multi-thread thing, Azzie's still got people to meet

    He was taking some time to himself, wandering the town. No one yet had much information on the portals - but that was beside the point. If anything, he'd only want the information at this point in order to prevent Dean from leaving.

    All these others? There had been few that he had liked, and less with any savory qualities; not that he was one to judge. They were quite a mixed bag, and a few could certainly cause problems for him. But he didn't even know what he was going to do, yet.

    So he lit a cigarette and wandered through the streets, not looking for anyone in particular. Just an attempt to clear his mind. The smoke left a trail, evaporating with each step.
    Monday, August 2nd, 2010
    9:40 pm
    Who: Eric
    When: after dark
    Where: the inn
    Open To: Sookie
    Thread: Single

    Eric knew that Sookie was staying in the inn. It had been a while since he'd seen her; too long for his liking. It was almost like she was avoiding him or something, and he decided that it was time to remedy that. So, after dark, he headed down to the inn. He wasn't sure which room she was staying in, but thanks to the fact that she'd had his blood, he was able to sense where she was. He climbed the staircase to the rooms above the pub and knocked at her door, waiting for her to answer.
    4:00 pm
    Who: Phaedra
    When: after midnight
    Where: the square outside the inn, near the fountain
    Open To: Lindsey
    Thread: Single

    the maker )
    And he was gone.
    And the portal closed.
    And Phaedra lay on cobblestone, immobile.
    Sunday, August 1st, 2010
    1:06 pm
    Who: Eric
    When: After the sun goes down so he doesn't go splodey.
    Where: Vala's home
    Open To: Eric

    It was a warm evening as Vala relaxed back on her roof, taking in the breeze and looking up at the stars. Taking a deep breath of the night air, she slowly laid down on her back so that all she could see was the sky. A few stray wisps of cloud drifted across the night sky, obscuring her vision briefly. She smiled. Clouds, probably the first she had actually seen in this place. It meant that the great balloons were at least moving them somewhere after all.

    Sighing, Vala cocked her head to one side and then the other. Try as she might, none of the patterns of the stars fit her familiar constellation patterns. There was no dragon, no serpent, no half fish-half bird. With a sigh, Vala resigned herself to the fact that she was going to have to make up her own and this time she would make sure they were more interesting. Giggling to herself, Vala began to mentally map out the night sky.
    Tuesday, July 27th, 2010
    11:27 pm
    At the Inn
    Who: Cam
    When: late evening
    Where: the inn
    Open To: Vala
    Thread: Single

    Cam and Vala sat at a table at the Inn, half-finished drinks beside them and a shared plate of sausages on the table. Cam had to admit, he was enjoying the homecooked meals that appeared out of nowhere every night. They'd become his reason for venturing out once in a while. That, and Vala's constant pestering of him to.

    "No, you're doing it wrong." Cam said, reaching over and snagging the square of paper from Vala's hands, afraid that she was going to wear it out with her constantly folding and unfolding. "Watch me."

    He took it and began to fold, clever movements with his fingers until there was a perfect triangle, thick with the layers of paper. He held it steady with an index finger and then flicked it at her.
    Sunday, July 25th, 2010
    6:50 pm
    Who: Bastian
    When: sunset moving into evening (feel free to catch him just at sunset or after it gets dark)
    Where: near the edge of the mountain
    Open To: anyone, but especially people he's yet to meet
    Thread: Multiple, but threadhopping's cool with me

    Even as a vampire, with his enhanced night vision (the light during the day was often painful and overwhelming to him), there were somethings Bastian just needed sunlight for. Sketching just wasn't the same under artificial light.

    So just as the sun started to go down, when it became more bearable for him to be outside, Bastian packed up a sketchbook he'd found in the bookstore he was exploring and a few pencils and heading for the edge of the mountain. There wasn't much to see below, but capturing the village against the open sky seemed like a worthy enough task, so he found a place where he could be mostly in the shadow but still get the benefit of the light on his subject, and settled in to draw.
    11:18 pm
    Who: Carr and Sookie
    When: Afternoon
    Where: the Inn
    Why: Just 'cause.

    Carr was sitting in front of the fireplace, flicking through his notebook and updating the book on the newer people that had come through - he was working on Liam Doyle's page right now, short as it was. He was still a little spooked by what Dean had said, how similar his handwriting looked to Dean's father's. Still, though, he was trying to shake it off. Trying to focus on something other than Dean's father, the warning still resounding in his head, Carr shut the notebook and tossed it onto the table in front of him, staring into the fire with a sigh.
    Friday, July 23rd, 2010
    1:45 pm
    it's gotta be five o'clock somewhere
    Who: Elissa
    When: Early morning hours
    Where: The Inn's bar
    Open To: Dean
    Thread: Single

    I'm stuck here. She listened to the sentence in her mind, and again she couldn't believe it. Refused to believe it. She tried it again, outloud.

    "I'm stuck here." Andraste's Fire, this is insane. I can't be stuck here. She'd never met a challenge where there was no answer. When she was trapped in the Fade by the Sloth Demon, she killed it and released herself. When she had been imprisoned in Fort Drakon, she had done whatever it took to get out and finish her duties - and she didn't care to remember what she had had to do. So many things done, and all of them had choices and decisions to be made.

    Never once had she been confronted with a problem that couldn't be solved.

    And she refused to believe that this place couldn't be solved. Not when she'd worked so hard so that she could be released from her Grey Warden duties, in order to live a semi-normal life, for the few years she had left. If there was one thing to be said about Elissa Cousland, it was that she had determination.

    But right now, the one thing she was determined to do was to get good and drunk. Where was Oghren when you needed him? If the dwarf was good for anything, it was liquor.

    She took a seat at the bar, still dressed only in her nightgown. She'd need to find better clothes. The knife lay on the counter top to her right. Though Bastian had proved trustworthy, she was still uncertain about the rest of this place. In the back of her mind, she still believed she was in the Fade.

    Leaning forward, she looked around for a barkeep.

    11:48 am
    recover (sookie and dean; narrative/one-shot)
    Sookie woke up slowly, eyes fuzzy, vision a little off, and managed to focus on the figure sitting at the foot of her bed.

    It was Dean, and he was very concerned.

    She could kind of gather from what he was thinking that she'd fainted in a big lump, and that Terry... whose name was not Terry, but 'Az,' should've been able to heal her by touching her but could not. That worried both of them. Horribly.

    "I'm alright," Sookie said, noticing that there was a can of soda on the bedside table. She smiled. He'd worried about her blood sugar. "Your friend--"

    "He's not my friend."

    "Alright. Terry made my head hurt."

    Dean nodded. "Terry makes my head hurt, too."

    Sookie shook her head, tabbing open the soda. "No. Like... head in a vice hurt. Like pressure." She paused. "Because he's an angel."

    Dean turned to face her more. "You see that, in my head?"

    A nod.

    "How does that work?"

    "I just hear things. That people think. Like they're sayin' 'em. I saw all about Castiel. I could hear Terry, too."

    Whoa. "You could hear his thoughts?"

    Sookie took a drink of the soda. "Yeah, but... that's why my head hurt. I could hear them but they were all garbled. Some language I don't know. I couldn't even get the gist of what he said."

    Dean snorted. "He thinks in Enochian. Bastard."


    "Enochian. It's kind of like angel language." So you can hear everything I think? All of it? No matter what I do?

    She nodded.

    There's no way to keep you out?

    "There is, but it's a lot of concentration. Or you have to be not human. I can't hear most vampires."

    You know there are vampires?

    Another nod. "And werewolves. And probably everything else." She got herself out from under the covers, smiling slightly that Dean tucked her in.

    Are you human?

    "Far as I know."

    Dean cleared his throat. "Sookie... are you 26?"

    Another nod. Legs unstretched toward Dean and he thought about touching them. Sookie smacked his hand lightly.

    "My brother... he had all sorts of stuff happen when he turned 26, because something happened to him when he was a baby. A demon. A demon gave him blood, and he... got some abilities because of it."

    Sookie shook her head. "It's not new. And there wasn't any demon. I've been like this since I was little. My parents and my teachers were all worried. I don't know why I'm like this." She smiled at him, slightly. Dean smiled back. "Just am."

    "You need anything?"

    "No. But thank you for takin' care of me. It was really nice of you. Even if you were thinkin' about my butt a lot in the library."

    Dean grinned. "It's a nice butt."

    He got up, thinking about kissing the top of her head but unsure if it'd cross a line. Sookie smiled. "You don't have to. I'm okay."

    "And I'm..."

    "Right down the hall. I know."

    Sookie got up, without trouble, head feeling great now that Azrael was gone, knowing for sure now that that was his name. She wanted to research him, too. There was so much she didn't know. She stopped at the door, near Dean, and looked at him, carefully.

    "Is he trying to hurt you?"

    Dean sighed, looking back at her with a very perplexed expression. "I don't know."

    Sookie searched his eyes and saw a lot of pain. And when she followed the pain, she saw an overwhelming amount of things inside Dean's head. Sam. Lucifer. LUCIFER?! An archangel who wanted Dean. Demons. Hell. Heaven.

    "Holy Shit!" she said, with feeling.
    "Yeah," Dean said. "I know."
    6:20 pm
    *is impatient and made of fail*
    Who: Lindsey
    When: After dark
    Where: The Square
    Open To: Anyone
    Thread: Single.

    If there was one thing you didn't expect to see halfway up a mountain in Nepal, it was the glint of light off chrome.

    ...Especially when a snow storm was blowing in and it was damn near dark. Blinking snow out of his eyes, Lindsey hitched his bag higher on his shoulder, wind biting at his exposed face and hands, his gloves left behind at base camp because the forecast had been warm and clear. Cursing a blue streak he headed for that glint of silver, wondering what in the hell up here could be reflecting light off of it. The thought crossed his mind that it could be a hallucination; hell, maybe he was lying in a crevasse somewhere, and this was some hypothermic fever dream. Not the way he wanted to go out, but if he was gonna dream about something, might as well be old American muscle cars.

    Unease a cold shiver down his spine, Lindsey drew closer to the mirage, catching his foot in a hidden pothole on the path and stumbling headfirst into...a goddamn renfaire village. Complete with tinkling water fountain and birdsong. Tugging his hood down, shaking rapidly-melting snow out of his hair, Lindsey looked around the moonlit square, black Impala gleaming bright in the ruddy yellow glow of lamplight spilling from what looked to be the village inn.
    Thursday, July 22nd, 2010
    9:02 pm
    was it a dream?
    Who: Elissa
    When: Middle of the night
    Where: The Inn
    Open To: Bastian
    Thread: Single plz

    believe me when I say goodbye forever / is for good )
    8:25 pm
    He’d only been stepping through the gateway, only checking on his new creation. (People and...other things had been coming through for weeks now. His new cosmos populated with those discontent with their own.) He should have found himself in a vast and open space, floating above one of his worlds. Instead he was here. (And the most troubling thing was that he wasn’t immediately certain where ‘here’ was. Not his creation, not the Earth he knew, not hell or heaven or the Silver City or Faerie or the Dreaming or any other realm he was familiar with.)

    There would be time later to discern a way to get out, back to his world, new or old. For now he needed information. In knowledge there was power. One thing he and the Old Man agreed on at least.

    Traditionally the inn was the place to go when you needed to know what was going on in the wide world. He headed there now.

    [Multiple thread, OTA]
    Wednesday, July 21st, 2010
    9:12 pm
    Vala pulled her hair back into her usual pigtailed braids as she stepped into the fountain. The weather had been growing steadily hotter, disproving her theory that their rock wasn't actually going anywhere, and she needed something to break the heat.

    After her impromptu water battle with Cam the other day, Vala had been dying to find some sort of pool or something to cool off with. But other than the river that she found whose water dumped somewhere she wasn't willing to find out about just yet, she had struck out.

    So armed in her new bikini, Vala jumped into the fountain and let the water splash down on her, finally cooling her off.

    [open to any and all and lets go single thread and make it an epic pool/fountain party. Everyone bring your trunks!]
    5:09 pm
    Bastian still hadn't decided if he wanted to move out of the inn or not. He'd put up thick curtains in one of the rooms to keep the sunlight out during the day, and he wasn't having any trouble sleeping, so it seemed a waste to take a whole house for himself.

    As a result, he ended up spending most of his time in the inn, aside from the occasional night time stroll. This evening, just after the sun went down, he made his way into the pub area, got himself a glass of whiskey, and took a seat at a table in the corner with a book of crossword puzzles. it was one of his favorite ways to pass the time.

    [Multiple thread, OTA, NSFW in the thread with Eric]
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