Montgolfier's Folly's Journal
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Wednesday, September 1st, 2010

    Time Event
    I am here, tonight
    Who: Lucy
    When: After sunset
    Where: The Folly square
    Open To: Eric
    Threading: Single

    Lucy had spent most of her first day getting thoroughly lost. She'd eaten a late breakfast at the Wolf's Head Inn, then wrapped up a couple of sandwiches and gone exploring. As it turned out, the mountain wasn't huge, but she was very glad that she'd thought to pack lunch. She'd eaten sitting outside the castle, and had contemplated going inside. Something, though, had told her to wait.

    She'd found her way back with only one slight detour, and had made it to the square just after sunset. The place looked equal parts welcoming and spooky, the cheerful light from the inn and the few occupied houses contrasting with the sullen darkness of the empty ones. Behind her, the fountain sparkled in the starlight.

    It was a nice night. Lucy sat one the edge of the fountain and listened to the rushing rhythm, her mind weaving a melody around it as she thought back over her day.

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