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[16 Jul 2010|04:43pm]


Arthur: Quick, give me a kiss
Ariadne: They're still looking at us.
Arthur: It was worth a shot.

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[10 Jul 2010|12:46am]


"When we got adopted by a bald guy
I thought this would be more like 'Annie."

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[09 Jul 2010|01:38pm]
These are my sons, Benny and… the Jets. I expected this from you Benny, but the Jets?!
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sorry for the double post! but this movie is AWESOME. [08 Jul 2010|07:53pm]
For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me... it was Tuesday.
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[08 Jul 2010|01:34pm]
There is no spoon.
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[05 Jul 2010|02:29pm]

George just lucky, I guess.
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[03 Jul 2010|11:08pm]

" world... or worm world."

"How about Loony World, would ya get off the damn ground?!"
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suchhh a good film [30 Jun 2010|06:18pm]

"To all our listeners, this is what I have to say - God bless you all. And as for you bastards in charge, don't dream it's over. Years will come, years will go, and politicians will do fuck all to make the world a better place. But all over the world, young men and young women will always dream dreams and put those dreams into song. Nothing important dies tonight, just a few ugly guys on a crappy ship. The only sadness tonight is that, in future years, there'll be so many fantastic songs that it will not be our privilege to play. But, believe you me, they will still be written, they will still be sung and they will be the wonder of the world."
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[30 Jun 2010|06:09am]

You have an obscene caller from British Telecom!?
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Sigh, this movie. [29 Jun 2010|07:37pm]
I say we make a pact. Here and now. We’re here for each other, always, no matter what happens in life. If Teeny goes off to Hollywood or I marry a rich doctor, we remember this day and this pact. Whenever we need a friend, we’re here for each other. We can count on it. Always. No matter what.
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[12 Jun 2010|06:20am]

Chloe Bayer is not my friend. Chloe Bayer came to my mother's funeral to gloat, "ha ha your mother's dead" and you hit on her.
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[08 Jun 2010|02:18pm]

Anne: He is trash! Trash! Trash! Not for you!
Allie: Trash? Don't touch me!
Anne: Now that is enough. You are not to see him anymore. And that's final.
Allie: No, it's not final.
Anne: Yes it is.
Allie: No, it's not final!
Anne: Allie!
Allie: You're not going to tell me who I'm gonna love!
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[05 Jun 2010|06:02pm]

Oh my god!! That's Mr. Moviefone! How did you get him to put that on there?! *GASP* YOU SLEPT WITH HIM!
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[03 Jun 2010|06:41pm]

"Joni Mitchell is the woman who taught your cold English wife how to feel."
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[25 May 2010|01:47am]

Rule number one: In my van, it's Rush. All Rush, all the time. No exceptions.
Rule number two: Nobody touch the red button. And I mean never touch the red button.
Most importantly, rule number three: There's no jerking in my van!
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this movie never fails to make me laugh my ASS off. [19 May 2010|04:44am]

Here, smell this. You think it's more like pepperoni or ass crack? I got five bucks on pepperoni.
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[16 May 2010|07:15pm]

Mom, you don't love someone because he's perfect.
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[14 May 2010|01:55pm]

I'm pretty nuts about Deanie Loomis...I mean I love her and she loves me. But it's no fun to be in love. It hurts. Every time that we're together, I have to remember things - you know what I mean?...And I can't just go back to seeing her again, not like the way we were doing. We'd go out every night and I'd kiss her - I'd just go home. I mean, a guy can go nuts that way...My dad said that I should get another kind of a girl...but when you don't really want another girl...I don't know.
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[04 May 2010|11:51am]

I'm not asking you to forgive me. I'll never understand or forgive myself. And if a bullet gets me, so help me, I'll laugh at myself for being an idiot. There's one thing I do know... and that is that I love you, Scarlett. In spite of you and me and the whole silly world going to pieces around us, I love you. Because we're alike. Bad lots, both of us. Selfish and shrewd. But able to look things in the eyes as we call them by their right names.
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[01 May 2010|02:12pm]

turtles. turtles eat his body
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