Tuesday, September 18th, 2012

I winked at a girl and she giggled and told me to call her. I guess I should be mad because my magical face is broken, but I didn't get a good look at her own face. I was a little more interested in -

Too many white girls on this campus with their white girl asses. Y'all should be ashamed of yourselves. Have you not heard of the Brazilian butt lift. If you can't thank your genes, thank your doctor. And then I'll thank you. From afar. A picture's worth a thousand words, isn't it? 500 "thank" and 500 "you". Sounds fair!


Yo! Asian people! Sound off!
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Monday, September 17th, 2012

Okay wow, this is extremely weird. I'm actually hungry. And before you people jump at me and tell me to eat because I look unhealthy : It's one of my abilities not to eat much and it doesn't seem to work! On the positive side, people around me seem to be less hungry and that's refreshing since they usually are always hungry. It's kinda gross to watch some of you people eat.

[Filter; Eris]

Mommy? Are you here?
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Tuesday, September 4th, 2012

cursing, and violence )




Echo? babe, you alright? Tell me you're alright. I'm coming over there.


you okay?
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Friday, August 24th, 2012

Walking on Broken Glass

[ filter; flauros ]
There's something I've been meaning to ask you, but I've been afraid of the answer and had to work up the courage. What's going on with you and Narcissus?

[ filter; ren ]
I need a friend.

[ filter; public ]
I'm excited for the new semester, but I'm most excited about Track and Field tryouts. Did anyone want to train with me this weekend?
(20 comments | Leave a comment)

Monday, August 20th, 2012

Lullaby For a Stormy Night

I feel numb.

Not bad. Not good. Just numb.

It's a new feeling.

[ filter; benoit ]
Can I come stay with you tonight?
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I've been feeling restless lately, and I'm not quite sure why. Perhaps it's because summer is coming to an end and I keep thinking I should have done more with my time. Other than working, both at the grocery store and the farmers market, I just get the impression that I haven't fully taken advantage of this break. Maybe I can change that before classes start up again.

I got some peaches recently, the produce manager at the store said the crop has been rather succulent this year and I have a cobbler recipe from my mother I've been wanting to try. If I made some, would anyone be willing to help me eat it? If not, I could bring it with me to the soup kitchen when I go later, or I could make an extra batch specifically for them. Hmm, what to do...?

I know this might seem like an odd question, but would you like to spend some time together? I've been thinking a lot since our last conversation, and I would just really enjoy seeing you outside of work. We could go to a movie, my treat -- Paranorman looks like it might be interesting -- or we could go for a walk or something.

[...] or, if you'd rather not, that's fine too.
(6 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, August 18th, 2012

Seriously, if One Night in Paris wasn't already a 'thing', I'd totally try to make it one.

Whatever. I'm bored, so let's exploit this honesty thing.

Ask me anything at all.~ Not that I'm expecting anyone to be too curious about little old me, but it's worth a shot. Honesty's a given. ♥
(28 comments | Leave a comment)

Monday, August 13th, 2012

While I'm sitting in this taxi, I might as well use this app on my phone.

I spoke with a university advisor the other day, and he suggested reaching out to MU’s online community if I wanted to contact other reincarnates. I don’t know if there’s a rulebook or etiquette for broaching the subject, but I suppose a straightforward approach is best.

My name is Paige St. Clair, and I used to be Izanami in my past life.

[...] All right, that sounded less corny in my head.

Honestly, the idea still makes me want to get my head checked, and I’ve known who I was -- or should I say am? -- for a few years now.

I’m interested in talking a little bit about my experiences, but I’d also like to hear more about this place. The brochure was thorough, but there’s nothing better than talking to the locals to find out about the lay of the land.

[Voice-mail to Annabelle Lee Jones]

Hello, Ms. Jones? This is Paige St. Clair - the hope-to-soon-be arriving roommate. I just left the airport. Hopefully this taxi will actually get moving and I'll arrive within the next century.

Hope to speak with you soon. [click]
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Sunday, August 5th, 2012

achilles is trying to think.

So I took a break from watching the Olympics and ended up watching Troy.

Anyone else seen it?

Posted via Journaler.
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Wednesday, August 1st, 2012


I'm feeling exceptionally gorgeous today. Granted some weird guy complimented my hair, but whatever, compliments are compliments, and if other people just happen to notice how perfect I am, that's on them. ♥ It's always the weirder ones, though. Like, people I definitely wouldn't want to be seen around. So- ugh. Shady and gross.

Whatever.~ Today's a 'me' day, anyways. So I'm probably going to do something nice for myself and end up getting my nails done, and spend the rest of my day fapping being inactive and bitchy and watching Adventure Time. Because that all goes together somehow. Or something.

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Thursday, July 26th, 2012

It's not as over as she'd like it to be )

Alex is here, and I don't know what to make of it.

But I'm mostly angry. It's the mostly that has me worried.
(3 comments | Leave a comment)

Wednesday, July 25th, 2012

WHAT IS UP, M O N T E N E G R O !! one of the funniest things happened today in rehearsal! we were reviewing the pas de deux for next recital and then the 玻璃 who is my partner got a phone call. he was on the phone for 15 mins, the choreographer was so mad~ when he came back, we were asking, what is wrong? why were you gone for so long? and it turns out that his BF is very angry with him because he found pictures on his computer of p o r n. i thought so stupid, just cover up your tracks! but he was in big trouble because his BF went and printed out all the porn pictures he found on his computer and left them all over his dorm room...

哈哈哈 so now there is gay porn taped all over his door! his roommate complained to the RA so then he had to go and clean it all up. (^▽^) so funny! but 欸。。。i hope this doesn't happen again because we have a recital to prepare for~

(Hover over characters for a translation! These are not present in-character, but are for you, the player!)
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Sunday, July 22nd, 2012


I finally feel as though I'm doing something productive with my summer. Not only have I gotten a job stocking shelves at the grocery store, but I've got a booth at the weekly Farmer's Market making and selling desserts that don't require any baking whatsoever. That makes them a perfect summer treat. I'll be starting with brownie-batter cheesecakes, and if anyone would like any let me know. My prices are very reasonable, I promise.

I've been keeping up with my quest to spend a little time outside each day as well, and I feel like that's been good for me. Hopefully I'm right.

[Filter: Private]
Now, I just need to remain strong and stay away from members of my own pantheon, Cain included. It's obvious that this place would be far better for everyone formerly involved with me if I weren't around, so short of disappearing I'll just... create a life separate from them. I'll stop reaching out, and hopefully then we'll all find some measure of peace.
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Friday, July 20th, 2012

as it seems my roommates have graduated and finally gone on home, i now have two rooms available.

a love for cats is a must. not touching my fucking food is also of the utmost importance.

and this is, was and will always be a bachelor pad: no chicks. unless you're banging them. but they can't move in.

my sister's just arrived, you three really are the only ones i can trust to be decent and not fucking dumb asses. if you see her, make her feel welcomed.
(19 comments | Leave a comment)

Monday, July 16th, 2012

thor is embarrassed.

Uhhhhh sorry about that, guys, I think I blew a fuse or two or three in the dorms? And Andrew, dude, sorry, but your mini-fridge is completely busted and starting to leak everywhere. Tried to clean it up best I could. And your ice cream was melting. So I ate it.

My laptop seems to be broken too, I think it overloaded. Anyone on the geek squad available for a consult? I'm out using the campus computer labs for now.

Craaaaaaaap. Can I come over to your place before anyone uh tracks me down and kills me? This fucking laptop situation is already bad enough, this is the THIRD TIME THIS HAS HAPPENED OVERALL.
(25 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, July 15th, 2012


All right, I'm going to run through this once. Asking me any questions that can be answered by the bulk of text I'm about to present you with is going to get you ignored, and I mean that you little douchebags so read carefully.

For those of you that have never seen me around campus, my name is Xavier Flint. I'm the head drill instructor for most of you military types, and for you new military students, I'll be the one waking your ass up every single morning until you graduate. Get used to it.

In addition, I also run a two-week intensive training course once every two months for those of you that either need the extra help, or would like to experience a bit of what the military program at this institution is like. It's worth giving a it a try if you're considering the program, because if you're going to flake out, I'd rather you do it then. It saves me paperwork, and it keeps the actual students I have from having to deal with you.

The next run starts next Saturday at 0400 hours. If you plan on attending, you will have eaten substantially beforehand, you will have clothes of your own suitable for working out and running in, and you will leave your cell phones and other electronic devices in the lockers provided for you. Water will be provided, but you are expected to bring a bottle, otherwise you're going to be drinking from the hose.

You will also not complain about the heat, the fireworks, how early it is, how tired you are, how you haven't eaten, or how much your feet hurt. This is all completely of your own volition, should you choose to attend, and if I even catch you sighing dejectedly, I will send you home.

With that being said, I'm going to enjoy weeding some of you out.
(68 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, July 12th, 2012

Filtered from Admin and Staff

I got a job at the movie theater a couple months back, and they recently made me one of the ticket counters. Any time a person comes up to the booth and asks for tickets to any movie, I glare at them! One day this guy asked me what my problem was, so I told him that his choice in movies was absolutely appalling, and that he should be ashamed of himself!

He's like, "What? Spiderman is a great movie!"

And I said, "What? You want me to fuck you or some shit?"

"No? What the shit?"

"I'm not hugging you either!"

Let it be known that I, Thomas, never compromise on how I treat the customers. Either you get glared at, or hugged! There is no middle ground, such as...


Oh, and my employees were so impressed with my skills that they made me manager!

No, I got fired actually.
(44 comments | Leave a comment)

I don't think people understand that styling yourself to be somewhat presentable can make you look, like, 20% less heinous than you already do.

In fact, having any kind of style at all is preferable to just crawling out of the swamp in whatever decided to stick to you that day. I mean, there's being fat, and then there's being fat with a bowl cut and a dirty beaten sweatshirt. I don't know. Whenever I see people kind of neglect their personal sense of presentation, I just kind of assume they gave up on themselves. Which, why would you even?

Speaking of style and whatever, what's yours? What do you walk out in in the morning and feel good about yourself in? Like "damn, I'm hot" good about yourself. Or even "damn, I'm accomplished/proud of myself/awesome".


Oh. Right, almost forgot. I have a little pint of strawberry ice cream I'm never actually going to finish before the expiration date in like, three days. I'd hate to waste it. Someone want to finish it off? Flowers? Any of you other wickedly heinous people? :P

In fact, I kind of have a metric shit-ton of snack food I'm not going to eat if anyone wants it. My parents keep sending me things, because apparently when they hear I'm not eating well, the answer is to bombard me with cupcakes and like whatthefuckever.
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Wednesday, July 11th, 2012


One of the advantages of working in the grocery store is that I can make people feel guilty they buy so much crap. One day a rather...sturdy woman, shall we say, had her shopping cart full of sweets, chips and coke and even wondered why I shot nasty looks at her. What did she think I would do? Hug her because she was about to kill herself and her family?
Is it really that hard to eat an apple a day? Or maybe an apple a week as a start?
I'm absolutely not surprised that people on earth get fatter and fatter...although I have to admit I find it kind of sad it is like that. I wanted to yell at that woman so badly, but I suppose that would have costed me my job and I don't want that to happen. I like shooting nasty looks at unreasonable persons.

In this note: I'm Dawn.
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Saturday, June 30th, 2012

ITT: Look yourself up on Youtube, post results.

I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that most of my search results include black metal, and apparently some kind of...anime character.

Also, who the fuck makes AMVs any more? That's so five years ago.

Though I do love that band. ♥ Probably because they love me.~ And nothing gets someone on my good side faster than that.
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