Montenegro University -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Montenegro University

college town grad law med military
I'd like to turn to a type of song that people like myself find ourselves subjected to with increasing frequency as time goes on, and that is the college alma mater. You'll find yourself at a reunion of grads, and old undergrads, and eh... somebody will start croaking out one of these things and everyone will gradually join in -- each in his own key, of course -- until the place is just soggy with nostalgia. Well, a typical such song might be called Bright College Days, and might go like this. Bright college days, O carefree days that fly, To thee we sing with our glasses raised on high. Let's drink a toast as each of us recalls Ivy-covered professors in ivy-covered halls. Turn on the spigot, pour the beer and swig it, and gaudeamus igit-ur. Here's to parties we tossed, To the games that we lost, We shall claim that we won them some day. To the girls young and sweet, To the spacious back seat of our beat up Chevrolet.
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1 ❦  Apple [28 Jun 2012|08:02am]
I want to say (write, whatever), for the record, that this place is fucking nuts. Not in the "we're all dead fantasy people yay" fucking nuts way, but in the "the Sun can fucking go away for two weeks and everyone will apparently be like it was a fucking picnic", fucking nuts kinda of way. I mean honestly? I mean, I can understand that someone relatively crazy would enjoy herself, but it all seems a bit too fucked up excessive.

[ Anyone want to guess what was the first thing Archer did upon arriving? ]

It's either that or you all are ridiculously compromised with your pranks, in which case I want none of it. Nada. This is really shaping to be the shittiest of my shitty life choice and I haven't even had any class yet.

Anyway. [ Yes she's just going to "anyway it" and keep going. ]

This is Archer, as in that's a name. Laugh if you want, but I have only one. Alright, I do have other one but you guys aren't finding out until I'm perfectly sure who else is around.

This is a terrible idea. Have a nice day or something.

achilles is a latent hero [28 Jun 2012|08:25am]
[ music | The Beatles - Lady Madonna ]

Has anyone else seen the news about the fires? I'm thinking I might go and see if I can help.

Tongue Tied [28 Jun 2012|12:07pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]

“According to Greek Mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate beings, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves." -- Plato's Symposium

I can kinda believe that.

thirteen [28 Jun 2012|12:32pm]
I wonder if Olympus is still there. Or any of the places anyone else lived. Did other people have a place like Olympus?

Wrath of the Titans was highly inaccurate. My brother would never do that.

I downloaded Fifty Shades of Grey on my Nook. Is this what sex is like? Because if so, I never want to have it. Ever.

[28 Jun 2012|12:50pm]
I still feel like crap. You'd think I'd get off my butt and go to the doctor, but I just don't have the time. I guess that's half the reason I'm sick, it's because I won't sit still long enough to rest. You would think that not being able to get sick would be one of my super powers, but it's not. I think I'm owed an upgrade.

Also, I really like pottery class. I made a vase that actually looks like a vase. I'm so proud.

My sister is getting married and so I have to go back home. There is nothing less I'd like to do than show up alone and deal with my family, but you have to do what you have to do. Don't miss me too much while I'm gone.

[28 Jun 2012|02:47pm]
Apparently my professor has issue with me requesting that he call me Elliot in place of Sebastian. Dared to suggest that I should learn to appreciate the name I have been given, that Elliot is not superior to Sebastian and that children ought to stop changing how their parents planned to have them perceived. Sad, but I have many grievances with this matter—two specifically, however, remain at the front of my tongue and are eager to be shared.

Firstly: I have never been adverse to Sebastian, but, rather, find Elliot to be far more preferable—I take offense to think that someone would assume I rank names in any such order. Names, titles, et cetera cannot be listed from best to worst as though they were traits or well-tended-to roses in a garden-based competition; they can be regarded in the sense of what is preferable and what is least favored, however, and that is it. Furthermore, my family does not find issue with my request and were always happy to oblige. (I assume they were happy, anyhow. Perhaps I should write my mum and dad, or ask any of my siblings. Family, has there ever been a problem with my preferring Elliot?)

Secondly, and quite possibly most importantly, I am not a child. I have not been for eons. Though I am aware that in this lifetime I am fair a few many years to several and seek to maintain respect for my elders never mind that it is I who holds greater wisdom; however, it maintains to be unsavory to have someone who should be keenly aware that the possibility I am very much an old soul to regard me in such a condescending manner. Shame. I did enjoy the prospect of continuing education with him, but will probably desist to avoid any further less-than-enjoyable encounters as such.

I haven’t a purpose for my complaining—except, perhaps, to suggest: If you have arrived to this school, aware that we are all reincarnated forms of ancient and respected figures, and sought to teach and share the immeasurable wealth of knowledge perhaps you should not make the mistake of insulting the “children”. We may very well be older than you. And, honestly, it isn’t becoming in the slightest.

Thank you for that interesting phone call. I'm afraid you were cut off at the end and I could only catch - what I assume to be - a scuffle: would it be safe to assume that you had won that fight? What had you intended to sa Was it Ar

My heart is racing.

-1- [28 Jun 2012|03:37pm]
History repeats itself.

The more I think about it, the more I believe that whoever came with that sentence was one of us, certainly. It might or might not have been Rufus Historie, or maybe even George Santayana, but I'm pretty sure it was someone else. Just a historian's hunch, I guess.

History doesn't really repeat itself, but it has a nasty habit of rhyming. Now that, Mr. Twain, hits a lot closer home, won't you think? In this day and age that we are but shadows of ourselves, learning about who we were and why we fell might be the only way to have a fighting chance against the mistakes of past lives coming to get us back.

Knowledge is power, after all. I think I could do this all day long. Thank you, Sir Francis Bacon.

Okay, it got boring already. Bottom line? Learn your history, because the sooner you do the better you're going make life choices, trust me.

But enough shameless propaganda for the History and Mythology courses, introductions are in order. Hello MNU, this is Anya Eisley, otherwise known as Morrigan, Phantom Queen, Great Queen, Hey, Aren't You Supposed To Be Three People? Boy I sure hope Cuchulain and Diarmud are not in the premises. I'm your shiny new teacher, so I'll play the cool adult role for a while, I guess. It fits me best all in all. Don't get alarmed if half the time I look slightly different or very different, it's habit.

So, anybody knows how epic is night life down here?

[28 Jun 2012|06:41pm]
Sun? Check.
Job? Check.
Groceries? Check. I should eat something. Before I forget. Again.

Linens! I bought so many linens - I know I shouldn't have spent that much money but they're so lovely. All sorts of beautiful colors, patterns - flowers, dots, stripes, tiny little sparrows! Humans People are so creative, it is amazing to see what they can make with just their imagination. I'm so proud. I don't think I have a right to be, they're His children - but how can I not be!

I'd have to say that this has been a happily productive week thus far.

I hope the rest of you have been able to enjoy the newly returned sunshine as well!

When are free soonest, dear brother? I'd like to take you to lunch if I may.

I think I may go explore the town some more this weekend.

Would any of you like to come with me? The company would undoubtedly be heartily welcomed.

[28 Jun 2012|07:00pm]
I think I like have two jobs.

They say New York is sinking. If so, I wish it would hurry the fuck up and disappear already. Take my mother with it. I have nothing good to say about that wretched place, and yet here I am planning to make a visit. Glutton for punishment? Oh, that's rich. Won't deny the possibility that's true.

Good to see you all grew the fuck up and stopped crying. A little darkness never hurt anyone, but so many of you were acting like it was some big deal worth getting pissed over.

And for the record: if any of you try to hold my hand or call me No. I don't want to go there, not bringing it up.

I hear you all got yourselves into trouble.

How did that appointment go?

Still want to come with me to the East Coast?

Fucking. I don't know who else to ask. It's bullshit, but I need to know.

I will murder you if you make me regret this.

This is a private question and you had better fucking listen and not say anything snide.

Have you ever tried to have your wings removed?

[28 Jun 2012|09:54pm]
I'm still amazed by some of the people in this place, playing out your little apocalyptic war stories. I imagine half of you wouldn't last two minutes in real combat, apocalyptic or not.

Last week was hell, I reluctantly had to stop working. This week, I've found it hard to get back to it. I've been thinking of I was supposed to use this summer to get something accomplished. Let's see if I do.

[voice] [28 Jun 2012|10:18pm]
After last week, I'm more excited to go on that vacation. If it wasn't for my boyfriend, I would have spent the whole time stuck in the room eating various snack foods I found in a busted vending machine. I don't care who thinks of me as a wimp or other various slang words, but you take the sense of sight away from the picture, those things turn twenty times worse. Yes, I hear our world was stuck in darkness, but everyone had flashlights. And yes, they didn't hurt us, but it's not the gore that's scary, is the suspense.

I hope they stay away.

Also, I wish I had more control over my powers. The only thing I can control is a silly trick. It's fun to do, but it would have been nice to use another of my powers last week. I would have felt less powerless.

I should just focus on school.

003 [28 Jun 2012|11:01pm]
I won't lie. I have plans to see Magic Mike in the theaters. After all, it is the Citizen Kane of stripper films. Who wants to come with me?

[ viewing | June 28th, 2012 ]
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