Montenegro University -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Montenegro University

college town grad law med military
I'd like to turn to a type of song that people like myself find ourselves subjected to with increasing frequency as time goes on, and that is the college alma mater. You'll find yourself at a reunion of grads, and old undergrads, and eh... somebody will start croaking out one of these things and everyone will gradually join in -- each in his own key, of course -- until the place is just soggy with nostalgia. Well, a typical such song might be called Bright College Days, and might go like this. Bright college days, O carefree days that fly, To thee we sing with our glasses raised on high. Let's drink a toast as each of us recalls Ivy-covered professors in ivy-covered halls. Turn on the spigot, pour the beer and swig it, and gaudeamus igit-ur. Here's to parties we tossed, To the games that we lost, We shall claim that we won them some day. To the girls young and sweet, To the spacious back seat of our beat up Chevrolet.
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[28 May 2012|12:55am]
Once upon a time, Lilia had been the Fairy Queen. And ever since remembering that impossibly significant fact, she had begun to view the world in an entirely different perspective. Whatever semblances of humanity she might have had were lost. Despite her mortal prison, her feelings and thoughts were that of a fairy. Little did petty human concerns matter to her. Consequently, deciding on a major had been far too much of a hassle to contemplate, and now deciding on how to occupy herself for the summer presented a similar dilemma.

Going home, of course, was the most likely option. But even that was becoming boring. Everything about humanity was boring, boring, boring. The endeavor with Eris having been her one reprieve, Lilia found herself (literally) floating around, pondering what exactly she was still doing here, allowing herself to be boxed in by rules she'd had no say in, in a place where she held no power.

Oh well. At the very least, Lilia could be patient. What were the eighty-odd years she was forced to spend in this body to the eternity she would eventually reclaim as the rightful ruler of all fae?

3~ [28 May 2012|02:56am]
[ mood | contemplative ]

I got called "ma'am" today, by a sales clerk at the mall. I was shopping for a new bathing suit and some other summer essentials, and when I went to pay the cashier used that term instead of the "miss" I'm used to. It made me feel old, and I must admit that I didn't like it one bit. Of course, this means I need to find some way to make myself feel young again, but I'm fresh out of ideas.

When did I become so boring? I finally have a weekend all to myself, and I've used my free time to clean my house, go to the mall, and watch The Expendables on Netflix while making quality time with my main men Ben and Jerry.

Maybe I should treat myself to a night out in the city...

[28 May 2012|04:43pm]
Jodienda. Joder. ¿Qué pasa con ellos? ¡Ellos siempre eran horribles, adivino, pero vengo en! ¿La jodienda dos a nada contra los Yankees? I didn't expect much from them, but come on! What do we have to do to get you moving? Shit, California let's just fucking get rid of the A's. Giants will take us the whole way.

A's lost, 2-0. Morons. It's incredibly annoying disappointing.

Such a low from Saturday night's awesome string of matches. Everyone fought really well! I wish I could have joined.

Thanks again Aria. [...] For the tv.

[28 May 2012|05:08pm]
I kicked major ass Saturday. All who came hatin' learned their lessons. What.

[Filter: Cain]
Thanks for coming and cheering me on.

When did

[Filter: Eros]
I have
Can I ask
So there's this
I don't know if

Are we talking?

[28 May 2012|05:13pm]
[ mood | indescribable ]

Feeling decently unstoppable today. It's a good feeling.

[Filtered to James]
You don't know how lucky you are to be walking right now.

[Filtered to Nike]
You're the best. :D

How about we get this road trip thing squared away so I know when to call off work.

...and talk to mom. Of course.

[28 May 2012|05:23pm]

im also still very much hung over. this can only be fixed by more drinking.

lets go. everyone. now.

[28 May 2012|08:38pm]
I was going to bitch and complain that I have to spend two weeks with my little brother but I get to do it back home in Scotland so whatever. I have cousins to pawn him off on while I'm there, so at least he's not going to be attached to my hip the entire time. Wish you could come with, Emilie, but since you can't - souvenir?

Best episode of Game of Thrones in a while now. Drunk Cersei might be my new favorite thing and, as always, Tyrion for president.

acultomancy [28 May 2012|10:09pm]
[ mood | bitchy ]

[belatedly filtered away from faculty and staff]

Dear America, your drinking age sucks. Come the end of July, when I finally reach your archaic age of legality, it's on. Until then, looks like I should find some older, awesome friends.

Also, I can't be the only person here thinking to themselves that it's great we're all here and aware of who we are within reason, but what good is it when most of us can't even do a fraction of the things we used to?

...and if I am the only one thinking that then feel free to ignore the crazy lady in aisle three.

[28 May 2012|10:42pm]
Good morning Montenegro! I hope that all is going well, and that you students, and other dwellers of the local university are having a fantastic summer! I for one know that I am. For those of you not heading for the beach, and let me make a side-note to say that I applaud you, who really enjoys hot sand, a large body of water, and the smell of wretched sea-creatures?

Don't answer that.

Anyway, as I was saying, for those of you staying here this summer, The Empty Orchestra-Ya is offering half-price off anything on the menu when you drag two, or more friends to the establishment for the first time. All first timers must of course sing one song before they can be served. Speaking of singing, we will also be holding a karaoke event sometime in mid-July. The winners will receive minor fame, and money. Third prize will win a $100 gift card for The Empty Orchestra-Ya. Second prize will receive $250.00, and the grand prize will receive $500.00. If you're staying here then make sure to join in on the fun!

This is Brent Dailor, and I'll be sticking around this beautiful town.

[Filtered to demons]

Who all is here?

[28 May 2012|10:55pm]
[filter: halphas]
I'm putting far more trust in you than I really have the capacity for.

Ruin someone. I want you to ruin all that they are. And if you aren't capable of that then what worth are you then teach me. I will be Lucifer. Even if it is only for a moment.

[filter: riley]
Teach me how to fight.

Furthermore, teach me how to murder someone and get away with it destroy a person.

[filter: reeve]
You make me happy. Make me happy sometime soon?

[filter: beelzebub]
I need you to validate both my power and my frustration. I am Lucifer, and no disgusting, horrible half-brother should ever dare to mock me. Regardless of his place in my pantheon. MINE.

Am I wrong in wanting to tear a fellow demon to shreds for his place in Lysander's life?

I'm not getting worry lines, am I?

[ viewing | May 28th, 2012 ]
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