Montenegro University -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Montenegro University

college town grad law med military
I'd like to turn to a type of song that people like myself find ourselves subjected to with increasing frequency as time goes on, and that is the college alma mater. You'll find yourself at a reunion of grads, and old undergrads, and eh... somebody will start croaking out one of these things and everyone will gradually join in -- each in his own key, of course -- until the place is just soggy with nostalgia. Well, a typical such song might be called Bright College Days, and might go like this. Bright college days, O carefree days that fly, To thee we sing with our glasses raised on high. Let's drink a toast as each of us recalls Ivy-covered professors in ivy-covered halls. Turn on the spigot, pour the beer and swig it, and gaudeamus igit-ur. Here's to parties we tossed, To the games that we lost, We shall claim that we won them some day. To the girls young and sweet, To the spacious back seat of our beat up Chevrolet.
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[17 Apr 2012|02:05am]
It's TOO DARK in my room. I don't like it.

[17 Apr 2012|03:05am]
To those of you who employ federal grants, scholarships, loans, et al. for your schooling, and intend to continue your education here after the current semester ends, please make certain to see me (if you have not already) before June. Bring the appropriate information with you, as it will save us both time and expenses. It's imperative that any issues which may arise are, preferably, settled as soon as humanely possible.

As a general reminder, FAFSA applications are to be submitted no later than midnight (CST) on the thirtieth of June. If you've already submitted yours, I commend you on your punctuality. If not, keep in mind that there is still time to do so; but as a rule, it would be in your best interest to not to wait until the very last minute. That is often how mistakes are made.

Unrelated to school matters, I must say the pollen count seems excruciatingly high this year, and not only in Colorado. Claritin has never been more helpful of an OTC drug.

- R. Devereaux

[17 Apr 2012|09:18am]
Your damn neighbors are drunks with guns, and Furious George is banging nuns. Jehova's waitress is always late, and smells like beer. Cap'n Crunch and the Cereal Killers are Well Hungarians bumpin' uglies with inflatable dates, and Wynona Ryders. The evil beavers are compulsive gamblers, and the entire population of China are Armed and Hammered. The devil made me duet; I said, "Not now I'm naked!"

PS: Dump your boyfriend.

[17 Apr 2012|10:42am]
Normally, about this time, I'd make arrangements to return to Wales for the summer. But it seems my routine must be annulled and replaced with the mundane task of day-to-day living. I'm excited to begin my residency, but it's been too long since I've been home.

To appease my father, I was thinking of sending him something worthwhile. A gift. A treasure.

Any suggestions?

[Filter: Apep]
I have a matter of importance to talk with you.

Could you give me insight

Do you have a preferred type of cookie?

[Filter: Osiris]
When are you free soonest? We really ought to make time for that dinner.

[Filter: Bastet]
It has come to my attention that we have not properly interacted. How might we rectify this?

[17 Apr 2012|11:17am]
Does anyone have an emergency sewing kit on campus? And does anyone know how to sew? There has been an incident and now I am making a desperate plea for help.

A pair of pants 29/31 would also be OK.

Why do they make the belt loops so large and the lecture room door handles so small?

[17 Apr 2012|01:21pm]
[Tim is still a mess last night, so don't expect to see him in class or anywhere for a few days at least.]

I accidentally broke my keyboard last night. I've ordered a new one but it's back to the white board and hand-writing everything for a few weeks. Apologies.

Additionally, would the real Zeus please stand up? (ha look I'm being funny. hysterical.)

[Private to Professors]

I'm having some personal problems and will not be in class for a few days. I'd send this as an email but I'm a little out of it right now. Again, apologies.

[Private to Jack]

Kill me or get me drunk or something, at this point I don't care.

[Private to Tanner]

I'm sorry
I hope you're happy with
I want to hate you

[17 Apr 2012|06:12pm]
Don't know what was in the water this morning, but my day started off beautifully.

Didn't feel tired or rushed when getting ready this morning. My classes were actually interesting and the other students weren't complete twats. All followed by a delicious and totally discounted lunch at the Garden of Eatin'. Also got time in to call my grandparents. Fuck, they weren't even annoying this time.

Turned the music up high and got my homework done.


Every day should be like this.

Here. Have a bit of Foxy Shazam.

[17 Apr 2012|06:57pm]
Popsicle season is here and since some other guys have asked people about making stuff before, I figure it's probably safe for me to ask one of you amazingly talented food students to make me some of these pretty, pretty please. I'll buy all the ingredients and pay you for your time!

Also, I need help picking out a dress (or even dress suggestions) - got a date this weekend and can't decide between this, this or this.

[17 Apr 2012|07:20pm]
Man, you know what I wish I could do this summer? Go to London and watch the Olympics. I guess I'm just going to have to settle back and watch it on TV. It totally blows my mind that people used to do this thing back in ancient Greece. I guess I'm going to cheer for America this time around – and maybe Greece, if I see an athlete that catches my eye. But I think having Nike on your side is more important than having Artemis. Just a hunch.

I'm hoping that we do well in archery and women's volleyball. The latter gets so intense!

eight [17 Apr 2012|08:07pm]
I got a summer job. 8D

[Text to Jack] [17 Apr 2012|08:32pm]
What is wrong with Tim? Why is he interested in cuddling me all of the sudden? And why is he drunk, what did you do?

004 [17 Apr 2012|08:47pm]

Truer words have never been spoken.

f i v e. [17 Apr 2012|09:23pm]
[filter; family]
Can a person be more obvious?

[filter; public]
Let it be known that I'm also doing a study on a little known character of Norse mythology. His name is Thor's pretty dress. If you're around, I'd kill to wear you out with all of my questions, which are all very important and such.

Let me know.

In other more important news, I seem to have lost my roommate.

[17 Apr 2012|09:48pm]
[Email sent to 'Dean Hetzel']

Dean Hetzel,

Either I in error received a letter instructing me to contact you, or you are or have information on the identity of someone I would like to know. Either way I would appreciate a response, and look forward to further contact with you.

Timothy Lawrence

nineteen. [17 Apr 2012|11:30pm]
[ mood | giddy ]



Today was a good day. I got a raise at work so I bought myself some new t-shirts. The second one isn't school-appropriate, but we all know my opinion on that.

Fuck, I'm in a good mood.

[filter; family]
Kidlets, I want to get you something, like a gift. What do you want?

[deciding she was going to do something nice for Jon, Riley left a few t-shirts hanging in a bag on his door when she knew he wouldn't be in his dorm room, along with a note:

Jon - Saw these and thought of you. Consider them a thank you, and replacements for the shirt I've decided to keep. - Riley]

[17 Apr 2012|11:54pm]
I do not usually try to solicit advice on this network, but I must confess that this is not my strong suit. Does anyone know of any simple meals that would be appropriate to make when ill? It should go without saying that the less complicated the recipe, the much better it is.

[ viewing | April 17th, 2012 ]
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