Saturday, September 15th, 2012


Guess who's heeeere~

App Here

Izanagi is an Environmental Science major specializing in Atmospheric Science (sort of a really odd homage to him popping down from the heavens and being all I MAKE ISLANDS. or something). His powers are AWESOME. Mostly. For him. If you need proof, read his log-type entry. Boom. And trust me, if any girl freaks him out to a certain degree, he'll use his first power on her. You know, until he grows up and isn't such a loser.

Other power? That's to piss you off, darling Izanami. ♥

He's also - if it's good with the Mods - the 3rd floor B wing RA. Cuz he's broke as hell and can't live outside the campus yet.

App provides extensive background, including reeeeeeally sad times. And unless you knew him for a long time (like Sheli's Jason), you wouldn't know about these sad times. Unless you stumbled across the ultrasound which he hides...somewhere. But really it is possible to know, he just has many fears. ): Also, if anyone is ever interested as a line, he has a younger sister named Mikaela. And! He's already got a few friend lines from many lovely people but he has been here for a year at the dorms, and he's in various clubs and intramural sports, so feel free to know him!

Ooookay~! Back on hiatus, will try to respond to anything people comment here! ♥
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Thursday, September 13th, 2012

Hey, guys, hiatus here. Schoolwork is adding up and I'm working at a wedding this weekend. Will try to stay on top of logs. And if Izanagi gets in, I'll have him introduce himself some time next week. Stay awesome, Monte. ;)
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Tuesday, August 7th, 2012

Hello! Popping in from vacation. This is Loki! Please visit his journal to learn more about him. He has interesting powers and is Fergus' dad - and the two have quite the history. He's gonna be a psychology teacher. And yes, Greeks, you'll still be getting Loki'd upon my return. :3

Totally new to school in order to teach the fall semester and hunt down his son; Demeter's roommate. Oh! That reminds me! Does she live anywhere in particular, Nye? I never thought to check, I'm sorry.

Personality in his app will help determine interactions - I apologize, I'm short on time. ^^ Up for any future lines! Lemme know what y'all would like! Come to me, my Norsemen, my children, my ladies, my victims! Let Loki love you all.
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Sunday, August 5th, 2012

Minor Hiatus

Going on a last hurrah vacation with my friend! I'll be back to posting on the ninth. I have my cell phone with me, though, so I'll keep an eye on the ooc boards and I'll be available for email.

And I will finish that meme thing on my cdj when I get back, I swear it!
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Tuesday, July 24th, 2012

Hello! Vic again, this time with character number 5: Durga. Known in this lifetime as Pratima Kirmani. Durga was a great warrior who defeated ultimate evils with weapons and gifts loaned from the head gods and goddesses of the Hindu pantheon. She also rode a lion. Pratima doesn't have a lion, but she has a pet tiger! In India. Don't worry.

Anyway! Pratima is 19, is a double undergrad in theology and Asian studies, lived in Jaipur until she was 14, moved to America. Wealthy and spoiled, but very religious (yes, she's Hindu). Both parts naive and incredibly wise (Durga's technically had lots of reincarnations. I mean Kali popped out of her forehead - wuuuuut). Bubbly and happy but tough as nails. You'll catch her at Montenegro Hospital, watching MMA meetings, participating in ballroom dance and fencing.

Warrior Goddess: Pratima isn’t primarily a fighter, but that aspect of her is too great to not be somehow effective. As a warrior of goodness and light, she instills a warrior’s spirit in others. She is very much a muse in that sense and can bring luck and fortune to those who battle with honest intentions. It also applies to herself when and if she ever chooses to fight.

Happy Days: Durga was known for her powerfully positive spirit and, when laughing at the demon Mahishasur, she caused a great earthquake. Pratima’s laugh has similar strength. General laughter automatically makes people feel better, happier. But get her really going and things begin to shake as though there is a minor quake.

Glowworm: The closer she is to a tortured, bitter, or enraged person, the brighter she glows.

Sheli has graciously offered up a character she's working on as Pratima's ex-boyfriend. ♥ It's also canon that Baldr and his family briefly stayed at her estate in Jaipur when she was child. Like said in extras, if anyone else wants any similar visitation lines, feel free. Pratima's entering her third year so all kinds of lines are open. But she spent her whole summer visiting family back home in India.

Also, I'm going to be a the hospital tomorrow, spending the night with my sister who just had surgery, so I'm going to be slow on updating!
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Friday, May 18th, 2012

Vic in das haus. (this German is deliberately incorrect - don't kill me Miri! D: )

Got a gmail account like finally. I'll repost that on the player contacts page for updates. Aim is still imaginarygirl888.

Uh. This means I can also get my gDoc'ness on now. Or however that all works. So yay~

Peeps can still reach me at, though. I know a few of us email regularly so yeah. ♥
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Tuesday, May 8th, 2012


Vic in with my LAST CHARACTER. I think.

Introducing (duh duh duuuuuh~) Sedna/Tourmaline Kent.

About Sedna: Inuit Goddess of the Ocean and the Queen of Adlivun (the Inuit underworld), so she's a two-fer! There are many variations of how Sedna came to be both, but they pretty much all end the same: she's hanging onto the side of a kayak for dear life and her father (the god Anguta) chops her fingers and hands off, forcing her to sink to the bottom of the ocean where there is Adlivun. Her fingers and hands become the mammals of the ocean, like whales and seals. She's a vengeful goddess and is known for having sea creatures comb her long, dark hair because she is without hands.

About Tourmaline: Nicknamed Mal, or in fewer cases Toto, this life's pretty much as sad as the one before it. And it's long. Without getting too wordy, I'll just say she has as many reasons to distrust men in this life as she did in her life before.

Mal's got dark hair, but she colors it blonde or light brown regularly. She's a bookworm and one of the younger people on campus. At this point, her intended major is marine biology and she wants to be a marine mammalogist (totally real, swears). She would be graduating from high school this spring, but got her GED early and decided to come for summer classes (wanted to get away from home), so she's totally new. She's not good at making friends and she will initially have a hard time getting to trust people, but Monte's full of good folk, so I'm not worried~ Other side notes: born in Kuala Lumpur and speaks some Malay, knows she's Sedna but won't say it outright, and likes taking pictures.

These are her powers:
Element Manipulator: Able to move, bend, freeze, and heat all water within reach. She can only manipulate liquid that she touches. Water tends to steam if she’s angry and ice forms if she’s upset. For instance, if she cries, her tears sometime freeze on her cheeks.

Underwater Diver: Mal can remain underwater for upwards of an hour. She generally spends time at the bottom of the university pool. If her dorm had a tub, she’d spend her time there. People soon learn to leave her alone at the pool at the risk of her freezing it over.

Can You Hear Me Now?: Equally the Queen of Adlivun (Inuit underworld) as well as the goddess of the sea, Mal always hears the voices of those who have passed due to drowning or fatal incidents involving water. The voices don’t communicate with her; they speak of their regrets, their last moments of life, and their prayers. Mal can only shut their voices out when she’s underwater.

So I'm open for all kinds of lines! Adults she can learn to trust, people who get her, people who don't get her, guys she can eventually learn to count on, girls she can befriend, too. She's bi, but understandably leans towards females. Safer and all.

This was long. ):
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Friday, April 20th, 2012


I think that's what it's called. o.O

I'm going to be dreadfully slow starting tomorrow and lasting maybe a week/week-and-a-half. I'm working every day at either of my jobs (but May 6th is my last day as a waitress. FREEDOM!) and we're putting down two of our dogs tomorrow. And I know how that stuff can affect characterization sometimes without meaning to. I know I suck because I'm behind on threads, so those are my first priority!

Peace, love, and candy canes. ♥
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Tuesday, March 27th, 2012

Vic here once more, but this time with Malphas' better half-as. Get it? Half-as? Halphas?

*le sigh*

Okay so! I guess I'll do a list thing, people seem to dig it.

- Byron James Archer, aka scruffy!Gaspard. Family calls him Byron, but your character will most likely call him James (or Jim, even, Jim is a sexy name). Speaking of family, he is Malphas' older twin, Melpomene's uncle, and Raven's younger brother. He is a military undergrad despite being in his mid-twenties. His profile's history explains why.
- As Halphas, he was an Earl of Hell and ruled 26 legions. He was known for building great towers and storing within them weaponry and ammunition. Whenever demons wanted armies sent, he was your guy. On top of that, he would morph into a stork or a pigeon (I halfway considered making his first post, "Holy shit, some crazy rainbow bitch buried me in a box!") and fly over the battlefield.
- James has two powers: he is supernaturally unparalleled in the use of practically all weaponry (swords, guns, homemade bombs, grenade launchers, etc.) and can morph into a pigeon for upwards of 24 hours.
- His most obvious personality features are his least attractive ones. Yes, he's a dick. But not a silent, broody dick. More like an everything's-a-joke-including-your-face dick. He has that air of "say whatever you want, I'm just going to laugh it off" and that includes any potshots your character might make towards him.
- But - and this is where he gets deep - he struggles with his demonic side. He is a natural protector and if you go after his family, you get to deal with him. He was a bully as a child, but tries not to start fights now. Instead, he'll verbally bully you until you want to fight him, in which case he'll readily accept (he's also become more tactical and informative, using his bird form to gather info much like his brother). He believes in the honor of the military and he's secretly an off-campus youth counselor (he likes kids though he hates everyone else) as well as works at a shooting range. Basically he struggles with the line that turns him from a flawed human being into a spiteful, devil-may-care demon. He just likes to hide it behind that dickish persona.
- Is he romance compatible? If you give him loads of time and can handle his 'tude, then yeah. Will he open up immediately? Nope. I would suggest arming your character with an ice pick. Your female character can certainly intrigue him (unless they're obvious, then you get the point-and-laugh), but if he developed feelings, it would be more that he wanted to protect her just as he wants to protect his family. He wouldn't know it was love unless you drop a brick on his head.

Was that a lot of information? Yes it was! :D
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Monday, March 19th, 2012

New Character

Hello, guys! Vic here with my second character, Icarus (aka Wesley Furnell).

He's a Professor of Engineering (with a specialty in aerospace engineering) here at the campus. He knows he's Icarus but he keeps this very close to his chest for two big reasons: he is still struggling with any reincarnation business (thinking that there has to be some kind of scientific proof out there somewhere) and he's too proud to admit to the failures of his past life and doesn't like to be connected with that sort of...stigma, I suppose.

Wes is really easy-going, but he doesn't like to talk about his problems or hear the problems of others. Rather, he enjoys taking others out for a beer or watching a football game if that takes people's minds off of things. Despite his cheery disposition, he can be smirkingly unkind to the students at times especially because he thinks he knows better than they do.

The man's also divorced and a father to 7-year-old daughter India, who he talks adoringly about all the time.

So yay. :3
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