Thursday, April 12th, 2012

[Introduction: Sekhmet]

Hiya guys! Rory again, with a hopefully quick introduction to someone you may have seen popping up in comments here and there. There is a reason for that: I was sleepy, and an intro post seemed like an unassailable mountain I didn't want to scale. But now I have a cup of tea and some crumpets, and it doesn't seem as terrifying. AS EVER, you can contact me on AIM @ deathknightdoris if you have any comments or questions, and all of you are welcome to drop in on me without so much as a moment's warning!

So, to the main event: this delightful woman is Professor Meredith Cadogan-Snow, chair of the Department of Anthropology and all-round massive nuisance. Formally, she is Lady Meredith, Marchioness of Lothian and Countess Cathcart, which makes her just enough of a noblewoman to really care about it and make sure everyone else cares about it too. She's an ancient old crow, as bitter and sharp as a lemon full of razorblades - unfortunately, she's ALSO the reincarnation of the Egyptian goddess of vengeance, Sekhmet. She's very tall for a lady at 6'3", and likes to intimidate people: something incredibly easy due to the nature of her powers (which I'll come to in a second)

A bit of background on her: she's 82, an archaeologist who was very noteworthy in her time - she won a Nobel Prize about fifty years ago and most of the required readings on her archeology class were written by her. It's really easy to become a famous Egyptologist when you clearly remember the locations of all those lost temples, because you were there when they dedicated them to you. She wasn't always a dry old sow: if you remember the bit in Titanic at the end, where the camera pans over all those photos of things Kate Winslet did? That's basically Meredith's life: fading memories of ballooning over the Sahara, of kayaking one-woman up the Nile, of myriad nights in perfumed tents with nameless men... Anyway, that's a long time ago. These days she's a bitch, and pretty much the only people she doesn't hate with a passion are her grandchild (who, by the way, would be AWESOME to see in-game!) She's a product of the last days of the British Empire, and will staunchly defend it - just like she staunchly assumes anything she personally believes in is right.

So, powers: much like your typical old lady, her breath can kill you (no, really). She can shapeshift into a lioness, and does this frequently - usually to chase students she doesn't particularly like. Whilst, for the most part, she does this to students from her classes that she considers 'foolish' (i.e. most of them), do feel free having had your character chased by her at some point for some perceived slight or other. AND FINALLY (and most importantly for some of you) "Any reincarnation that could be described as ‘hostile’ (which naturally includes your demons, your adversaries, your underworld denizens and tricksters) is affected by an aura of palpable horror in Sekhmet’s presence. In Meredith’s presence, any reincarnation of an ‘evil’ being will be overcome with a niggling sense of fear, rising exponentially the longer they spend with her. Eventually the desire to flee will become overpowering." So yeah -- I imagine that won't make her many friends either. AURA OF TERROR, EVIL ONES.

So, in summary, Professor Sekhmet is here to poke her nose into your business, to make your day measurably worse and to make no friends whatsoever. Her profile is here and she is eager to make your acquaintance. Whether that eagerness is reciprocated is...unlikely.
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Wednesday, March 28th, 2012

Hi there! Sorry that this introduction is a little late (although how appropriate that it's a Wednesday) - potential (positive) job prospects had sought to waylay me at the worst possible time. They are, however, all sorted now and I am ready to throw myself at you with almost inappropriately wild abandon! My name is Rory, I think I know some of you, but for the purposes of this post I am a new and mysterious stranger. I'm 25, I'm English and I own the western hemisphere's largest collection of ceramic pigs. You can contact me on AIM at deathknightdoris or challenge joan, and I heartily welcome any and all messages aimed at me. Unless they're in regards to outstanding payments or the good news about any extant deity.

So! Now that's out of the way, allow me to introduce one Mr Jameson Lockheed Daniels - formerly known as Odin, Allfather of the Norse. He prefers to go by Jack if possible, at least until he starts going by "Mr President"...and that should tell you all you need to know about how well he's fitting into his new skin. Jack, a Political Science student, is something of a born patriarch: usually stern, mostly wise and a little dismissive of people who don't want to do what he tells them (which, let's face it, is pretty much everyone when you're eighteen). He's a freshman, a very driven freshman, and is probably a little bit full-on until you get to know him. He tries! Oh, he tries bur when you're the All-Father, you don't get much of an opportunity to practise your people skills. He's deliberate, he's thoughtful, he doesn't give you an answer until he's sure of it - but then try changing his mind and boy, you've got an uphill climb. He can be ruthless, and less than honorable: they didn't call him the Oathbreaker for nothing.

He loves to keep secrets - such as the secret of who he really is. But come on, the boy is blind in one eye, has an obvious affinity for the 'out' Norsemen and he's a short freshman tromping around like he owns the place: who isn't going to be able to work it out in fairly short order?

Clubs! He's in the Ballroom Dancing club, LGBT club...and the Fight club. What? He's a complicated man, Auntie(!)

Is there anything I've missed? I'm almost sure of it - it's in the mid-20s, so I'm sitting in the garden with a mimosa and a pepperoni pizza, listening to Johnny Cash. I'm so relaxed, it's nothing short of a miracle that I've got this far still using full sentences! Anyway, if you have any comments or questions, then please don't hesitate to leave a reply - I'm looking forward to getting to know you all! And for those of you I already know, hit me up and let me know you still love me. Oh, and his profile is here.
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