Monday, December 26th, 2011

Christmas gifts

gifts! )

Let me know if I forgot anyone!
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Tuesday, December 6th, 2011

A wild Puff appears!

Hello everyone! I will be your Puff for this game and along with Jill and Angie, I am one of the mods for the game so welcome everyone, I'm really excited to play with you all!

I will be also bringing in Gabriel/ [info]divinemessenger, Sokar/[info]deserthawking, Ra/[info]fatherofthegods, Berith/[info]grandearl, and Amaterasu/[info]shiningkami!

All there information and such is on their journals and I am always up for any kind of plotting with any of them!

Also! If anyone would like to get involved with some clubs, I'm going to shamelessly pimp the Fencing Club and the Knitting Club (which I will finish soon, promise!). Any law student types are also free to join the Law Society which I shall be setting up as well!

But yes! Otherwise ya'all can catch me at princessxbun or at, I promise I've had all my shots and I try not to bite too much. I'm really looking forward to plotting and playing with everyone here though ♥
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