Saturday, June 16th, 2012


It's Kerrin here with her second character, Dionysus, aka William Cheshire. He is Oliver's oldest brother, aka Morpheus.

I never know where to even BEGIN with these things, but here is his application link.

Born and raised in England, being the oldest at 35, he didn't have to follow the family when they moved to the states. As a child he was the type to force the family to sit through his plays, using his younger siblings as scenery. An alcoholic by the age of 14 (age of his first paycheck), he got lucky and got a full ride to a rather good acting school in England. He had a semi decent career in London, and then New York until it all started to go to hell in a handbasket due to alcohol and drugs. He had a long term relationship of 6 years that he ruined due to his severe commitment issues. Since he couldn't really get any more jobs on Broadway, he decided to go back to school to get his masters in theater, with the goal of eventually teaching.

He works at The Empty Orchestra-Ya as a bartender/server.

Powers: 1 Joy: Dionysus was said to cause extreme joy as well as madness based on his mood. William can try to intentionally cause a person to be happy for up to ten minutes. How long this lasts and the exact side effects depends on a person's strength and will. This takes a lot out of him. People will sometimes feel happy simply by being around him.

2 Liver of steel: William's liver is easily made of steel, it has to be to endure all of the nonsense he has put it through over the years. Also, the liver is one of the many body parts that contributes to a hangover the next morning. Also, when you have had too much alcohol, the liver can not produce as much glucose, causing fatigue, moodiness, and weakness. When William gets a hangover, he doesn't experience these side effects, only a horrible headache due to dehydration.

PLOTS, all the plots

EDIT FOR SET: For anyone that it applies to, me and Julie were talking and Set and Skadi dated for two years while Set was in between his masters and right now. Poor Skadi, dealing with Set while he was angrily teaching. All of their siblings would probably know. I wonder if they even lived together :-/ Poor girl.
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