Thursday, September 27th, 2012

k here.

dropping a few of my own due to general muse frustration.

ganymede & zelus & agamemnon & belphegor will be officially out the door. if this is bothersome to anyone, i'm sorry, but, yeah. miri, dear, i'm willing to app someone in that whole big brother position if you'd still want that, but my zelus muse is like. cray-cray inactive.

but i'm staying, and if i can fill any lines for anyone, i'd love to.


- k
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Thursday, September 13th, 2012


I'm not up to playing Metatron. As much as I love him, this simply isn't for him, and there's no reason to force it. Maybe he'll re-emerge from my head as someone else, someday, but for now, this muse needs the rest.

Love you guys. Thanks for playing with him. ♥

- K.
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Sunday, August 26th, 2012


Errybody, meet Shax.

1. You can call him Paul. Or Beverly, but depending on how well he knows you, he'll probably prefer one or the other.
2. He's currently shacked up with Dionysus. In a very platonic sleepover sort of way.
3. He tends bar at the Empty Orchestra-Ya.
4. If you frequent this bar, he's probably tried to hug you more than once.
4a. It's not just because he's naturally affectionate (which he is, he's a very huggy/kissy sort of person).
4b. It's because one of his powers is momentary sensory deprivation. Which means a hug from him could likely deafen a person or cause blindness that lasts for a few minutes or so.
5. He's stolen a lot more than he'll ever let on to anyone. Will try to pick someone's pocket if they're not what he would consider a friend.
6. Business major. Kind of late to the game. Gives no fucks.

TL;DR: Snuggly demonic thief who may or may not talk your character's ear off. Who wants one?

Oh, and because Kerrin asked so nicely,

here's a kiss )

♥ K.
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Sunday, July 15th, 2012



Hey, everyones. This is K with a brand new baby: Agamemnon. He's 35, and if you have a military student at Monte U, he's probably the most dreaded of drill instructors. His name is Xavier Flint, but calling him by his first name probably isn't going to happen much because Sir works just fine he says.

He's a war vet, knows he's Agamemnon, and has one hell of a time with all those repressed emotions about the things in his life he wishes he could care about, like the daughter he has but isn't really allowed to see, and the fact that he's never had a functioning family long enough to know what one looks like.

Other than that, his powers are basically god-like levels of intimidation, and having a voice that could cut through the largest crowd and straight into your eardrums.

His app is here. Er. No. I mean- here.

Come at me, Spartans bros.
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Wednesday, June 20th, 2012


Hi. This is K.

I just can't connect with Adam, and I can't do him justice by struggling through it. I'm sorry if I got your hopes up for interactions with him, which I probably did.

I'd drop him quietly, but I feel like I at least owe you all a notice.

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Monday, June 18th, 2012

hello again.

Hi. :] This is K. You know you missed me. Don't even lie.

I'm kind of on a happy high right now due to finally grabbing myself a job (I THOUGHT IT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN OMG), so I figured I'd wander back to Monte a little earlier than I anticipated. (To be honest, I really do feel better.) So. That's part of the reason why I'm posting here.

Another part of the reason I'm posting here is to introduce you to my newest baby Raijin. He's also known as Raiden, but y'know. He's way cooler than Mortal Kombat Raiden and he thinks you should be stoked to meet him. In this life his name is Fredrick Rackett. But he'll never answer to that. He goes strictly by 'Ricky'. In his spare time, he manages a trashy music review blog, and pretends to be a design student. I say 'pretends', because his actual track record for going to class is pretty awful.

He's part thunder god, part raging asshole. He's sweet in private, he's friendly, he's outgoing, but most importantly, he's loud. In every facet of the word. He talks loud, he listens to loud music, and he likes to hit things and make thunder noises because he can. 8)

However, he's the guy who stomped all over Eros' heart in high school by breaking up with him on graduation day. Because he's an asshole. As previously mentioned. And because he wanted to date other guys. But he really hasn't cared about anyone as much as he cared about Eros since.

If anyone would like an obnoxious, slightly dickish friend, do let me know. ♥

He's also brand-new, so I'm not really sure if there's much to know him from, but I promise to throw him at all of your babies at some point.
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Wednesday, May 23rd, 2012


Hello, hello. This is K, hoping you don't mind me dragging another boy into your midst with Adam!

In this life, his name is Vincenc Hajek. He's Czech, with a slightly heavy accent, and a love for anything outdoorsy. It's where he belongs, after all, though he sometimes silently judges you all for polluting it so much. For shame. He loves the ladies, but he'd rather not get too involved. Because. Y'know. Women aren't to be trusted. He tries not to be sexist about it (that's inappropriate), but it's certainly there. He's had a bad girlfriend or two, and that certainly doesn't help.

He actually hasn't been around Montenegro for very long (He went to college somewhere else for a year before he transferred). So it's doubtful that he knows many people, except for maybe a few of the people he might have signed up for various clubs with, so yes, he is a brand-spanking-new kid, please throw yourself at him.

His 'powers' are:

[Dominion]: Adam is unnaturally good with animals, and can actually name any animal shown to him, even if he hasn't seen it before. Animals usually experience a calm in his presence, as well.

[All the Time in the World]: It's going to be a long, long time before Adam dies. Not that he's aware of this right now, but he will have a very unnaturally long lifespan, upwards of 100 years.

[From the Sweat of his Brow]: Making plants grow is much harder for Adam than it is for most people. If constant care isn't exercised, any plants in his care will wither and die.

Try to have fun with him. He's very much a boy, and he would like all the male company in the world plz thx. Not that you ladies aren't great. :| Honest. You're all very pretty. Just...stay over there somewhere.

come to me, eve bby. ♥
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Monday, April 23rd, 2012

[two new babies!]

HAI, ERRYBODY. I kind of have to make this a quick one, because I have OMGFINALS! everywhere, so I'm just going to give you a brief run-down of who I'm bringing in.~ (And no more after this, I swear it.)

This guy is the one and only lesser YHWH, Metatron.

Things about Metatron you should probably know:
1. His name this time around is Elian, but you can call him Ray.
2. He's adopted. His parents are pretty cool people.
3. He's an obsessive people studier, and he enjoys writing to a degree not yet experienced by mankind.
4. He's an English graduate student, and a freelance author.
5. He's got two awesome powers, and one that isn't so awesome.
5a. He can turn into fire. It's pretty badass, but it takes a while, and it's not like it's dangerous.
5b. He can write anything dictated to him flawlessly, and at speeds that would make anyone else faint. The guy copies entire lectures verbatim.
5c. He's got wicked back problems. He doesn't know why. :(
6. He's put way too much pressure on himself trying to live up to Metatron.
6a. Which makes him a perfectionist.
6b. Which also makes him kind of moody. Even though he's usually the happiest, friendliest guy ever. meh.

AND THAT'S NOT ALL. K is also dragging in:

Nike's big brother, Zelus! Or Zelos.

Things to know about Zelus:
1. Val's big brother.
2. Oh, and his name is Markus.
3. He's in MMA, and has a win/lose streak that's about 50/50.
4. He's got two awesome powers.
4a. He inspires jealousy and rivalry, or makes it more apparent in people that are already jealous/rivals.
4b. He's got this jealous rage going on that lets him win (matches/cardgames/anything he wants) as long as he absolutely detests his rival. He'll come out on top.
5. He's insanely excitable, almost hyperactive, and tends to cause lots of trouble.
6. He's got identifying tics that show up in his interactions both online and in person, such as ending sentences with "yeah?"
7. He's jealous, easily enraged, and an absolutely sore loser.
8. Did I mention that he loves his Nike? He'll take her everywhere, and NONE OF YOU CAN HAVE HER. Because he's a weird protective older brother like that.

(his journal name is [info]zealousgod)

YAY. PLOT, GIMMIE. Zelus could use an ex-girlfriend that could attest to how crazy fucking possessive and jealous he is (he's always a charmer at first, then in with the jealousy and hearts break. ;____;). Metatron could use people he knows through prayer circle/church.
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Wednesday, April 4th, 2012

Voted most likely to try to eat your sun disk, I (K~) bring you this little beauty, and his name is APEP. In this life, he goes by Ash Heartzell, and he is one evil, evil bastard reject child who gets burnt if you leave him out in the sun for too long. His mommy was an adulteress, and his daddy had another wife and a set of awesome, glorious children whom Apep hates with the passion of a thousand burning suns. There's not a lot he doesn't hate with the passion of a thousand burning suns, but we'll elaborate on that later.

His biggest pet peeve is perfection. If you're beautiful, fuck you. If you're nice, fuck you. Sunny disposition? Yeah. Fuck you, too. He knows who he is, and despises his pantheon (he's been watching y'all) because they liked to gang up and spit on him and stab him and things, so he's not exactly too thrilled. His two great loves are darkness, and chaos. He's the type to trip people in the hallways, and spend a lot of time wishing he could just eat people. Arrogant, menacing, and just a little bit crazy, he'll be your type of guy if you don't mind people giving you strange looks.

On that note, his powers read thusly.

He's very easily burned by the sun. We're talking, 15 minutes out on a bright day, and this kid is a goner. He spends a lot of time lurking around inside. It's not as strong through windows, but he does like to keep things dark. (Sorry, roomie.)

He's also resistant to stabbings/burnings/fetterings and just about most forms of physical torture. Things don't hurt him as much as they would hurt a normal person, and he seems to always recover. Always. (Damn that Apep. :|)

There's also this little thing he does with his eyes (they glow!) that can kind of lull a person into a false sense of security. Not very strong, though.

Basically, he's out to shake things up as much as possible, despite being somewhat absent for a year or so. He'll be delighted to wreak havoc on his pantheon, and probably the other ones as well. He's a Fine Arts major, if you're interested in a line that way.

So yeah, this'll be fun. ♥
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Saturday, March 24th, 2012

Hi, everyone. :] This is K, and this brand new (female) baby is Chimera. You'd probably remember her as a dragon-goat-snake-lion thing from Greek mythology, and your characters might remember her as someone who sits in the corner and glares at people.

Three-headed beast incarnate, her mortal name is Spencer Till (age 19). She's got a younger sister, who's gotten knocked up since her leaving home, and an older brother who doesn't do much. Her family is pretty shitty, and she tends to have a pretty shitty way with people as well. She's not exactly mean or spiteful, just...really, really vicious. She comes across as angry even when she doesn't mean to be, but she DOES take offense rather easily. She's pretty much a caged animal at this point, and any little poke tends to set her off. She doesn't like to be coddled, and she doesn't know how to be nice or forgiving, or...well, rational most of the time, so her go-to emotion is anger. Other than that, she's not really fond of socializing, as that gives people the opportunity to set her off. But she's willing to crawl out of her shell from time to time if something is really, really interesting.

In the powers department, she has a set of fangs, feral, lion-like eyes, and she spits fire from time to time. The fire can't be sustained for very log, but it would be enough to set, say, a stack of papers on fire.

All in all, she's a real sweetie. 8] But I think you might find that she's more afraid of being Chimera than anything else. She wants to just accept it and be all vicious and badass, but humanity has kind of made her question whether or not embracing the fact that one was once a hideous creature is really all that intelligent.

♥ Come at me with friends, enemies, anything, really. She doesn't get out much, but she plays videogames if you'd like one of your characters to know her via that. & she's a Zoology major. Feel free to also know her from that. ;3
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Saturday, March 17th, 2012


Hello, beautifuls. ♥ This is K with a sixth new baby (oh, goody), BELPHEGOR, known in this life as Paris Foster.

This is him. And so is this.

He's a horrible little personality with a tendency to jump between typical gender appearances (it's one of his lovely abilities) just to fuck with people. Feel free to have your character mistake him for a girl until told otherwise (dat androgynous name does not help). Despite the pretty (K playing someone pretty, imagine the fuck out of that), he's the laziest thing on two legs. His sin is Sloth, but he's also associated with orgies, belching, misogyny, and shit. Literally, shit. He's a little gross, very vulgar, and very...confusing.

However, he is really bright, and he's got a penchant for inspiring people to invent! So he's not all bad. Maybe. Just don't expect him to do much besides lay around and complain that people want him to do things.

He demands an immediate naptime, and someone to cuddle with and possibly touch inappropriately. Seriously. He's not going to come get anyone himself.

♥ Luci & Bel, and Beelz my loves, you've got a new little brotherrrr~
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Monday, March 12th, 2012

[cdj for k]

Hello, everyones. :]

This is just a heads up, if you notice a [info]nnnarcoticzzz adding you, that's just me. Please don't be frightened. There's nothing to be too incredibly frightened of, I promise.

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Friday, February 17th, 2012

Hey, kids. This is K again (hurr hurr hooray).

And this :

is Nereus.

He'll be taking exactly none of your bullshit.

He's the proverbial "old man of the sea", and as such, he's been teaching Marine Biology since forever. He tries to be as nice as he can, but he has this little problem with being pretty much physically unable to lie to people (a little too blunt, anyone?). He's pleasant, though, and likes to spend his time talking about marine biology-related things and taking care of his goldfish.

He's generally a nice old guy, but he is totally capable of kicking your ass into next week. Though he'd probably settle for a gentle snarking instead. Or at least you'd better hope so.

He also knows a lot about Nereus, including the fact that he has 50-some nymph babies running around. That's always a bit awkward.

I feel like he should know some nymphs or something, really.~ But yes, do what you will with him.
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Thursday, February 16th, 2012

Hi, errybody.~ This is K, and this right here is my newest baby(or, babies), Legion.

He's basically an entire crowd of demons jammed into one body, and they don't always like to agree with each other, which makes for one very, very confusing little man. They're all really trying not to be such a garbled mess, but it hardly ever works out. He's incredibly talkative, though...which could be a good thing if you can put up with having a lot of conversations that don't make sense. Don't expect him to keep any deadlines, or remember anything important, because it's been proven that he just can't manage it. He doesn't make decisions well, and has no sense of making plans, as he's kind of...a nutjob.

He likes to refer to himself in the first person plural, and freak people out, because he tends to do that anyway.

He's also bed-wettingly terrified of angels/saints, and he can sort of sense them, so he'll probably be doing A LOT a bit of flipping the fuck out over that.

Heehee. Yay. :)
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Saturday, February 11th, 2012



Hello, lovelies. Just writing a little note to say that this is Gany's new PB. Ganymede 2.0, if you will. His name is Jaco Van Den Hoven, and he's very, very lovely.

Look him in the face and tell him he's not absolutely adorable. Go ahead. Try it. You'll cry in the process.
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Monday, December 19th, 2011

Intro n' stuff.

Hey, everyone, I'm K, I'm 18, and I'm completely new here. So I'm kind of nervous and excited to actually talk to you for the first time, goes. :)
I'm bringing you Narcissus, aka Dorian Keely (hooray for literary references~) the infamously jerkish pretty-boy. There's nothing about him that isn't 100% fake, and he's pretty alright with that, because he's pretty, and pretty works for him. Frankly, it's the only thing that works for him, as he's not incredibly bright, or sympathetic, or remotely useful.
He may, over the course of time, try to talk your character into buying him things, doing his homework, and telling him how 'pretty' he is. Possibly all three at once.
Additionally, he's pretty apathetic about getting a degree, though he'll probably get one anyways if people keep doing his work for him.
All in all, he's pretty simple, and may introduce some delicious, delicious drama.
Yays. aim me @ sleepyvanity if you wanna play sometime. :)
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