Thursday, December 29th, 2011

Hi everyone, I'm Jewels and this is Death. As in one of the four Horsemen. Or Horseladies in her case. Her mortal name is Janie Griggs and she's the professor of autopsy pathology. Thankfully for most, her class is a lot of computer work now. Sadly they don't have a lot of hands on stuff, which saddens her. If she meets someone who is going to die within a year, she'll know how, when and where. She wanted to be a medical examiner but because of her dreams and the whole reincarnation thing, she got her degree to teach and she's been here about two years.

Don't talk to her about her mortal family. They think she's weird. She's nice enough but strange. It's REALLY hard for her to get angry and she can be on the super nosy side.

Oh and she's a house mother for a sorority because that's just hilarious.

I look forward to getting to know you all. If anyone wants to plot, hit me up. She needs all kinds of plots. Friends, enemies, people who aren't afraid of her, people who are, ex's etc.
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