Monday, February 20th, 2012


So hey there guys. Cheers. I'm sure you were probably expecting this. I always find a reason to hang around this part of town at this time of the month.

So meet Amelia Lalaine, aka Sif. She doesn't know she's Sif though. She just kind of knows. She's a widow and a culinary arts instructor.

The syllabus for her Food Commodities class

Feel free to take it, she's an easy teacher. She just wants to see everyone succeed. She's very soft hearted, and also very tiny, coming in at only 5 foot even. She was born to a junkie, adopted by nice people, failed to thrive as a baby and was eventually diagnosed with Crohn's disease. So yeah.

She also runs the Gardening Club

Basically, the gardening club tends the greenhouses she uses to amuse herself and grow food for the lab portion of her class.

So...yeah. Tada. And stuff.
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Tuesday, January 24th, 2012


Man guys, how embarrassing for me. So I was driving through your neighborhood, as I'm wont to do I'm not a stalker, why would you think that?, and my car ran out of gas. Fiddlesticks for me, I should have been better prepared. I totally wasn't looking for an excuse to hang out here, never.

Anyway, since you all will undoubtedly help a girl out, I've decided I'm leaving another gift. I'm generous that way. I'm giving you my lucky Penny, also known as Penelope. Penelope would consider herself entirely less lucky, but shh, we don't have to listen to her.

She comes to you in the form of Kate Harper, who is tiny, emotional, and totally hiding it behind science. She cries easily, likes to use her shoes as weapons, and is studying psychology to conquer the least understood part of humanity, the mind. It is insulting to her that there is something she doesn't understand, so she has to fix that. Kate is far more emotional than she'd ever let on. Emotions are overwhelming and uncontrollable, and she dos not approve. This is partly why she has a hard time accepting the fact that she's Penelope.

She totally knows she's Penelope, but she doesn't completely accept it. She's kind of convinced if she studies enough she'll be able to separate herself from this little issue. She wants to be Kate, not Penelope. Penelope leaves big shoes to fill, and she's not quite sure she's up to the task.

So there it is. A shiny new Penny, just for you!
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Saturday, December 31st, 2011

Hi guys. Hi. I was just in the neighborhood and stuff. Thought I'd bring you a present. It's a Dionysus, and it's pretty cool. See how cute it is? Adorable. Really. Just want to pinch his little cheeks, don't you?

Make sure you read his instructions. He's kind of nuts, so the instructions are pretty important. He goes by Dennis Doyle sometimes, but he's been pretty keen on this whole Dionysus thing since he was a kid. He knows nothing of personal space, has no problem lying to you if he thinks the lie is more interesting than the truth, and is a theater student. So yeah.

As for me, I'm Cee. I'm not nearly as cool. But I'm less likely to tell you that I'm a reformed lion tamer than he is, so I have that going for me.

You can get in touch with me on AIM under the name lawntkaypo. It's an obscure reference that no one ever understands, but I'm attached to it.

So have a happy new year and all that jazz. Looking forward to jumping into the fray!
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