Tuesday, January 24th, 2012


Oh. Well.

This pretty young thing is Ganymede. You can call him anything you want to, though. He's pretty cool with...everything anyone does ever. Including kidnapping him in a past life and making him a godly, immortal plaything. *cough* He also turned 18 three whole days ago. Three whole days of adulthood, and he's pretty much ready to call that whole 'adult' thing quits. He's pretty terrified of the whole thing, really, as he's spent most of his life being relatively sheltered, and then...well, wham, he's in Colorado with his parents still off in Dortmund, Germany.

He's not entirely aware of being 'Ganymede' so to speak, but what he does remember is Zeus scaring the hell out of him at one point, and he's not exactly too fond of that memory. It gives him nightmares every once in a while.

Basically, he doesn't know much about anything. Not that he's stupid, but he definitely doesn't know a damn thing about being an adult. He talks to strangers, and may be ridiculously gullible. RIDICULOUSLY GULLIBLE.

His English isn't always terribly great either. He's been taught English since he was a kid, but...there are still a few things he hasn't quite gotten yet (mostly slang, and innuendo). He tries very very hard, though.

Please, someone just take care of him before he hurts himself or gets assaulted or something.
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